
2 Reviews
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I Expected To Hate This Movie... I LOVED It!
15 July 2016
I just wanna start off by saying that most of the negative reviews on here are from people who haven't yet seen the movie, who hate the direction it went in with an all female cast, and generally just hate that they remade one of their childhood favourites and are butthurt, so ignore them.

Ever since the first trailer came out I thought this looked awful, me and some of my work colleagues talked about how unfunny it looked and how some of the scenes looked cringe- worthy. The day it came out in England I had a chance to see it for free - from what I thought the movie was gonna be like there would have been no way in hell I would've paid to see it, but it was free, my friends wanted to see it and I do like Wigg, McCarthy and Hemsworth so thought I might as well go. I am so glad that I did. The movie is nothing like what I expected, it was actually funny, it had so many great references to the original and it was just an all-round fun movie! I was gutted when it finished since I wanted more. All the cast are brilliant and have their own hilarious moments and one liners, especially Hemsworth who was hilarious. I loved trying to spot the cameos from the old cast. My only nitpick is the 3rd act where it did get a little bit CGI heavy, but even still it was fun to watch and still had laugh out loud moments - the whole audience were in stitches throughout the whole film. I'll definitely be buying this on DVD when it is released. I also wanna mention that the comedy in this film is very much like the directors previous films (Bridemaids, Spy and The Heat, all of which I loved) so if you didn't enjoy those 3 movies or find them funny, you probably won't like the humour in Ghostbusters - but if you did, you'll love this movie!
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Amazing Series... If I Do Say So Myself :P
26 October 2011
I'll start off by saying that I am Ryan, one of the contestants from the series - so I guess I'm being biast, but oh well.

This was an amazing series, I really enjoyed the first 2 series' and really enjoyed both filming and watching this series back - it was an experience I will never forget and we all learnt so much.

I do think that on some episodes the parents chose the wrong people, and some people should have gone before they did, or should have lasted longer than they did - but overall I think it was a great series.

It's definitely worth a watch, and a lot of the contestants (including me), you might hate, or love to hate - but every reality series needs it's villain I guess :P.

I hope you all enjoy the series as much as I did.
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