
2 Reviews
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Generic horror movie
20 February 2021
I would give this movie 3 stars had Logan Paul not played in it (it takes a desperate company to hire a POS with his history.) The movie was another, "I did something online while drunk, AGAINST MY WILL, that I am now getting punished for. DESPITE THE FACT THAT I DIDN'T POST IT MYSELF!!!? " This type of horror is tired. Its annoying, lazy, and disrespectful to the genre.
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Criminal Minds: Haunted (2009)
Season 5, Episode 2
I live in Los Louisville
11 April 2019
I live in Louisville, KY and I can promise you that absolutely NO ONE speaks like that. I've never met a police officer or any other citizen who speaks that way. I have always loved this television program, however, the "southern"accent is atrocious. We do not omit letters from a word or speak as though we are from the backwoods of the deep South where we've never encountered another human being or been educated. We are articulate and capable of forming complet sentences, opinions, and independent thought . I'm offended by the way that we are represented. Perhaps, they should do research before depicting a city that way .
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