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The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
The old with the new
4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Old characters, ships and legends become new again. The best skirmish in star wars history. This show is showing what disney is capable of. The star wars franchise is so back. Every week I'm just a kid again. Strap it in.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 12: The Siege (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
About to reach new heights
20 November 2020
This show is on the precipice of becoming a cultural phenomenon. Everything that star wars is meant to be. It looks great the story seems like it's going to deliver something original and exciting, but has just enough easter eggs to make this exceptional every week is a better
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A heartbreaking American love story
8 September 2020
From start to finish you see a pair of people that are as close to a match made in heaven as youre going to get. However, given the circumstances their relationship is impossible and every happy moment is quickly wiped away with the dread of realizing this can never work. Ennis and Jack so distinctly different in their perspectives of the relationship they share make for a complex and deeply tragic relationship. You wish Ennis and Jack could have just been born at a different time and a different place.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Perfect balance
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As I watched this show I kept saying this had the perfect balance of drama and comedy, love and hate, happiness and sadness. There isn't a single character in this show, besides maybe Vlad, that you can definitively say is one thing or the other.

You start out loathing Peter for the horrible person that he is but by the end of the first season you feel sad for him and feel like he could be better and had been getting better.

Catherine is an optimist who cares about the layman and wants people to be liberated through education and freedom of speech, yet by the end of the season a part of me wanted her to lose.

Velementov the drunk whose soul has been destroyed by meaningless bloody war. Has great moments of humanity and really ugly moments of sexual deviance

Leo a tender character whose love for Catherine is so real but he's too afraid to hurt himself by looking into a future without hope he spreads vile cartoons about the one he loves.

Archie a character who was no doubt a political animal, but I also felt everything he did was truly in service of strongly held religious convictions.

I could go on every actor played their character to perfection. Everyone was gray the "good" characters could be bad and the "bad" characters good.
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Was not expecting to happy cry today
28 June 2020
My Freshman year of college I studied abroad in Iceland and I still cherish the memories of my time there. I'm not sure there's a more charming country with a more charming people than Iceland. This movie reminded me of all the good times I had there now that I've graduated (go class of 2020!)

The leads acting was funny genuine and sweet and I never thought Will Ferrell could make me feel this way but the love story between Lars and Rachel McAdams sigrit is one of my new all time favs.

Just a really sweet and charming movie I loved it
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1917 (2019)
Flawless to my amateur eye
10 March 2020
This movie reminded me a lot of Dunkirk because of the emotions it forces you to deal with from start to finish. And The King because of the way in which it depicts war. This movie has you tense from start to finish. You're constantly worrying what horrible thing is going to happen next to all of these young largely innocent boys and men. No one on either side of no man's land was responsible for the war and yet they were the ones paying the worst price. I always wonder how many incredible athletes, teachers, musicians, doctors and etc. Are lost in conflicts like this.

The movie doesn't shy away from violence, but unlike some war movies that are more about the action and explosion of war this one like the king, wanted you to deal with the misery. In the king you see how small wars in that era were. In 1917 you see how large and random they are, but the portrayal of battle was significantly more quiet than I expected. Who knows what is truly accurate, but im the same age as many of those people that fought in that war and it gripped my heart like no other movie has. Incredible.
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The King (I) (2019)
I have never enjoyed feeling miserable more.
14 February 2020
As I was watching this I kept telling my friend how miserable I felt the entire time. Everything from the apparent squalor of the time period to the absolute misery of that eras form of war made me feel miserable, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Dunkirk is another one of these films where the entire time you're feeling nothing but negative emotions, however, by the end of it you come out feeling like you witnessed true art. It will forever be incredible to me how artists are able to toe that line so gracefully. Great film.
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