6 Reviews
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1883 (2021–2022)
Strong Start Then Lost It's Way
7 October 2023
Started off ok then got really mundane towards the end... Ten episodes was far too long, got to five then wanted to give up, but got that far so might as well see it through.. Some serious high profile stars in there which must have cost Paramount an absolute fortune.. Even the great Sam Elliot couldn't save it... Isabel May showed what a promising career she has in front of her.. 👍 Tim McGraw held is own.. Faith Hill has the acting skills of a block of cheese.

Backed up with several decent not so known actors this could have been so much better... Storyline was actually very good it was just dragged out they could have easily done that on 6 parts and put more into them.. Not overly sad there's not a second season tbh!
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Mob Land (2023)
17 September 2023
Shockingly bad.. And I mean bad!!!

Poorly acted, Even the legendary John Travolta couldn't save this pile of garbage.. If Steven Dorf is in it then you pretty much know it's gonna be pants anyway, But you never know.. Lame same old storyline, backed up with some seriously lame acting.. The first few minutes started off ok, I thought hmmm let's give it a chance you never know, then went downhill quicker than a cross country skier.. I know it's a B-Movie but even still you need something to keep your interest.. Only made it to 50 odd minutes before turning it off or slitting my wrists.. Went for the safer option in the end...
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Ninja Warrior UK (2015–2022)
1 October 2022
What have they done to this programme???

Can clearly see that the ELITE' Ninjas walking and pausing between obstacles to allow 'contestants' a bit of breathing space...

It's an ultimate race to the finish again elite athletes so why would they dawdle along if you're meant to get to the end in the quickest time.. doesn't make sense or good viewing...

Spoils viewing really as clearly staged so a few contestants have to win to make it viable, shame as it's not a bad show...

Either do it realistically or stick to the original show..

Great show with good hosts but spoilt by the obvious pantomime of it...
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Marriage (2022)
14 August 2022
Jeez I knew Sean Bean was hard up for an acting job but Christ what a load of tripe If this is what licence payers money goes on then I'll have a refund!
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Absolute Garbage
30 March 2022
Have no words.. Absolute tripe..load of has beens Ridiculous script ridiculous cast If that's the best ". NEW" programme Uk Gold can come up with I'll cancel my sky subscription., Dunno what else I can add.
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3 May 2019
Absolute rubbish... Loved all the others even bought on blue ray This was a tragic attempt of continuing an absolutely brilliant franchise they should be ashamed of themselves!!! Shame can't rate minus!! NOT happy!!! 😡
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