
3 Reviews
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Parasite (1982)
The budget went into the Lamborghini Countach
21 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Demi Moore looked kinda sweet. Otherwise the film was a mess. A silly script and sillier characters. Still, I thought the film was a lot of fun to watch. It had some scary moments. That creature was really lame dripping it's goop all over the place. I agree that when the creature dropped from the ceiling it was kinda scary. When the Merchant finally got his comeuppance, you could clearly see the fire-suit helmet. If a propane tank that size exploded, I doubt if you could find any body pieces. The price of premium gasoline was $40.57. The time setting of the film must have been just a few years into our future.

So if you want to watch this film, just sit back and get ready for some laughs. After watching this film I thought I should go into the movie making business. I know I could do a movie just as well in a week's time.
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Very entertaining movie, indeed
17 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many things that were funny about this movie. I loved the way Toomey's father chewed him out when he was a little boy saying what an A-minus and a B were worth. B stands for BUM. You wanna dig ditches for the rest of your life. They're coming for you. The Langoliers are gonna chew you up. There are NO EXCUSES. That stuff reminds me of drill instructors and their seriously stupid motivational clichés.

I liked when Bethany fell face down on the violin student's lap. Probably five minutes elapsed before he lifted her up. I know he liked that.

When landing the plane at Bangor the cockpit angle was so steep like a dive bomber, yet any commercial plane comes in nose up that short a distance from the airport.

The movie was so ridiculous it was really fun to watch. The whole concept of multi-dimensional matter- and time-eating Pacmen was totally insane. Though, if you really think about that if you get out of phase with time it's pretty scary. Let me tell you lazy slackers that you'd better watch out.
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The Yakuza (1974)
Excellent film
16 December 2006
I just saw the film on HD cable TV the other night. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was a darn good movie. I had wondered if they were gonna have any fake Japanese actors and I was glad they didn't. Heck, Memoirs of a Geisha had Gong Li and Ziyi Zhang acting as Japanese. How twisted is that with so many fine Japanese actors and actresses.

giri=responsibility=burden. Robert Mitchum and Ken Takakura had one heck of a friendship plus that complicated relationship with Keiko Kishi (the revealed relationship was quite a surprise to me). I can't ever imagine an American/Westerner sacrificing his pinky. Richard Jordan sure didn't get it. He had asked, like, why bother with the obligation, just forget about it.

I sure wish there were more films like this made in collaboration with Japan. That swordfight at the Yakuza house was very well choreographed. None of that ultra-slick "Ichi, the Blind Masseur" stuff. It's a shame that Ken Takakura couldn't have made some films in America. He was one cool dude.
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