
41 Reviews
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Black Adam (2022)
Slow mo the movie
26 December 2022
What is it with DC movies and slo mo......,

This movie is like 70% slowmotion and its annoying. The acting is not that great......... The only one worth watching is Pierce Brosnan........

They really need to look at the Batman......that movie was refreshing and old school at the same time...... I know they are two different stories..... but they wanted this to be dark and adult and fun at the same time. It didn't work at all.

The movie falls flat. The cgi is not that great. It's like a bad videogame cut scene.

I was hoping this movie would surprise me and maybe start a new era of DC movies. But i was sadly disappointed.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Lost interest really fast
22 July 2022
It started promising then it when downhill really fast and got really blurry with the action. The main character was not really interesting or likeable. So I really didn't care what happened to him. The action was okay tho, but a mediocre movie in the end.
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What was this ?
28 June 2022
This movie is a disaster. The editing sucks, the acting from some of the actors are so bad it hurts. This is not resident evil, not even close. You can put racoon city/ umbrella logo's all over it, that doesn't make it resident evil. I don't now who green light this but it shouldn't have been made.
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Choose or Die (2022)
So bad
16 April 2022
So bad it hurts. I can not recommend this film to any horror fan.. It's plain boring and bad acting. It's not scary at all. The idea is cool the execution is terrible..
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Peaky Blinders: Episode #3.6 (2016)
Season 3, Episode 6
Really bad season
22 February 2022
A bad season and a mediocre finally for it. A slow and boring episode. 9.6 is way to high.. So that's why I give it a 1. This episode is a 5 as most..
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Supernatural: Jump the Shark (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
Good episode but one thing..
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dean should already know that he was dealing with ghouls.. But yeah more fighting is better. So they needed Sam to tell him after he took the first shot..
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Just wow
18 December 2021
If you are just going to almost do the same as the first movie with everything.. Why even bother? It's so bad and the humor is none, except one joke with buzz.

Not worth watching...
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Hush (I) (2016)
Not that good
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It started out good and interesting.. But they destroyed what was good and the suspension really fast. They unmasked the murder to quickly. So many moments the main character did stupid decisions over and over again.. She could had killed the murder so many times over it gave me headache..

Watch midnight mass not long ago.. Saw that book in the movie.. Then I understood why I feel like I do.. Same writer and director..

It was not the worst movie I watched but not 5 stars good either.. Maybe 4 stars.
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Cruella (2021)
So much music
28 August 2021
The music is to much. It's everywhere, sometimes over the dialogs so you don't hear anything. The movie is okay, a bit too long.
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The songs
8 August 2021
The songs and the singing is not good. It's not a bad episode but it's not that good either. I think people give this to much praise. It's maybe a 5-6 star episode.
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The Marksman (2021)
Kinda boring
4 August 2021
It's kinda boring and slow. Not original and felt like watching Rambo last blood again. Painful memories.
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Good child movie
16 May 2021
A movie for children. Not for us fans who as played these games since the beginning. It tries to be for adults some times but fails. The jokes a obvious and not that funny. Jim Carrey is a good touch do. A Good movie for children.
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This movie sucks
7 May 2021
Don't watch it. It's so bad and the acting is so bad. The script is bad. Just plain bad..
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Not worth 6 stars
16 March 2021
It's an okay movie.. But a bit to over the top for me. To much Pickering between characters. It was fun the first time.. But an okay action movie..
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He shoot my dog
7 March 2021
He shoot my dog. That's all you need to know. The writing is so bad and the story is not anything like the old ones. The acting feels bad. Keanu is really good but berry is not. To much action, I like action parts in the other ones but this is to much...
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7 February 2021
I love John Rambo but this was so bad. Bad acting and bad plot. This is not a rambo movie. This is Taken but not a good take on it..
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15 January 2021
When a movie wanted Samuel Jackson but got the third best option. The story is meh. The action is okay. Not bad but not good..
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So bad..
11 January 2021
Jack is back and he really shouldn't be....

This is bad.. So bad..
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Onward (I) (2020)
Should had been jack black
24 October 2020
The brother to Ian should had been jack black who did the voice acting.. Nothing against Chris pratt. But the brother feels so much jack black to me. Otherwise a good movie..
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
Lost focus really quick
18 October 2020
None of the actors a specially good. You do not connect with them and you really don't care about them. So when someone die you don't feel anything, just emptiness and some joy that it is soon over.
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It's meh.
12 October 2020
This series is just meh. Not scary, not hard to understand the plot before it's happens. A meh series with some good acting and I was really hoping this would be a scary and intriguing. But no.
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4 October 2020
Mediocre movie. Not that fun to watch and the vampires are really bad looking. One actress is way to old to play a kid.
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25 September 2020
A rehash of the first movie but somehow they made it worse and so cringe. Not a good movie at all.
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The Umbrella Academy: Öga for Öga (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
14 August 2020
Vanya is so bad, Ellen page is so bad. This episode was bad.
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Altered Carbon: The Killers (2018)
Season 1, Episode 10
Glad its over
18 March 2020
Glad it's over. It Was mediocre thru and thru. Poe will be missed.
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