
9 Reviews
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Shetland (2013– )
A Season of Missed Opportunities - Shetland Season 8
3 January 2024
Loved Seasons 1 - 7 of Shetland that had it all -- a great lead/character; excellent supporting cast/characters; interesting storylines; along with natural character development woven into the stories.

But cut to Season 8, and not only did the series lose its central character, but much of the supporting elements that made the previous 7 seasons so compelling.

Doug Henshall's character of Jimmy Perez gave the series an admirable hero -- honest; committed to doing the right thing; realistic, with wisdom gained through experience; committed to his work; smart; caring; and purposeful. You wanted to see Jimmy and his team overcome challenges and succeed in solving not only their cases, but also their personal struggles.

In contrast, the Ruth Calder character is dishonest; manipulative; selfish; reckless; incompetent; and irrational/emotional. As likeable as Jimmy Perez was, is how unlikeable the Ruth Calder character is. If DI Ruth is intended as a Jimmy Perez stand-in/replacement ... it simply doesn't work ... plus she lies to Tosh! Because the DI Ruth character is so problematic, she also doesn't bond with the existing Perez team and the team dynamic that used to be so strong is gone. Ashley Jensen is receiving a lot of criticism for her portrayal, but that may be misplaced, as the DI Ruth character is truly awful and as such, she doesn't have much to work with.

Another miss was in not developing the Tosh character, who would have been the worthy and natural successor to Perez. Tosh shares the same character traits that made Perez a hero. Up to this season, the audience has watched Tosh grow under Perez's direction and it would have been interesting to watch her continued journey in taking over the team and seeing how she would develop her skills in solving complex cases.

Another miss -- the absence of Julie Graham -- although her role was generally limited, her Rhona Kelly, procurator fiscal character was smart and professional -- a memorable foil for Perez. The Harry Lamont character now fulfilling this role was in contrast, silly and annoying.

If there is a Season 9, I hope the writers return to the core characters/cast and develop them -- nurturing the seeds planted by Jimmy Perez.
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Obsession (2023)
Remake of Damage -- Don't Mess with Perfection
25 July 2023
If you've seen the original Louis Malle Damage, don't waste your time and have your memories "damaged" by seeing this remake. If you haven't seen the original yet, skip this version and go straight to the original -- it is stunning, shocking, and moving in a way that's hard to capture.

Of the many things this remake doesn't get right, the ending in Obsession is perhaps the most flawed and egregious. The writing goes in different direction that manages to completely lose the emotional wallop of the original storyline and marginalizes the roles for the actors in playing out the tragedy as it unfolds with the grief, loss, sorrow, and brokenness.

In the original, from the shock moment of the son's discovery of the betrayals by his father and Anna, the emotional reactions of each of the main characters are so vivid and finely etched, that years later, they still haunt. Miranda Richardson as the mother; Rupert Graves as the son; Jeremy Irons as the father; Juliette Binoche as Anna; and Leslie Caron, as Anna's mother.
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Domina (2021–2023)
Gross & unwatchable
14 December 2022
Bailed on this after about 30 minutes (including fast forwarding to get past some of the vapidity in the hopes of something, anything promising) into the 1st episode where the parade of Hollywood cliches included human slaughter; animal slaughter; a black female lead using a naked white male for anatomical demonstration purposes; hideous sex; breastfeeding; and a urination scene.

It's as if the writers recognized just how completely stupid the dialog was that they'd written and how insipid the characters were, and thought, well let's toss in what we think will shock, gross-out, or titillate the audience -- maybe that will somehow cover-up for the fact that all we have here is dreck. And pretty low grade dreck at that.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Weird music & oddness does not a story make
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Florence Pugh is a talented actress, the cinematography is lovely, and there certainly could have been an interesting story here, but instead, weird music and generalized oddness is substituted for a meaningful story.

Introducing that the fourth wall would be broken at the beginning of the story created expectations that something would come of it, but then it didn't develop, so the purpose of doing so is the only mystery there.

Perhaps most disturbing was the way that the plotline of incest between the deceased son and the starving daughter was introduced, but then never really addressed -- either from the religious perspectives that the story is steeped-in or from the perspective of the traumas and psychological damages extending across and motivating the behaviors of Anna's family. Instead, the significance of Anna revealing this truth and how it has contributed to her starvation as an atonement is treated as kind of a ho-hum, its out there, let's move on moment. I mean surely, this should have merited more than a casual mention?

Other reviewers have also noted the weird, jarring musical score and I can but confirm having had the same reaction -- i.e., please make it stop.

I really wanted this to be a wonder-ful movie, but unfortunately, no.
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A Little Gem
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a slow starter for me with the first episode focusing on a storyline around domestic violence, which was hard to watch, but as the main characters of Tannie Maria, Jessie, Hattie, the Chief Detective and officers started to develop, I was hooked.

As a new series, the storylines are different, unexpected, and woven together to get to a satisfying series end conclusion -- in and of itself, a welcome development! But that's not all -- it's beautifully filmed, the actors are terrific, and the food, oh the food ... you wish you were there to have a sample! A pet chicken debuts as a delightful companion to the main character, so there's that as well!

I hope this series generates enough interest for it to have follow-on seasons.
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Suspect (I) (2022– )
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the James Nesbitt character swagger around from episode to episode threatening, bullying, and in general being a totally dislikable moron, the implausibility of the plot becomes just too overwhelming.

As hot messes go, this is right up there -- the Nesbitt character is ridiculous: he abandoned his daughter years ago when she was a teenager, is currently estranged from her, but now assumes the role of a caring Dad who screws over his job, colleagues, and career in an effort to "solve" what he believes is her murder; he's untethered generally, but also apparently has no home and doesn't exist within any daily life parameters; he threatens and bullies multiple people, including leaving the scene of accident with someone near death, but somehow everybody just keeps humoring him (despite the fact that at minimum, he's an insufferable jerk, or for the most part, is dangerously dysfunctional); and in spite of being a known danger, he isn't being tracked by the police; etc.

What a shame to waste the talents of brilliant, and generally highly watchable actors like Ben Miller, Joely Richardson, and Richard E. Grant.
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Long, pretentious, pointless -- it ain't about the art
15 March 2022
"Diaries" that should have been left as private, never to be printed, let alone read in a video format -- for what is mostly revealed is an insecure, dull, and small personality. If you're hoping for insights into the art, you won't find them here and will be left thinking Warhol was nothing more than just some guy, who happened to do something different/interesting by accident, and had the luck of good timing.

The color commentators (e.g., Jerry Hall, Bob Colacello) who were interviewed to provide insight and context didn't fare much better, and came across like survivors of a time of excess drugs and sex, who are still looking to provide any sense of meaning or purpose to it all.

Cautiously entering into the 4th episode, and already reaching the "make it stop" point, the plot (?) veered into a tangent around gay culture ... so, ok enough. Another one to add to the list of Netflix bombs that could have been something, but devolved into a hot mess with no direction or point.
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Lost Daughter? -- More Like Lost, Pointless Movie
2 January 2022
What an incredibly odd, pointless, and meaningless movie/story. Not one, single likeable character in the whole story. No one appears to have any sort of meaningful purpose or coherence to their life, but rather the characters simply exist to showcase rude, narcissistic, and dysfunctional behaviors that set-up ugly interactions that take place. These series of unpleasant interactions are then what comprises the "story" of the movie. Oh, and there are some awkward, embarrassing sex scenes thrown-in to ... well, actually they really don't seem to have a purpose either. Avoid this one and don't make my mistake in thinking it would be good, given excellent actors like Olivia Coleman, Ed Harris, etc.
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Partir (I) (2009)
Unsatisfying on many levels
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Storyline is basically that a privileged, bored woman embarks on an affair for no particular reason other than she's bored. Kristen Scott Thomas is a wonderful actress, but there wasn't much to be sympathetic about with the character she portrayed -- someone destructive to herself and those around her.

With no explanation or reasoning the Suzanne character chucks her marriage; family; a life built with that family; and a potential future for all of them. She does so in a callous manner with apparently little thought or consideration of the consequences for all concerned. A modern day "Madam Bovary" with a central character as equally unappealing.
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