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Ahsoka: Part One: Master and Apprentice (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
When people care about their characters in Star Wars it hits
27 August 2023
It's been a long time since I've been lost, and I don't really know who's who, but I can see that things still aren't moving forward in this galaxy ^^ But Dave Filoni is the chosen one here because he's been involved in everything, and he really cares about these characters. And you can feel it. The storyline is... it's ChatGPT, you know... but they film the characters as if they love them, and it eventually becomes evident. There's silence, long samurai-like gazes, it's not constantly chattering like in other Star Wars, we stay where we're comfortable (there's nothing to tell anyway), you can even see the actors' eyes, something that those $100k cameras don't seem to know how to capture usually. In short, for me, it's a thumbs up. You can tell he knows why things are the way they are, that the director genuinely cares about these people, and it shows.
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Meta is the name of this Entity
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is a meta-narrative at work here that is being explicit and interestingly played upon. In fact, the Entity should have been called "Meta" it would have been closer to what device it serves in the film. Of course the name was taken.

META : "The Entity - the artificial intelligence - operates as follows:

It can calculate all probabilities. In its calculations, it determines which character is most interesting for self-protection (who should steal the keys ?). Therefore, it makes predictions by using the character motive (the thief comes in handy), the psychology of individuals and then subtly guides them in its plan without their knowledge.

There is a significant underlying subtext that could highly explain the second part of the movie (whether accepted or not). In addition to the narrative element of a "sentient" code to destroy the world, there is a perspective regarding this entity: The Entity functions as the all-powerful screenwriter of the Mission Impossible film, it is the story.

The Entity utilizes its computational power to manipulate human beings with fifty moves ahead. This is how the characters realize they are faced with inevitability, questioning which choice is the right one. It is like a screenwriter trying to make its way to the final chapter.

The Entity uses one and then the other, but of course, it fears a character: Ethan Hunt (obviously). Why? Because he is the only one who is not interested in power and whose motivation is devoid of personal interest. He will do what is right, even if it puts him in danger, because "he will protect other's life more than his own" (it's the pinnacle of improbability: sacrificing oneself). Essentially, he will use the keys to destroy the AI. Therefore, there is concern from the AI that it must get rid of him.

There is a scene where the IMF heroes try to predict the AI's calculations and make Ethan Hunt promise not to kill the villain because it is an acceptable scenario for the AI. It would win since no one would know how to use the keys. Ethan Hunt understands and swears not to kill him, he says it through dialogue - as for the audience but also because the AI obviously listens to conversations, perhaps through phones.

Then comes the final duel, and what happens? Ethan Hunt decides at the last second that he will still kill the villain, even though it makes no sense from a narrative standpoint and everything will be lost, it blows up the plot. But Ethan Hunt is exactly what the AI cannot tolerate: unpredictability. He doesn't think within the context of normal probabilities. It is worth remembering that the first action sequence happens in an airport, where all the alleys and paths are numbered and arrows direct the characters.

Another explicit scene occurs when something happens to Pom Klementieff that could make her turn against her crime boss and betray the villains (apologies for the terms). The AI realizes this although only the audience has seen her reaction in Venice after the fight with Ethan Hunt, the AI calculates the probability and finds this: Pom will betray the group, so it orders the villain to preemptively kill her, even though she herself didn't know she would go that far (she explicitly states after receiving the almost fatal blow that she is surprised that the villain's reason to kill her was because she would betray him, and that he was right - no one would have expected a furious character like Paris to betray the bad guys as she seemed the most evil and crazy from the start, it was a complete shock but that is the point).

In fact, within the screenplay or the filmmaking itself, the AI acts as a screenwriter of a Mission Impossible film, calculating plot points. Ethan Hunt is the hero, he is the one who makes decisions that disrupt the causes and consequences until he breaks free from the plot and saves people.

Furthermore, the opening credits consist of a trailer showcasing all the scenes we are about to see (as was done in a certain serial era). It might be worth investigating whether these quick excerpts confirm or contradict the unfolding of the story based on the characters' actions. It's possible that some of the previewed images never actually occured at all. It was like the AI's vision, its prediction. And also the trailer as a device.

It may not reach the level of a Kubrick film where everything aligns perfectly, but it's present, it is explicit, and it's amusing to see further with this film, whether the movie can claim a potentially underestimated depth.

The AI is the script of the Mission Impossible charade, and Ethan Hunt is the one who must break free from the walls. And that works on all level of the narrative.
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Careful with the HFR
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a strong Avatar believer, love the first one, been seeing Cameron movies in theaters since I'm 10, so I'm ready for this movie to surprise me more and more. Alos went to see the Avatar 1 remastered in IMAX 3D and boy it is my favorite version, it is truly one of the greatest.

Something is odd with Avatar 2 and I'm very sad, but I think the movie can be very different depending on the format you chose. My first viewing was opening day in IMAX 3D HFR and I had a very very difficult experience that took me out of the movie. The film switches between 24fps and 48 fps if I clearly understood. Well it seems some people will be very sensitive to that transition, some won't. I was assaulted by it. Meaning I didn't really perceived the movie as intended the first time, it was totally absurd in the first part for me. Everything felt jerky one second, super smooth the other, as if the movie was accelerating and decelerating in the middle of simple shots. You can imagine I almost left the theater.

I have asked around me, on Twitter, everywhere, it seems some people are very sensitive to it, some aren't. I'm one of the super sensitive apparently.

The glimpse I had of what's good is when everything becomes smooth and 48fps, especially in the ocean sequences. Please stay on one frame rate next time.

It is certainly one of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My eyes were weeping without any reason, just by this light shining from the screen, lightened as the reflection of the sun upon water. I didn't see time passing, I didn't realize the 3 hours length, I thought it only started when it ended. People who made this movie are geniuses and Cameron is truly 20 years in advance of everyone else.

In general, I think the audience was more children-oriented in the way everything was expressed but the beauty is there and I didn't mind. The most important is that the movie works with kids and still stay an Avatar universe.

I don't think that there is any movie like Avatar 2. I think we need to see many more Avatar movies and expect a lot of improvement on the storytelling. This is the launch of bigger arcs and bigger narratives and man, even if I didn't like this or that, please carry on. Can you imagine what will come from these movies ? Space, Pandora forest again, desert, Earth...

When I look at the Weeknd clip, I know that the 2D version is great and that's what I will see again because the HFR is not for me. It literally slaps my face when it changes from one rate to the other. I'm sad but anyway, I know that I will see this movie multiple times and enjoy it more and more, once I get used to it.

At the end of the day, I want this movie to succeed, I want to revisit, I want to find my format for this film and I don't care if it is silly at times, or not very developed, this is straight in the list of the most beautiful movies ever made. I don't even understand how it was possible. You really had to be Cameron to release something like this. Man, your name is forever engraved in cinema history.
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My first horror film
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was ten, I was alone, the only thing I knew about horror was Toth-Amon from Conan the Destroyer (it was terrifying), and perhaps Evil Dead from a VHS my brother had brought home.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 : Dream Warriors left such a profound impact on me, on my imagination. I was too young to conceive such horrors by myself but I definitely knew what fear was. Somehow, I couldn't stop this film as it was trying to make sense of my own nightmares.

I can remember that I lived each scenes of this film, completely in synch with the characters. I was so anxious I probably almost died. As if I was in the room with the Dream Warriors and they were fighting a figment of my own nightmares.

Jennifer Caulfield getting her head jammed into the television totally is a highlight of my young horror movie experience.

Freddy truly terrified me but also I learned to love the character and enjoy the films, while still being anxious at the stories.

Somehow Dream Warriors is one of the most important horror film in my life because it touched so many intimate places, making sense of childish anxieties you cannot understand by yourself.

In brief, I will always love this film.
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It's all about Michelle Yeoh
19 September 2022
While the movie is very fun, cutting 20 minutes and refraining from this overdose of dialogue and resolutions could have helped a lot. Some images would have been enough to explain - or make you feel - the multiverse and all its facets.

Truth is : "Everything, everywhere, all at once" is fantastic because of Michelle Yeoh. She shows an ability to habit emotions that you cannot rehearse, to frame silent emotions as if in her right true life, portraying a character who would not grasp the wild stakes of these events. She made me feel like truth was achievable by an actor with a very deep control of emotions. Her kung-fu education in martial arts surely is no stranger to that ability.

I don't think we will remember the movie as much in the future, but we will remember Michelle Yeoh. There is no Oscar night without her kicking Chris Rock on stage in 2023. And if she doesn't win then they haven't understood anything about acting.
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My favorite Tokusatsu as a child
21 August 2022
Thanks to Brazil very serious tokusatsu fans, I've found a Blu-ray of Spielvan (with multiple dubs, including French).

I use to watch Spielvan on French television as a kid and somehow the design always stucked with me. Spielvan was more of a hero I was "attracted" to. His car, costume, moto, ships, everything, I remember taking it very seriously, feeling that Spielvan was way better than other tokusatsus, that it was more dramatic.

I'm into episode 5 (30 years have passed) and I still enjoy it. I think it is great fun and very well put together (Japanese were so much into entertainment back in the days, the level of work they must have put into it is insane).

Of course, at my age it is silly but still, my kid brain wants to see it through the end. Also, I did not really remember any plot points and discovering them again is fun.
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Eternals (2021)
Unmet forces
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Early in the first frames you can tell something is off. The editing, the characters, the actors, there are endless missed marks and odd time signatures.

I did not think the concept behind the film were wrong but it ended feeling like one of these picture you have to re-edit in your head to start to really enjoy; have a touch of blue brush here and there to appreciate it.

I believe that Chloé Zhao really made something special and that the Eternals made perfect sense in the end, that "it could have been" an amazing piece of cinema - and sometimes it is - but there are two intelligences at work here. One is Marvel, one is Zhao. And they don't meet. The constant irony, the constant need to have action sequences, the importance for characters to have humour and defy expectations, and Zhao's many attempts at changing the angle of Marvel movies, are constantly eliminating their effects. Sometimes you wonder how is that possible that actors played so unclearly very simple things.

There are things to rejoice but they are pieces of a puzzle to redo in your own mind.

Strangely, I liked it. Probably because it was so different and that I'm engaged in Marvel by now. Probably because I liked what's behind it, the mythos, the way Eternals are just stupid machines (that was truly unexpected). Sometimes, I really loved the special effects (the runner Eternal), Angelina Jolie's performance in general, the way the camera is steady on action, many of the attempts. What misses is Marvel ability to always engage and find the right way to do their thing.

All in all, I don't mind, I learned somethings but this is probably not a very good film.
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To be fair, I'm only starting the show in 2022
26 January 2022
While I was watching Entreprise's adventures from the 60's as a kid, I cannot say I ever really loved Star Trek. Some films left a good impression and the characters are lovable but apart from Star Trek First Contact, I've never really gotten t. Until the Picard series came in. Apart from too much boring sexuality with the main character, I thought it was great scifi. I won't even start on JJ Abrams movies.

Then comes 2022 and somehow I launched The New Generation to get a sense of the mythos, the past of Star Trek. Actors are really lovable once again, and I decided to watch all the episodes, even fillers, even awful episodes, just to get a deeper sense of what I saw on Picard.

While I loved Picard's intensity as an actor and realize this is an old show, I really think it started on the wrong foot. Truly it looks like an updated version of the original show, with one feet on intergalactic humanism and the other on despicable representations. This episode is striking in that regard (the next one is even worst with the Ferengis)

I found it interesting to see that, while the show is all about moral compass from past nuclear mistakes, it achieves to be so outdated in his representation on races. The idiot tribe of black people, behaving on honors and amazing goofy rituals must have left a bad taste even in the actor's mouths.

I'm still going and I'll enjoy reviewing even the worst parts of this series. I understood that it gets better after a while, when the long lasting thematical impression from the 60's is finally replaced by a new generation of ideas I suppose.

Still this is fun. Actors are truly doing a great job considering the goofyness of what they have to play.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A modern Dr Strangelove
26 December 2021
Flawless writing, flawless directing and comedy.

There seem to be a first wave of strong negative reviews but don't be fooled, this is a classic in the making. Lots of political triggers here could have rubbed people the wrong way. But this is a satire, everyone is aimed at as humans and it feels good.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
One of the best manga to start watching right now
30 May 2021
Since the first trailers in 2013, I knew this was gonna be interesting. But I waited 2021 to watch the show. And I wasn't able to not binge it in one week or so. That means almost 60 episodes (of 20' length).

I'm glad I didn't have to wait for season 2 (which took 3 to 4 years to come out). It is a rollercoaster of emotions, palpitations and bliss. I loved every minute of it.

I cannot say I gathered all the arcs correctly but I think I will watch it again from the start because it was too powerful. The end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4 are a culmination in storytelling. I have been blown away and completely immersed in the story and the characters, and also I admit, Ifell in love with Mikasa.
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Idol (2019)
If you understood anything please send me a postcard
4 November 2019
I have no idea why, how or who what and I think the director as probably a problem with dyslexia. In the end, I believe it was very simple and it wasn't worth any consideration but somehow endless convolutions made it impossible to even begin to get a sense of what was the story. Don't even try to explain the last shot.
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5 August 2019
I felt so insulted watching this spot made by idiots who ignore everything about anime (or Japan) that I just had to revenge and post a dumber review. I love Netflix but everyone involved with this documentary should get fired. What a poor way to talk about anime and to put images together.
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Rick and Morty: Rixty Minutes (2014)
Season 1, Episode 8
I couldn't stop laughing
26 May 2019
This goes along some of the funniest comedy I've seen on TV. It is so fast, and at the same time achieve to play metaphysically on your retinal persistence. I have to go back to Simpson's season 7 episode to find something as significant, as hilarious as this episode. It blows your brain out.
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Missed but not without talent
4 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
--- SPOILER ALERT ABOUT THE 'PLOT' (if there's one on this film) ---

This film is definitely crappy, its aesthetic repulsive (as far as I could tell from a Millcreek entertainment DVD). Nonetheless, once you get to the first chase scene you start to realize this z-movie is actually trying to accomplish something, helped by a three stoogian lead with at least one good actor. Then you go deeper into the plot : you discover the monster truck, Twister, blessed with an IA given by a surrealistically sexy 20 year old to his boyfriend for his championship of Monster Truck; a program at first designed to control the monster truck to crush cars in a line. Then the sexy scientist gets taken hostage by the three stooges and next thing you know, a revenge plan appears in the monster truck mind, by love for its creator (she has a voice by then). Improbability ensue. The music has its moments, with classical melodies, junctioned with blues and raw country, even by some Jaws blinks. The film itself offers some weirdly fine jokes, a la Troma, and then some good storyboarding about nonsensical chase scenes. I couldn't help but fall for some great dialogs and laugh at this mess of morons. The last shot is a shot's dream for any silliness fans. To maintain the poorness of this mess is true, but this could need a remake a-la Cohen brothers. I wouldn't even be surprised if they saw this film and though about it, how better it should have been.
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