
1 Review
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Paper-thin plot with terrible special effects
26 January 2007
Imagine Charlie's Angels and Kill Bill. Now set the whole thing on fire. Not even close to DOA: Dead or Alive.

DOA: Dead or Alive has a thin and cliché plot with nothing original to offer. The plot contains no twists and the characters are two-dimensional. While great action scenes and special effects can sometimes make up for the utter lack of anything else, this movie fails at even its strongest point. The action scenes were often highly repetitive and did not move me to the "what is going to happen next" point, merely leaving me mindless watching the same thing that happened two minutes ago. The special effects were badly integrated and the matrix-style jump moves were pitiful at best. DOA: Dead or Alive is a failed attempt at an action movie and a sad excuse to show skin.
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