
2 Reviews
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Spider-Man (2002)
Can't wait to see the next two adventures!
3 December 2002
Since two days now I am the proud owner of the Spidey-DVD! I watched it a couple of times now and I just can't get enough of it; I still wonder how Sam Raimi pulled this thing of...

First of all I would like to say that the casting for this movie is superb! Tobey is just perfect for the rol of Peter Parker because he is not that Leonardo kind-of-guy! He has proved to be a very good actor to my opinion, for example the rol he played in "The Cider House Rules" was excellent. And then there's the owh so beautiful Kirsten... yesterday I saw "The Virgin Suicides" (go rent it immediately if you havn't seen it yet!) and now I know even more why she was chosen to play the rol of the gorgeous Mary Jane. To choose the actor of the Green Goblin must have been an easy one, you can tell just by looking at the face of Willem Dafoe that... secretly he is the Green Goblin! I mean, look at his face expressions!

The length of the movie, about two hours, is enough to tell the story without leaving important details referring to the comic book. In my opinion director Sam (Xena) Raimi, did a fantastic job and he can put his "Spiderman" right next to Tim Burton's "Batman". Both movies have that special superhero thing...

Because this movie is so amazing, I can't wait to see the next two movies. I heard that for the second movie they want Dr. Otto Octavius & The Green Lizard to play the bad guys and for the third movie rumours are that Carnage & Venom will show their fighting skills to Spidey! Man, I wish it was may 2004....

Greetz and enjoy this movie!
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One of a few, good bike-racing movies
13 August 2001
When I saw this movie, I had the idea that it would be a standard winter-movie. But it wasn't because it had a surprising twist in it, and the acting of the young Kevin Costner was not bad at all. Furthermore the bike-action scenes where filmed very good, it had a lot of the real thing in it. But the reason why I gave the movie a 6, is because the movie started very slow and the acting of some of the actors was not that good at all. For example the mother of the two bikers, was very poor acted. It could have had more depth in it.

See you later and thanks for reading my comment, Jeroen from Holland(josno1)
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