
2 Reviews
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Eli (I) (2019)
I'm not sure why all the bad reviews...
22 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that by the end I felt myself saying, "Alright, I mean, at least it was different".

A plot twist seemed inevitable here the whole time but what I don't understand is why people are saying it doesn't make sense or it was, "so nonsensical that it was unwatchable".

Kid starts getting treatments for his "disease", starts seeing ghosts, the ghosts start trying to help him escape. Turns out he is the devils son, the ghosts were other children of the devil who had been brought to these nuns to be either saved or killed. (Once the nuns realize it's more than just possession they decide to free the souls by killing them). Kid figures it out and escapes, and goes to hell with his sister after murdering the nuns.

For people to say that doesn't make ANY sense or that it is COMPLETELY off the wall and unrelated seems like they just didn't take the time to put all the pieces together.

It's far from the greatest writing or plot twist I have ever seen or read but I think some of the reviews are being pretty harsh to a Netflix original movie.
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I Am Mother (2019)
Good movie, just lazily written...
25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I want to start by saying this is a good movie, cinematically it is shot beautifully. The music and intensity of some of the scenes are gripping and the movie keeps you engaged the entire way through.

My main issue however is, we get it the injured woman (Hilary Swank) is APX01. For the people saying that this went over people's head, I don't believe that's the case. My problem is with how they lazily expected the audience to interpret that without explaining or even attempting to give the audience the information necessary to understand that.

The major questions we are left with are: 1) Who were these people APX01 had memories of? 2) Why couldn't APX01 remember being raised there? Are we just suppose to believe she wiped her memory? 3) Was APX01's memory never wiped and she simply came to the facility to save APX03 by lying about there being other people? 4) If APX01 was just lying then why didn't mother kill her at the door instead of compromise everything she had going? All of these questions could have easily been answered by a simple dialogue or conversation between APX01 and Mother in the shopping container at the end. But instead of giving the audience the context and information necessary to be a "plot twist" it just seems lazy, like they felt like giving the audience the cliche of "leaving it up to the imagination". The problem is that only works when you have enough information to formulate your idea (e.g. Inception).

Again I thought this movie had a great idea and capitalized well on the scene and scenario it painted. I just wish writers would stop doing this "leave it up to the audience" thing incorrectly and at least give us the tools to understand the picture they are attempting to paint.
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