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Reacher (2022– )
Cliches and plot contrivances, still entertaining
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like the "Justified" new season last year, season 2 of Reacher proves shows in the country are better than those in the city. Still entertained, but each episode had some places with unnecessary excess. Chug your drink each time you hear lines about details, don't mess with, have I told you lately and just Reacher.

Of course Swan was working at New Age and discovered chicanery. None of these razor sharpies mentioned this as a possibility. Of course Dom was a good cop (best character, actor). Of course 110 pounds in heels always beats up bigs boys. Of course baddies can't shoot straight, goodies can't miss. Of course Reacher doles out the 650 million in record time.

By the way, Cruise went at his role same as Ritchson, very little emotion. Cruise is, as everyone knows, just a better actor.
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Being Julia (2004)
Not Good
26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be boring, uninspired. Yes, Annette Bening is good, but her performance deserved a nomination, nothing more. She has a great laugh, is still beautiful, and is truly a terrific actress. But the movie can't keep up with her.

During the first half, I had to force myself to stay in the Theadora, it was so dull. And the casting of Shaun Evans was a huge mistake. He showed no hint of dashing, dangerous charm we want out of this character, nor did I believe Julia would settle for. A toothy gin goes only so far. He's a Matthew Broderick starter kit without the sense of self-deprecation.

The twist involving him, Julia and the young actress was nice - in fact, when this unfolded the movie finally started being about something other than an unbelievable romance.

SPOILER. We realize Julia's stage accommodations are just working toward her revenge. And that revenge must've looked great on page. No wait, it couldn't have looked any better in the script unless the writer was as drunk as the one in the movie. That revenge simply wasn't justified. So the ingénue wasn't so pure, stealing first Tom then Jeremy Irons (are we tired of him playing every character the same?), but Julia herself began the Thou Shalt Not behavior. Small revenge would be okay, but as the central theme? This just wasn't strong enough to sustain an entire movie.

Don't waste your time.
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12 February 2005
The wife and I were predicting the scenes before they happened in this empty-calorie cliché-fest. Like the stripper, the unopened letters, the reality of the abandoning-husband, etc. I did think the way the ending was handled was good. I think those who enjoyed this film either worked on it and wanted to start a good word-of-mouth or they're expectations have been lowered by the crop of chick flicks that are cranked out these days. The Autumn Heart was judged in a good light based, I think, on its independent status. But this isn't fair to the studio-produced crap that people gleefully rip. Fortunately, I've already forgotten most everything that happened in The Autumn Heart anyway.
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Only You (1994)
Only Women
1 January 2005
Only women could possibly like this clumsy ready-for-Lifetime stinker. And perhaps the men who benefit from their women liking it. I expected more from Norman Jewison with this cast. Instead, it was the Italian cliché at every known landmark, every done and overdone romantic comedy cliché. Was there any doubt the man she was engaged to marry would be such a drip? Or that Fisher Stevens would overact? I would not have bothered to write, but when I read such praise on this site and in the External reviews, I couldn't resist. One more thing - my wife, who did watch most of it, thought it was stupid, too. She should know, she watches Lifetime all the time.
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Double Dumb
5 October 2001
I just watched this for the second time, and it doesn't improve with age. The final two acts are serviceable, but Act 1 can only be described as preposterous. After Ashley Judd's murder trial, thankfully shown only briefly, she finds out in prison her supposed late husband has faked his death. Does she enlist a private investigator, perhaps, to check out this juicy material? Or a journalist? No, of course not, as this would stop the movie and sudsy musical interlude where a determined Ashley gets into shape for later escapes, such as the one where she gets away from Tommy Lee Jones. I'd list more, but I don't want to ruin your mediocre time. To be fair, the story idea is a great one. But the direction is clumsy and the story full of holes. How did Mom get so much money? And the auction scene is the best in the movie. Again, the last two thirds are all right, but the unbelievability factor while getting there spoils it. By the way, is it sacreligious to suggest Ashley is no great thespian?
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22 August 2001
Though difficult to do with subtitles, try just watching the actors delivering their lines. Every creased forehead, eye adjustment, body movement is dead on. This isn't just a beautifully constructed story of kindness during the most trying scenarios, it's wonderfully acted and directed as well, with subtle, honest humor in the details. As filmmakers from former Soviet block countries gain their footing, we are the recipients of WWII films like this one that show courage from another viewpoint - that of the occupied land. There are certainly more stories where this came from, and not just from the former Czechoslovakia. When fine filmmaking collides with historical significance, the experience is all the richer.
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Sisters and Other Strangers (1997 TV Movie)
Just Plain Dumb
6 August 2001
Movies this bad don't ever get ratings of 1. No, that hallowed number is reserved for films so unimaginably bad they can never actually be made without spoiling the fun of playing the movie game called next-they'll-have-the-characters-do-this!

One qualifying scene in this clunker, reminiscent of Steven Seagal's awful "On Deadly Ground" and its dalliances with Native American mystique and visions of talking dead people, is when Steven Bauer and Joanna Kerns inexplicably kiss in the cave. Absolutely nothing leading up to that scene made the kiss believable, except perhaps to the director, whose resume shows he has not made it past TV movies. If he ever wants to, it won't help to tout this effort.

It's all part of a movie that jumps from one contrived, rushed and clichéd scene to another, carrying groan-inducing dialogue stiffly spoken by second-rate actors.

Prediction: this clunker will one day make Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
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Swordfish (2001)
Very Disappointing
19 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Though opening sequence did indeed amaze with the much-discussed 360 degree cameras, the opening of that sequence was mystifying to me. Why was Travolta's character into movies? Oh, wait, I know. His real identity (fake spoiler) was Chili Palmer, the movie-loving tough guy from Get Shorty, a nifty movie after which Travolta might've been wise to begin a sabbatical.

Back to Swordfish, whose plot was at least interesting. Travolta wants to terrorize those who terrorize the US, so he needs a computer hacker to get his organization some money. Fine. But the scene in which Halle Barry retrieves hacker Hugh Jackman contains more bad dialogue and cliches per frame than you might think possible. Of course, when she introduces herself as Ginger, this movie can't resist a groan-inducing Gilligan joke. From there, the scene gets worse with tough talk and more cliches. It's as if we switched right into parody mode.

From there the film settles down into a decent first two acts. Travolta does play cool as good as anyone, and Don Cheadle, whose career has gone the route from playing NY playground basketball legend Earl Manigot (great performance) to a cowboy porno star in Boogie Nights to its unfortunate present: playing the cop or sidekick in bigger but lesser movies like this. Cheadle deserves better than to be cast as the black guy in the white guy movie.

Action movies needn't score high on the reality scale; they need only approach it, and in one and only one does Swordfish - the relationship between Jackman and his daughter. He'll do anything to get her back from her cartoonishly drawn mother and unseen triple X Dad. Not realistic was the derivative shootout in a downtown area apparently undiscovered by police. Far less realistic was Jackman's record-breaking typing speed while locating a government password. During this scene I remembered how Jackman's name reminds me of that famous Hugh G. guy from my youth. As for the famous Halle Berry scene, I can't vouch for reality, but they were spectacular.

When Act Two ends we are taken back to the conclusion of the opening scene. I won't give away the reason for this scene. It's clever, the reason, and you might not realize it until afterward. What's unfortunate is that Swordfish deteriorates into the typical action movie Act 3, rating sky high on the preposterous scale. And what's with the bus, anyway? There's symmetry here somewhere - Berry turns down Speed, then ends up in a movie where a, I won't spoil your schlock shock. Experience the absurd on your own.

I felt Swordfish was trying too hard to be cute while telling the decent base story of a man with a peculiar way of striking back at terrorists. This is a story that European films, without all the budgets and gadgetry for explosives, would do a much better job of making.
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Always Remember I Love You (1990 TV Movie)
Always Remember How Clueless They Were
8 May 2001
Intriguing premise should have been a 20 minute short. That's how long it would take his biological parents to think, "Hmm, we lost one son (and never found him) who is about his age, and he looks like our remaining son. Oh, yes, and he's a runaway. Hmm." But no, this is the most clueless family in history. And the conclusion, while trying to jerk tears, manages only to induce more groans of disbelief.
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