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M3GAN (2022)
Brillant idea about risk of AI and "electric pacifiers", but poorly written
30 January 2023
It's been a very long time since I watched a really really bad movie that made me wrote about it and M3GAN have every quality.

"Doll gone rouge" genre have been there since forever and I didn't hate M3GAN becoz of the compeition. In fact, if you can tell the inspriation behind, which probably is the risk of ariticial intelligence, and parents nowadays babysitiing with "electric pacifiers".

Without any spoiler, which you actually won't miss much from the trailer, the story is so predictable but that's not even what's wrong with M3GAN. It's so boring, so slowly paced that took half of 102 mins build up the almost non-existence tense.

The acting, I could almost guarantee the movie poster is the only face expression from every actors you see. A honorable mention, Danny Chieng's laugable-but-and-I-don't-mean-funny acting.

I rarely questions physics in horror movies, like non-killable super strenght villants, yes, they exist. But the physics in M3GAN is something even kids will found it, again, laughable. I read some other reviews that they should rate the film PG13, I happened to agree.

The 2-stars rating is purely for the inspiration.
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Hard Kill (2020)
Not hard at all, an easy kill off your watchlist
26 August 2020
When someone did not login IDMB for a loooong time posting a review, you know how bad the movie is.

Love Bruce Willis and Jesse Metcalfe, they did what they could to carry the movie. But when the script is so bad, best actors magnified the stupidity level just like that sniper scope on the roof.
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The Gateway (2018)
if you love scifi thriller, you gonna love it
16 February 2018
There's always ethic problems questioned when mentioning time travel and stuffs, "The Gateway" is about parallel universe, which is kind of "new" perspective. It surely not a Class A movie production, I do not like the casting much neither. However I enjoy it very much with how the story develop although its little bit slow, the plot is really nice and how they twist it that build up the intensity, they are doing it very good.
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Sisters (III) (2015)
Life is one crazy party, live with it
10 January 2016
The Ellis Sisters, Maura and Kate are kinda screwed up in their life. And when they discover their parents are selling the family house, what the hell? Let's throw a last house party!

As comedy, you could expect really silly dumb even unreasonable stuff to laugh at, but this is a movie, right? So what's funny if it's not dramatic? And you are watching Amy Poehler and Tina Fey!

If people see the hidden plot line, I'm sure they won't call it stupid dumb comedy.

Have you ever screw up? When you are a teenager, maybe in school, college, or maybe even when you grow up, screwed up your life?

The Ellis sisters did, just like their last house party. But they lived their live, be what they are and enjoy it. What matter is you learn your lesson, make it up for yourself and people you might have hurt. After all, things are going to turn just fine.
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Surprisingly Good
11 December 2015
With no expectation at all for this film. Turned out it's so much better that just another silly class B zombie clone.

And it's not just particular part, but for overall writing, directing, shooting, lighting, acting, music, etc.

The opening gives me the tense and the acting of Janitor (Blake Anderson) is really great. Other male casts are alright, but could be better. I know they need to look "scouts" but come on, these are the guys saving the world :)

The acting of Sarah Dumont is so cool and tough, very nice. And I wish to see more Halston Sage (who wouldn't?) :p

Highly recommended if you haven't watch it yet.
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Totally ruined
4 July 2015
Again, it's really hard to write minimum of 10 lines for this awful title. I just want to rate it.

I like the first two Centipedes, it's sick, it's really sick. I do have high expectation on Centipede 3.

For 1:42, most of the time it's just meaningless yelling and anger.

Occasion sick scene that I expected better than the previous episodes, but nah... it's ugly, it's okay, but not what Centipede should be.

There's no plot at all, making Centipede 3 very hard and very boring to watch.

It's sad that this is the final sequence, I just hope they try harder.
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Chronicle with temporal relocation but not coming out excellent
18 May 2015
Before the review, I would really like to know what is that video camera is, it have amazing sound recording ability. :p

Okay, another homemade video footage movie. All starting good, but already feels like Chronicle.

The middle part is really dragging and boring. Okay, I could handle bad editing footage movie, then just like another movie, there's a twist. However, the twist come really obvious, like Jack holding an axe, shouting and coming at you. The story starts to get interesting, then it just end. What on earth....?

Not worthy going cinema for it, but good for weekend home movie, it's homemade video footage after all. :p
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Master piece
10 April 2015
I like Hot Tub Time Machine so much that I still watch it from time to time.

HTTM2, is another master piece.............. of crap.

It's been years since I write review on IMDb and right after I watch HTTM2, I logon IMDb and write this warning to all of you:


The story is total crap, the acting is bad, nothing good from the original HTTM and we miss John.

The worst thing is having Adam Scott in the film, although the story seems to be around him but he's totally out of it.

I wished HTTM2, now I just hope they never filmed it.
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Well... at least Jennifer is pretty
23 March 2012
Just watched it last night, and for the record I know nothing about the film before I decided to go watch it and neither read the novel.

The film is just bad. The story, the directing, the casting, the acting, the CG, not to mention the pig looking thing that running so fast and fireball come from no where.

The film is running over 2 hours and most of it is pain bxxxshit, watch it is like watching a boring book, there's no twist and ending is ridiculous.

For people who knows or dunno "Battle Royale" from 2000, which is a Japanese film, go watch it, it's much much much better than this one.
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For Love
20 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Adjustment Bureau is the new "Matrix", it makes it think over again: Is there any chance our life actually run like this?

In "Matrix", you wonder if you are just dreaming about your life while you are just lying in a wet battery cell for your life.

In Adjustment Bureau, we do not have "Free Will", we don't make important decisions, what we could decide is what we drink at lunch, but that's all.

When it come to love, David Norris (Matt) fall in love in the first sight for Elise (Emily). For some reason, he lost her number while she give him on bus, well... he have to.

A mysterious group of people "intervenue" David and force him to give up Emily, that if he tried to approach her again, they will "reset" him. Later he found out that the reason is becoz the "chairman" got better plans for both of them. David is going to be President of US and Emily become a great dancer over the world.

Now David have to make him choice, to love? Or to the greater good of himself.

In real life, from time to time, we got to make choices like this, one way or another, that might change things the rest of our life. How do we choose?

I believe people who like this film are more passionate, they know love is worth fighting for, and it's more important than anything in the world. They see a great love story, presented in a sci-fi way.

HOWEVER, such concept could be tricky and it's not easy to present it visually, although the idea of this film is excellent, I do agree with some people that the presentation could be improved, it's a commercial film after all.
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Marry Me (2010)
Marry who?
8 October 2011
Having recently break up with Adam, Rae (Lucy Liu) was expecting a proposal from him while he's actually leaving for a work grant.

Luke came into Rae's life as introduced by Church preacher, as well as Luke's best friend, Harry. Later on, Adam came back and in this 3 hours movie, nothing is boring, it's all about life, love and choices.

Rae is the romantic kind, but also kinda career type of girl, as social work previously an artist, she's looking for romantic true love and she do not want to settle for less. What does she do when she thought she's out of the game but now she has all three choices?

"Marry Me" is a sweet, funny, romantic movie, I recommend this "movie" to any girl that having problem seeing what next to do when you are lost in love, or recently ended a relationship and wondering if you are doing it right. It is more than just an entertainment, there are messages in it. See it.
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The Beaver (2011)
Find your missing piece in The Beaver
13 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta say "The Beaver" is going to be my favorite movie on 2011, in fact, favorite movie of all time. Jodie Foster is one of my all time favorite actress, and she's directing "The Beaver", which also catch my eyes, the movie poster, is Mel Gibson with The Beaver.

Having no idea what's the movie about, I watched it myself and it turned answered some questions to my life. It inspired me.

"The Beaver" is a story, well... actually two stories, about Walter Black (Mel Gibson) and his elder son Porter Black (Anton Yelchin). When Walter failed to do anything to help his depression, the puppet beaver come to the rescue. Things seem to be 180 degree turned in sudden, his career, his family, except for Porter, who do not want to become like his father.

While many of you might think it's a comedy but let me warn you it is not, and it's quite the opposite. It's sad, it might depress you. The movie is doing a great job leading your emotion. It's handled commercially but it's spectacularly tasteful. It gives you an intense opening, then let you blend in to the characters. The story goes the way the audiences expected. Then of coz, a twist, and in this movie, twist for both Walter and Porter.

"The Beaver" makes you think about your life, your problems, and how things going to be. You never know if your life is getting better, or if it's just like roller coaster. When you see it going up, the next second it's going deep deep down. You come to realize when life are so unexpected, you have to treasure your life, your family, the one you loves and who loves you back.
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There's devil, but I want to see it deep
14 April 2011
Love the opening, intense, bloody, violence. Motive? Dunno. Just pain killing. I would looooooooooove it if there's sex. Being a such highly rated movie, I do expect violence, more violence, then blood, and more blood, internal organ, and seriously SEX.

If you have seen pron from Korea, you know what's it look like. Sorry to say but it's stupid. so somehow I understand expecting nasty sex in this movie is bit too much.

Now the violence part, it's not that directly, mostly. You see it, but they are not that serious showing it to you. Of coz, making a model cost money, showing you a dead body ripped open with heart, lung and stuffs cost money... so they just show u hammer swinging, knife stabbing. You might be feeling scare only becoz you scared yourself by see the action, most of the time.

Blood... oh yeah, there is hell lot of blood around, becoz it's affordable, colorful, very nice visually.

Now the story, I think originally this is not really a thriller or horror film in any how, but actually a drama =p Byung-hun Lee have the face, he show the facial expression, but I don't see his acting. In 144 mins, there should be plenty of time for violence, blood, sex and seriously acting. Time slipped away but I am not sure what's the movie about. Everything is flowing on the surface, I do expect it to go deep, but never.

However, the directing and shooting is real good, it look really good. But as I said, it's really a great disappointment that everything is just flowing on the surface.
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Buried (2010)
It's just a bad Blackberry Ad. Not recommended neither for survival or entertainment
27 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In 90 mins, you will see how fast this Blackberry battery goes, and how stupid Paul is trying to get himself out from the coffin.

Okay, this is probably a man's worst nightmare - buried alive. But in this movie, no fancy story behind, but just about war, terrorists, govt, etc. The most boring boring boring element.

So here we goes, with a phone that actually have reception, a zippo lighter, a knife, there are lots of ways to try to get himself out, but in every ways he does, he did it the wrong way.

Now I think even an idiot knows we need oxygen to stay alive, and in this case, our Paul seems to think there are actually too much oxygen for him, so he decided to light up the zippo and burn as much as oxygen every time he make a stupid phone call!!!! COME ON PAUL!!! I don't see Paul is getting smart but with a phone he probably could just call anyone that able to help him. But he chose to trust the US Govt. Alright, that's your call Paul, but when his company, FBI and whatever dealing-with-hostage-expert cannot help, Paul, You'd better think of something better.

Here is my favorite part, a fxxking snake came from no where, suddenly appear in Paul's pants and then get out. Okay, I can live with that, becoz when a snake could get in, and Paul have a knife, he could probably at least try to break the coffin and dig his way out! Nah, our Paul still think he has enough oxygen and let's burn the snake heck out! Blah blah blah that with that lawsuit phone call from his company, what the hell??? There are ways to make Paul desperate but this part is just a really sick cheap shot!!!! I don't really see how Paul is getting himself out, but just watching him die every minute closer.

Some people might think they not gonna buy a blackberry phone becoz the battery run out in 90 mins. =p Some people might think Paul might get out and let's see how he do it. But no, he is dead becoz he's stupid.

Some people might think what the heck, I just want to watch a movie for fun... OOPS, "Buried" is not fun either.

So that's it, there's no way Paul could live, why don't we give a chance to some other movies?
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The Reef (2010)
Eat them quick please
16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so sorry for what really happened as the movie said it's based on a true story. And I'm really sorry for who have the story made movie.

There is nothing really to watch on "The Reef". OK, it's a tragedy, boat accident happened, people left in open water, and then a not really big and not even scary shark came over, ate most of them, movie end.

I could have guessed most of them are dead and only one live to tell the story, or where is the real story come from? LOL~~~ So come on, give me something unpredictable! BUT THERE IS NONE!

There are definitely desperate girls screaming, a smart guy trying sort out the situation but obviously failed. The shark ate them one by one by one by one, now the movie ended. And I saved you like 10 bucks. Now go watch another one.
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Altitude (2010)
It's not just a disaster thriller
13 October 2010
I am not going to spoil anything but the movie poster give a little clue.

I wonder why is it rated so low on IMDb becoz it's really really great that gives u almost 90 mins full of excitement, the story just go all the way straight, not much stupid talking boring scene, pure action.

For people think this movie is similar to "Frozen", but it's totally different and "Altitude" is much much much better and not stupid.

Some might think how the story turned to be ridiculous but it's really exciting and very entertaining!

Of coz, Jessica Lowndes and Julianna Guill are so hot =p
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So predictable... So disappointed.
1 October 2010
Being a fan of the series for all these years, I didn't expect anything at all from this new title when I find out our new Freddy isn't Robert Englund. Well... what can I say? Our new Freddy looks nothing close to horror but just a retard.

The story? There isn't. It's like a short version of the original series, very poor copycat.

The acting? There isn't. It is like school play. they cooked something up and call it movie.

Without the title, this film is just a cheap horror film.

My advice to you all is get the original one, it's classy and it's the real Freddy Krueger.
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Absolutely fun for gamer and non-gamer
10 February 2009
Gamers: DR is not a fancy made movie, it's more like amateur video. Horrible magic effect, really fake fireball, terribly made dungeon, castle, village...... sword, axe, shield, robe, plate..... okok... everything. You will need about 10 minutes to adjust your expecting on visual, then you will get 105 minutes of fun.

I'm from Hongkong and it's really hard to find RPers, none of my friends play RPG and I always fancy to be one of the character in the world of D&D. Watching Gamers: DR just show me what would it be like to be a gamer. You see rule books, dices, game set, etc etc etc; You hear terms like "fighter", "wizard", "hit point", "level", "character", "flaming hand", "Chaotic Evil".

What RPG fancy me is that it let you do anything u want to, not bonded by software RPG. Gamers: DR provide the same element, you wont know what happen next and it probably just make you laugh to dead. The movie goes both gamers's real life as well as in the D&D world. You will hear the gamer cast the dice when the character in game take action, which make you feel you really participle in the game.

I don't want to spoil anything, but in short, Gamers: DR is a must watch movie for RPG lovers. For people never play RPG game, I'm sure you still get many fun from it.
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The Uninvited (2009)
No blood, No sudden scare, NO HUGH tits, NO nudity, are you up to it?
10 February 2009
Peoples always try to guess the ending, solve the case at thrillers, I do the same.

Anna lost her mother at accidental fire and ended up in psychiatry institution. When she come back home 10 months later, her father is romantic related with her mother's previous nurse. At the same time, Anna start seeing ghosts appear and giving signs.

Now this is simple, right? The ghosts are just telling Anna what really happened to her mother, and warned her she's next. Everybody could have come up with that idea. Pretty lame storyline, huh?

This is what really happened, you go watch it yourself, and surprise yourself. At typical thriller, there will be blood, sudden scare, girls with HUGH tits, nudity scene. Who wanna pay to watch a movie without these stuffs!? Now how much of these "The Uninvited" is giving you? NONE. But believe me this, "The Uninvited" is a thriller that you must watch in 2009.
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Hard Candy (2005)
Excellent acting, Awful story
27 January 2009
Patrick Wilson and Ellen Page are acting just too great on Hard Candy. In fact Ellen Page actually gives me the chill and the chemistry between Patrick is just excellent. For a young girl like Ellen, you can hardly imagine how she have that experience to act like this. Seriously everyone should see she how she act.

The score 5 out of 10 is purely for the actors. The story is a piece of shxt, it's just wrong no matter from what aspect. It's sad, it's cruel, it's non-sense, it's ethically wrong. Even if not talking about ethic code, once again, who want to watch a match that one side gain complete advantage against another?
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Quarantine (2008)
Jennifer Carpenter SUCK
27 January 2009
As a horror film fan, I wont miss the copycat of "REC". I watch this movie after I read the comment on IMDb and I have no hope on it.

Surprisingly, Quarantine isn't bad after all. Obviously it's being "Hollywoodfied" but I found it more action and tense, if you haven't watch "REC", you should love Quarantine.

The worst part is the leading actress Jennifer Carpenter. If she have seen "REC", she is acting really bad trying to copy Manuela Velasco (The leading actress of "REC"). If she never watch "REC", she's just a really bad actress. All I see is she tried to act scared, her acting is poorly made believe it's that scare. Even if I haven't watch "REC", she's still failed.
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Funny Games (2007)
Should be called BORING MOVIE
18 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Have u ever watch a soccer game that one team gained completely advantage against the other team, the game is so boring that u just want to leave early? Well....... there's hardly any game, and hardly funny in "Funny Games".

There's hardly any storyline, the acting is poor, there's hardly frighting scene, I could hardly imagine how this film got 6.4 out of 100 on IMDb.

What I expected is some brilliant crime happening in Funny Games but there's none. It's hardly thrilling, I don't think the so-called "games" are game... And the last part, I never get it, how do they reverse what happened? The film never explained or maybe I fell asleep already.
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Boogeyman 3 (2008)
Getting better
30 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The comment for Boogeyman sucks, while 2 gets better, here comes the Boogeyman 3 and I must said it's best.

Boogeyman 3 goes psychological, trying to explain how boogeyman works. Just like many other horror movies, boogeyman feeds on people's fear, it's what "we" make the boogeyman alive, very old school but it works.

It started with Dr. Mitchell Allen (Tobin Bell from Boogeyman 2)'s daugther Audery, who read about her father's dairy telling what happened in the clinic, making her believed about the boogeyman.

Laura, who's her college roommate, witnessed Audery "hanged" herself made her to wonder if boogeyman is real. While her friends start missing, she has to believe it's all about the boogeyman and she must warn everyone. Turned out that Laura realized it's her who make the boogeyman real.
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Bad Santa (2003)
Bad Santa is not bad after all
21 December 2008
For a moment I thought this is Xmas film for kids, but it turned out for adults. HOHOHOHO.....

Serious heavy language, drinking and smoking, sex addicted Santa make this film really funny when you see it on Xmas. Billy Bob Thornton did great job making this Santa bad but really cute. Lauren Graham is just lovely, always love her. Too bad I cant see more of Lauren Tom, who I knew from "Friends", also very lovely.

I recommend to see this film with your friends, lover on Xmas, but surely not kids.

Merry Xmas
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Passengers (2008)
Anne rules, very strong acting
21 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The movies i watched Anne acting was all comedy. I always think she is good, maybe comedy good. "The Devil Wears Prada", top notch. The only reason I watch "Passengers" is becoz of Anne, not becoz I knew it'd be good, but becoz I want to know how good she actually is. Jennifer Aniston is comedy good, I could hardly imagine she act "seriously". But with Anne, she surprised me.

Peoples said "Passengers" is another version of "The Sixth Sense", "The Others", and I agree with them. But among these three, I love "Passengers" the most. "The Sixth Sense" is kinda tricked you to believe Bruce was still alive, "The Others" is kinda boring until the very last moment. But with "Passengers", if you have no idea about the film before you watch it, it actually makes you think it's just thrilling drama about the airline company trying to cover up the fact about the plane crash, but turned out to be supernatural mystery is just a really amazing twist.

The story "Passengers" itself is fairly good and with outstanding performance of Anne, you definitely should see it.
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