
19 Reviews
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The Save-Ums! (2003–2006)
So adorable!
7 January 2006
Being an employee of Discovery Communications, I have been exposed to this program, and I must say it is the most adorable kids show I've seen! I love Kachung! All the characters are cute, and have great appeal to small children. It's one of those things that make older people think of how good it is to be a kid these days. It's very simple for younger kids to follow & understand, and doesn't try to be too complicated or intuitive. All the adventures show kids how good it is to lend a hand and help others. It is also has humor that is cute for kids (and maybe even older viewers) to enjoy! I highly recommend it to any parents seeking entertaining programing for their small children, that also socializes them to be helpful & caring members of society! Small truly is powerful! Believe it!
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Good, but disappointing
11 September 2005
This movie has been getting some pretty good reviews. I actually can't think of someone who has given it a bad one. So, going into the movie, I thought, "I think I spent my money well." First, let me say I have not read the novel, and the novel usually does end up being better than the movie. That being said, I found this movie quite confusing and at times hard to follow. I did not like how in the beginning we kept going back and forth from flashback to present. The cinematography was poor to say the least. Camera movements were never really steady, and the feel of the photography did not seem like we were watching a movie. It was as if it was being filmed by an amateur with a camcorder (Although this may be Merielles' intent. If it was, I missed it.) Perhaps the best thing about this movie that sticks out is Rachael Weisz. This is probably the best role I have seen her in! Dare I say it's a little Oscar-worthy? The plot, although confusing, was nice & dramatic. A good dramatic flow through the film kept the plot going despite the slight confusion. Although, this flow was disrupted by blatant political message, which can be a bit annoying needless to say. Overall, this was a good movie, but not as good as I had hoped. It's one of those movies you would want to see once (maybe twice just to clear things up) and never again.
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How did a film like this get made?????
9 August 2005
Oh my goooooooooooooooooooosh! I can't believe I saw this movie! What a horrible film! Horrible acting, horrible screenplay, just plain bad! What were these writers thinking? "Hmm, a nice plot & clever jokes would be good, but let's just pack this film with stupid red-necks & drunken slap-stick." Please don't believe this stereotypical writing. We Southerners are not this stupid, I promise. The only good thing about this is that Jessica Simpson gives us a nice reminder of why we don't like to see pop-stars do movies. If she doesn't earn a Razzie, or at least a nomination, then there's no justice in this world. What ever you do, don't waste your time with this crap.
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Nothing short of remarkable!
19 May 2005
I am in awe of how great this film is! The suspense and drama are so overwhelming. Perhaps more suspenseful than The Interpreter, I was at the edge of my seat most of the time. The wall-to-wall action does a fantastic job of keeping the audience's attention, and yet there are also those dramatic, substance-filled moments that also remind the audience that there is a plot. Just as amazing are the sound & visual effects. I could not believe how real Yoda & General Grievous look. They both looked so tangible, more so than any computerized effects I have ever seen. George Lucas most certainly redeems himself from the mistakes he made in the previous two installments (although they were OK, they both could have been better.) Bravo! I would absolutely love to see it again!!
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Saved! (2004)
And the Razzie goes to...
10 June 2004
After seeing this film, it flabbergasted me even more that Mandy Moore has not yet been nominated for a Razzie. How to Deal was bad, this was worse. The rest of the cast wasn't really that good either. It seemed that this film tried to deliver some sort of a message, but the writer does a pretty half-asked job. Which leaves the question: Was there really a point to this movie? Other than bash Christians, I mean. I got that right away. All in all, I did not like this movie. What a cheesy film! It thinks it's a masterpiece art film, but no! I want my $6.50 back. I can't believe I went all the way to the cinema for this crap, but at least the popcorn was good. I'm not trying to be mean, but I hope it is the biggest Razzie "winner" since Showgirls.
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Chicago (2002)
What's with the hype?
28 February 2004
I did not get what all the hype was for this movie during awards season last year. It most certainly did not deserve the Best Picture Oscar over The Two Towers or The Hours. Zellwegger is not a very good singer. It's like she's trying trying to imitate Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, & Brenda Lee all at once. Catherine Zeta-Jones wasn't that much better. For starters short hair does not look good on her at all. Then there's the deal with her accent. She tries to cover up her Welsh accent, but it sneaks in too many times. I did however like some of the songs. I did not like how they were played out. The numbers would start with singing then cut to a scene with talking while the music is still going so you can't enjoy the number to its maximum potential. I enjoyed Queen Latifah though. She really added a lot to the film, which did not offer much else for acting. The film had a lot more potential with its story line and music, but Rob Marshall somehow screwed it up. I was generous and gave it a 6/10.
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Chicago (2002)
Where's the hype coming from???
26 February 2003
I don't get it. This movie was just plain silly just like the play, which this film basically Xeroxed, so it is completely lacking in originality. It seems Ray Marshall was not sure what he wanted to do with this film. So exactly where is all the hype for this film coming from? The dance numbers? No, they were painfully boring. The acting? Goodness no! First, Richard Gere can't act unless he's opposite Julia Roberts anyway. Renee Zelwegger gives a pretty mediocre performance, not one that deserves an Oscar (Nicole Kidman's gonna win for The Hours anyway.) Catherine Zeta-Jones is just annoying. Queen Latifah was actually ok. This corny musical does not deserve any Oscars in my opinion. It does not razzle-dazzle at all. =(
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Rather disappointing
22 June 2002
I wasn't too excited to see this because I hated the books, but I rented it because there was nothing else at Blockbuster. I will keep this as simple as possible. The movie was way too long. There was almost no story line. When I first saw her, Maggie Smith looked like the woman from The Weakest Link. When we find out who the villian is, we go into the cliche "stumble onto the real bad guy who revieles exactly how he did everything in plain, simple English." This hasn't been seen since last year's Charlie's Angels, which made a lot more sense than this film I might add. Something in particular I didn't understand about the film, If Harry's aunt & uncle hated him so much, why don't they jump on the chance to send him away? I was not impressed with the visual effects, though I did see Lord of the Rings first. Nor was I impressed with the sound effects, or lack there of. To make a long story short, if you haven't seen this film then don't waste your time. "It's the Wizard of Oz of its time!" give me a break, it doesn't come remotely close!!
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Sugar & Spice (2001)
Cute & Rather Hilarious!
11 March 2002
I have seen this movie four times, and I'm still not tired of it. It is definitely one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. There's very good acting by each of the girls, and Jack is so dumb that you can't help but crack a smile (or even start laughing.) Kansas is another good character (well, not exactly a good mouth) with a lot of funny lines. I particularly liked, "How would you like me to introduce my foot into your a__?!" Then there's Cleo, so hopelessly in love with Conan O'Brien it is funny! I thought the ending was cute, but I'm not going to reveal it. My only complaint is that it was too short. Eighty-five minutes, with the end credits. I want more laughs! Still, I give this movie a perfect 10!
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A classic? How?!?!?!
25 December 2001
I have read the novel & seen the movie, & I don't understand why everyone says it's great. I hated both, though the film was a tad better than the novel. Gregory Peck is probably the only good thing about the film. However, he is like Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. His scenes are solemn, while just about everything else is goofy.

There are several things I didn't like about both the film & the novel. First, the names. We have two Greek names (note, this is the southern US), a dog's name, a pickle, an onomatopoeia, and a name that's being pronounced 3 different ways. Second, Dil should not have been written into the story in the first place. He was annoying in the book, & even more annoying in the movie. He had one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard, it looked like his head was too big for his body, and if he's so rich why does he only have one change of clothes? Third, events that were irrelevant to the story. There were a lot more in the novel, which the screenwriters were smart enough to leave out. In the film, there are only two big ones: Mrs. DuBose & the mad dog problem. The last one I'm going to talk about is how fast Jem matures. He's only 12! To quote Cameron Crowe's film Almost Famous, "You've robbed him of an adolescence!!" I'd explain more things I didn't like, but I have a word limit.

So in conclusion, I thought this was a bad film, though I thought the novel was worse. If you haven't read it yet, don't waste your time. I've seen the movie twice and I don't get why it's such a classic. I'm glad Lawrence of Arabia won the Oscar that year (though I thought that one could have been a bit shorter.) Have a nice day! =)
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Disney lost it.
20 October 2001
Let's face it people, Disney completely lost it on this one. The movie was very poorly written. The contemporary atmosphere in a historical setting was too much of a rip-off of any time travel film. Some of it's "jokes" were so lame I could barf. Then the writers took two shots at gay people. It's people like that I can't stand at all. And this was a family film, so they were trying to preach hate to children. May I ask why? Just because they have a different sexuality than the writers? Think about it sometime. Anywho, the animation wasn't too good either. Disney is supposed to have a reputation for constantly changing the art of animation, yet they have to use the techniques used in the Scooby-Doo shows back in the 80's.
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Hercules (1997)
Odysseus must be rolling in his grave.
20 October 2001
This was not exactly the best movie ever made. It is a complete insult to the people of ancient Greece. It is very insulting to Christianize Greek mythology, and if you don't know what I mean, think about why gospel singers constantly appear throught the film & why Hercules & Meg appear in Disney Christmas ads. Yes, Greek mythology isn't greatly practiced anymore, but Disney should still show a little respect.
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Ape Escape (1999 Video Game)
Pretty average
6 August 2001
This game was pretty average. The plot was outrageously ridiculous and just plain stupid. Monkeys escape from an amusement park and try to take over the world by re-writing history, & only a nine-year-old boy can stop them? Give me a break! At least make the hero of the story older. What I don't understand is why the monkeys had to be sent to five different periods. If one is re-written, wouldn't all the ones after it be different? Although, there were some good parts to the game. The background graphics were pretty good. The game play was not so easy you would zip through it in an hour, but not too hard either. However, the last level is way too long, & if you intend to finish it, you need a LOT of time to kill. This one was pretty average, & I gave it a 6.
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Election (1999)
A good film (if you overlook the novel) [SPOILER ALERT!]
16 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie. On my list, it was one of the top films of 1999. Reese Witherspoon was great. I don't know why she was overlooked at the Oscars. Except for some editing glitches, the film is almost flawless. However, there is one major problem with this movie. It is grossly distorted from the novel. In the novel, Paul & Tammy's last name is Warren and the school is Winwood. The ending in the novel is completely different from the movie. In the novel {SPOILER ALERT], Dianne forgives Jim and the two stay married and live together. Jim then gets a job at a used car dealership (how convenient.) Meanwhile, Tracy and Paul (who had never broken his leg in the first place) are somewhat friends. On the last day of school, Paul & Tracy sign each other's year books. Tracy later goes to the car dealer to see Jim. Tracy test drives a car with Jim and drives to the school to get her year book for Jim to sign, and all ends happily like in Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Mikado." There are some other distortions as well. Tammy wanted to go to Immaculate Hart because (while she was suspended) she saw this girl who went to that school and got an instant crush on her, although she falls for someone else once she starts going there. The rules for counting ballots called for three independent counts. Tracy tears down Paul's posters because she wants to put hers in the same spots, and Tammy frames herself although she has no proof. Despite these distortions, the movie is still very good. Don't get me wrong. I love this movie. I just wanted to point these out.
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Cats & Dogs (2001)
For once, a decent comedy
4 July 2001
This was a very enjoyable movie. It was for once a decent comedy, unlike some comedies I've seen lately with countless sexual references (ex. Austin Powers & Nutty Professor 2[some "family" comedy that was].) There were some very funny gags. One of my favorite scenes was when Mr. Tinkles was holding his dark meeting. He says, "All the world will tremble at the sound of my name!" Then real evil music cues in & his shadow conquers the room just before the maid comes in and says, "Mr. Tinkles! There you are!" We can kind of think of this movie as Austin Powers with out all the sexual references.

Other than the gags, there were many good details in the movie. The score was a great score! You could cut out the dialogue and, with the score, tell when all the happy moments were and all the sad moments, etcetera. The cinematography was pretty good, too. The visual effects were great. I would say they were about 85% flawless.

I would highly recommend this to anyone seeking lots of laughs or anyone who wants to take their family to the movies. It was one of the most enjoyable films I've seen lately.
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A spectacular adventure!
1 July 2001
This movie was a spectacular adventure! Angelina Jolie scores big time! She was great! It was her best performance since Girl, Interrupted. There was a rather nice supporting cast to go with her. The film had a suspenseful plot, & was unpredictable in some parts, which I like. Then the details were good too. The art direction was great! So were the cinematography, sound, and music. I now it's a bit early, but I think this film will definitely rake in some Oscar nominations.

I would have to saw one of my favorite scenes was when Laura was "skiing" in her boots in the cave and is being pulled by the dogs. I also liked her underwater kiss with Alex. I recommend this movie to anyone seeking a great adventure. It's now one of my favorite movies ever!
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20 May 2001
This movie was simply spectacular! It totally blew its predecessor away! It was packed with suspenseful action. The sound effects & art direction were great. I also liked the dissolves between scenes. It had some humor so it's not utterly dull, but not too much to make it weak like the first Mummy film did. The plot was very suspensful. The visual effects were pretty good too, although I have seen better. There was one thing that was disappointing. It would've been nice for the Scorpion King to have a bigger part.

In conclusion, if you're a lover of action & adventure, This is the film for you. Have a nice day!
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Gladiator (1992)
Pretty Good.
8 April 2001
First, I'd like to say that I don't see too many boxing movies. However, it's somewhat of a big action movie, and I like big action movies. I wasn't even looking for this one. I just happened to be channel surfing, & when I saw this starting on TBS I decided to watch it because it seemed interesting.

Cuba Gooding Jr. played his role very well. Out of all the movies I've seen him in, this was his 2nd best (behind Jerry Maguire.) The rest of the cast also delivered good performances. This film also had good sound and sound editing. To top it all off, the plot was real enjoyable. It doesn't take too long to take-off (I HATE movies that take forever to take-off) and closer to the end it gets real intense. I would easily recommend this movie to anyone who was looking for a good sports movie. =)
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The best sequel I've seen thus far...
10 February 2001
The Empire Strikes Back has got to be the best sequel film thus far in motion picture history. The main thing that makes it stand out is the fact that it is very dark and different like Citizen Kane. Han & Leia's love/hate relationship is a great detail among the many other great details in the film.

We also have that great score that produced the powerful "Imperial March" which is one of the most recognizable pieces of music ever composed. Along with that in the score is other great climatic music. Too bad they gave the Oscar to that dude who composed the score for Tess. I wasn't too impressed with that one.

Then there are the sound effects. They were a bit ahead for the time and very interesting. Ben Burt is a technical mastermind.

Then we also have a great cast. Granted most of the actors/actresses were reprising roles, but they still did well. I for one am a bit disappointed Billy Dee Williams wasn't nominated for an Academy Award for playing Lando, but I also understand not everyone can be nominated.

Hopefully Episode II will bring some of the elements from Episode V to make up for Jar-Jar in Episode I. Have a nice day! =)
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