
11 Reviews
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Alkhallat+ (2022)
Great plot
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sketch (1) : A beautiful, funny and elaborate sketch in most respects. The presence of Ismail Hassan and Suhaib Quds is enough to make the scene comedic to the greatest degree. I don't like Fahd Al-Butairi, but his role in this sketch was beautiful and his performance was wonderful ..

Sketch (2): Mohammed al-Dokhi dominated the performance, the idea was somewhat spent, its events were expected, the rest of the actors performed normally, and there was stuffing in the events and stretching to increase the time. I liked that at the end of the second sketch in One-shot, the third sketch began ..

Sketch (3) : The idea is awesome, and Ibrahim Al-Hajjaj's performance is amazing, even though it is one connected event and there are not many events that are one event, but the somewhat terrifying pace of the event, which makes you nervous and makes you aware of the existing excitement, was beautiful tricks ..

Sketch (4): We don't need to talk about Abu Shahri's performance, but let's talk about the sketch. We have been trying for a while to improve the reputation of the Saudis and the Gulf abroad, and we want to change the foreigners' perception of us. If this is shown on YouTube, I can accept it, but it is shown on Netflix in the Middle East, and you have more than one topics to talk about. It is not necessary to mention this thing, even if it was comic, although the sketch was devoid of comedy, Karenj to the greatest degree, except for the monthly, as I told you..

+ Regarding some reviewers, I see some young reviewers, scrutinizing all the details that one does not notice in foreign works, as if they were looking for a slip; I mean, like, for example, he tells you that Mike appeared in this scene + this one had extra makeup and things that did not affect the level of the story. You knew how, so calm down, boys, The unnecessary external shots are sometimes affected, but not always, and this doesn't mean that the story is ruined because of the mistakes that happen behind the scenes. In the end, they are human beings and make mistakes. The scrutiny and constructive criticism is based on the content of the story, its events, the idea and the main points, not the unimportant points at all ..

My Rating : (7.0/10)
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genius !!
3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy's top pilots, and evading progress in a rank that would elevate his position, Pete Maverick finds himself training a group of Top Gun alumni for a specialized mission they have never undertaken at all".

More than 36 years later, Top Gun returns to us with a new look and in an innovative way different from the first part ..

A very beautiful experience and becomes more beautiful when you watch it in cinemas, as I said earlier that movies for me do not differ from them, whether I watch them on mobile phone, laptops or cinema, but the evaluation can vary slightly and the experience is somewhat and such films that rely on visual and auditory effects. It is necessary to experience it in cinema and in the best theaters ..

A special thriller drama movie, although it has some expected and repeated scenes, but this is what the viewer wanted, like the viewer's habit, wishes that things would end well and that the hero would win, not this dilemma because that's what we want, but I wished there was at least one victim in the movie other than the flashback that we saw with ..

At first I expected the flight scenes to be CGI but was surprised that they were real and the actors reacted real about flying in the air and having this unique experience, except Tom Cruise because he is used to these risks ..

I liked the story of the film from its first part, but when I watched the first part, I wished they had done one with the same story in our time with technical developments, because the first was catastrophic other than its technical disasters. There were artistic disasters in the performances of the actors and the story, thank God they did the second part in our time because the second was very beautiful and the same as what we wanted ..

Tom Cruise as usual restrains skeptics of his abilities, as Tom Cruise is an actor of action-action movies and the like, every time he proves himself and responds to them while at this age mastering his roles and poetic drama scenes, a creative actor in every sense of the word ..

The cast selections were great, especially Mils Teller, in which he is very similar to his father's role in the movie Guss in this thing, but Joe introduces you with the movie as well as let your mind connect the topics automatically ..

Maverick's and me's nice relationship has increased the film's aesthetic and I'm surprised by some people who didn't like their relationship on the contrary. It was very nice, sweet and appropriate with Maverick's personality, it was when he hesitated to take a decision to resort to it ..

Spontaneous comedy dialogues always give a great mix to the viewer and in this movie we have seen a lot of them ..

I was never disappointed in the movie except the point I mentioned in the beginning and the experience as a whole, I mean ..

My favorite scene in the movie when Maverick was kicked off the bar and saw Roster playing and reminded his classmate of the profession, it was a sad and expressive scene and we delved deeper into Maverick's character .

((Performance is not according to the plane specification. But with the skill of the pilot))

My Rating : (9.0/10)
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First Man (2018)
It's Good
22 May 2022
Rarely do I like a movie about space, because most of the time the movie is boring and there is nothing new and there are not many events, but this movie was not only about space or the moon, I liked it because the movie was autobiographical, so it wasn't all in space and there were poetic events and moments we lived with the character ..

As soon as you think about this task, a thousand questions come to your mind and what made him want to do this experiment and what is his goal and personal motives, but what everyone knows is that this man has immortalized his name in history and that this experience is worth all the trouble ..

I am used to seeing director Damien's style in his musical films, but his directing has impressed me even here, This talented director is able to put you in the heart of the event, visual and audio enjoyment as soon as you put on the headset and live the atmosphere on its origins, the movie that he saw in the cinema, oh luck ..

Let's take a look at his personal life and his family, always behind every great man is a woman, his wife Janet is understanding and patient, steadfast and strong, maybe if a second girl would not accept that her husband is risking his life just because of a difficult experience and process that takes a huge amount of risks, but Janet was supportive despite The features of sadness were present in her eyes, and this is a normal thing for his wife and she is afraid of him because he may go and not return and the risk is high, and also for his two children, the young boy is always more emotional and bears the characteristics of the mother, As for the firstborn son, he is often understanding and bears the characteristics of his father and treats him as if he were his owner, not his father ..

Actor Ryan Gosling is a brilliant actor and always gives each role its due from the characters he represents, his nominations for the Oscars were not in vain, and he will take the award in the coming years if he chooses a strong role and masters it to the fullest ..

The film is flawed by some exaggerated and repetitive scenes that make you feel bored, but the repetition of the scene of Neil remembering his daughter is the only repetition that was necessary because the girl always has a special place with the father, not with the mother ..

My Rating : (7.5/10)
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The Dig (2021)
5 July 2021
"Edith May Pretty , a British landowner , discovered that there was a shipwreck beneath her land and hired an archaeologist to find out if there was anything under the hills or not"

His story is never interesting, and you don't deserve to make a film for it, frankness. I mean, if it was a short film, it would be possible to replace the full movie ..

The cast selection is excellent, even the make-up on actress Carey Mulligan Perfect, as if she is twenty years older than her age, and an officer of the role ..

The dialogues are boring and the way the story is told is random and there is no arrangement or suspense ..

My Rating : (6.5/10)
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Late Night (2019)
Boring !!
24 June 2021
"A famous program host, whose job is at stake, hires a writer. Perhaps she will remain as a presenter and not be replaced"

Boring and does not have a sense of humor at all, naive and superficial jokes, weak dialogues and a weaker script, an acceptable performance to weak by everyone

My Rating : (4.0/10)
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Lost Girls (2020)
empty and incomprehensible
24 June 2021
"The film is based on a true story that took place in New York state about the disappearance of girls and focuses more on the 24-year-old girl Shanan Gilbert"

The idea is nice and enthusiastic, but the events of the film are very slow and there is no plot and do not enter an atmosphere with the events and the acting is very normal and the dramatic scenes do not reach the scenes that are supposed to be like these films, which have a dramatic depth. What I saw was superficial and very faint

My Rating : (5.0/10)
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Fatherhood (I) (2021)
Acceptable but superficial
24 June 2021
"A pregnant woman dies suddenly after giving birth, and the responsibility for raising remains with the father"

We are used to the actor Kevin Hart with his comedic performances and funny jokes, but this time I saw the dramatic side of the actor and he surpassed the comedic side in this movie Dramatically the movie was better, but it lacked the plot and some touches ..

The idea is okay and as I mentioned Kevin Hart's "dramatic" performance was better than the comedian , and the comedy in the movie was basically almost non-existent , I never enjoyed it, but I was a little affected in the movie ..

The narration of the events and the writing are weak , and also the characters are very acceptable in general. The film is acceptable, but it lacks more depth , meaning it is considered superficial ..

My Rating : (5.5/10)
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Greyhound (2020)
Boring !!
3 November 2020
At the outset, I would like to say that these films are not suitable for my mood. I understand that and I am not based on my sentiment. If the film is legendary, I will definitely be aligned with it, but there are some points that the film avoided. A true scenario, a free confrontation in World War II. An interesting idea, but I wish I had. There is a bright side to the characters and more expansion in the dramatic scenes because, honestly, the film is an hour and a half, and yet I felt very bored and did not hide you. I fell asleep in the middle of the film, it was necessary to mention and the emergence of some characters in a larger and clearer way, such as the enemy is not just hearing his voice but filming it up close. The visual effects are very good. The soundtrack is just normal. The music is breathtaking. It was beautiful and I did not see a big difference between the actors, that is, I did not notice that the film starred Tom Hanks, meaning all the actors are as if they are secondary actors with one stability in the same class, in the end the film is suitable for lovers of war films, especially those interested in politics And real-life war stories, 6/10 my review for this movie
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Proud !!
10 October 2020
The Quds Brothers film .. First of all, as a Saudi work with medium capabilities, simple production, and the lack of experience of the producers and the two brothers, so this work is very good from the YouTube platform to filmmakers! I wish them good luck and success in their upcoming work. Indeed, they have a brilliant future in film production and the field of cinema, especially with the development of the Kingdom and its interest in the cinematic field. Acting is okay with time. Development comes as the character of the Arab teacher, the actor Suhaib Qudas is the best character in the film. In some situations, the comic side was familiar with the sense of humor about myself. I enjoyed it and it attracted me and drew my attention to the emergence of well-known programs such as What I, Luqaimat, and Muhammed Bazid's Return I did not like the large number of profanity words. Very good, and with time, the Saudi work becomes stronger, God willing, with new and varied ideas and representation at a high level, my rating is 7.5 / 10 ..
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Oldboy (2003)
piece of art
3 September 2020
One of the best revenge films in history for me is a masterpiece of art, creativity in acting, dramatic plot and ambiguity in the film, a movie for adults only because it contains scenes of bloody violence in abundance, but this was what required for the film, a semi-integrated artwork of directing, writing and acting. The film was held 9.25 / 10
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
The best Tv Show Ever
17 June 2020
In the beginning I would like to say thanks to the terrible crew of this great work, beautiful idea, good actors, director and writer all were distinguished, this great sad and happy work was really great, actor Brian Cranston with the character Walter White and Heisenberg great schizophrenia and professional reincarnation of the two characters worthy of praise and also the actor Aaron Paul with the personality of Jesse Pinkman, the compassionate addict and the way he kept up with life, who did not watch this series. I tell him what are you waiting for, an integrated series in all respects, all the staff. I congratulate them on this beautiful work. Thank you ..
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