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8 July 2019
Love the hills new beginnings, and to see all of them grown up and to be honest I think all of them turned out to be wonderful human Being. What it is to be humans no matter who you are and how fortunate you are in a very often cruel world for everyone...

Yes they were fortunate kids now adults they have money, they have good looks, they all have also on top of that really attractive unique personalities that makes them distinctive when you pay attention and try to understand everyone of them... All of them struggled it's not because you have money that life will be easier on you. That you won't struggle with the same kind of things that less fortunate people struggle with especially that people like you judge them really hard.... Money doesn't define you, your character does. And I have to say I was really impress by spencer you do have learned to master your emotions and to let go I bet Costa Rica really helps... hard thing to do... but kudos was a pleasure to watch that... And for Brody do you think it's easy to opened up on tv about how you feel about your dad... NO it's not for anyone.... that's a fact! He did and yes even if he's fortunate that doesn't mean that he can't have the same feelings as every kids having growing up not having a father figure by his side how would you feel not having your dad at your graduation or wedding please... I wish you peace in your heart and a lot of light in your life. Cause everyone no matter who you are deserved it. As I will continue watching the hills I LOVE IT...
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