
33 Reviews
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Don't (2020)
Could be better
26 June 2020
Like most gameshows these days it's a whole lot of yackidy yack and commercials with a bit of game show to go with it.
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Don't (2020)
Misses the mark
19 June 2020
Way too much talk and not enough game. Plus the challenges aren't that interesting. Needs improvement.
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The audience spoils it.
10 June 2020
Another show that has an annoyingly over the top audience. I'm sure they hype these people up. Constant cheering screaming and clapping. And when you have one standing ovation after another after another it totally loses its significance.
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Ridiculous applause
3 June 2020
In the past there were some good acts but what annoys me is the judges praising some of the most boring contestants and their acts and an audience that would give a standing ovation if somebody tossed road kill on to the stage. The audience is always way too over the top.
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The Titan Games (2019–2020)
Dump the hype
26 May 2020
Shows like this can be fun to watch. I only wish they'd cut out the usual seen it all before hype, flash and flare and over the top pictures and videos of the contestants. Just get on with the competition.
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The Wall (2016– )
Too much yakety yak.
18 May 2020
They must tell contestants to talk it up as much as possible. Too many long drawn out "speeches" and reasons for number choices. It makes for a tedious and shallow game.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
Rubber stamp episodes
13 May 2020
Every episode is the same. Danny acts like a hot headed idiot. At dinner they bicker and fight. The show boringly follows the same patterns. They drink at dinner, after dinner, at restaurants and at bars. Surprised they're not alcoholics.
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Broke (I) (2020)
30 April 2020
Watched it and never laughed once. If the writing doesn't improve they'll be lucky to get one season out of this. AND ENOUGH WITH THE CANNED LAUGHTER AND STUDIO AUDIENCES!
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Chicago Med (2015– )
I did like the show
30 April 2020
It started out good. And no medical drama is going to be completely realistic. My gripe is the show has become less about medicine and more about who is mad at who, who is arguing with who and who is breaking up with who.
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It sucked
15 March 2020
Its one thing to make an over the top movie but this one just goes so far over the top that it becomes pathetically bad. Just another example of milking the death out of a series until you spoil it.
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Too much noise
4 March 2020
I gave her show a 2 only because she occasionally has a decent guest on. But at that hour of the night (or morning) I want a nice simple quiet laid back talk show. Not a screaming over the top host with an audience that sounds like a bunch of 12 year old girls.
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Duncanville (2020–2022)
Ain't making it.
2 March 2020
If this was supposed to be a comedy somebody forgot to tell the writers. Not funny, not interesting.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Pointless script
18 February 2020
As a big fan of Dafoe I thought he was wasted here. The script became tedious and pointless and about halfway through I just wanted to return the rental. It felt like the writer had no real destination for the film and just threw a bunch of disconnected scenes together. One of those movies that did not match the hype.
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
14 February 2020
I have always liked Walton. But he's wasted on this show. The scripts aren't funny and are getting worse as time goes by. Even for a comedy they look forced and at times just stupid.
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Lego Masters (2020– )
Could be better.
6 February 2020
I like Will Arnett and the basis for the show. Problem is it follows the same script too many shows like it do (Hell's Kitchen is a perfect example). Gimmicky over the top contestants, sitting around talking throughout the show. Too much flash and flair instead of just getting down to the competition. It just starts to feel scripted. Hope it improves.
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Fun up to a point
3 February 2020
The movie was a fun bit of escapism right up until the helicopter scene. Then it got so over the top ridiculous that it was laughable. There was so much wrong with everything in every scene from that point on that I lost interest in what was happening. No, this wasn't supposed to be a realistic movie by any means but even movies such as this have limits before the writers spoil it, and this one ended up going way past that limit.
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Good up to a point
14 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was enjoying the movie up until it reached the 2/3s point. Then the way over the top acrobatics and actions of the characters spoiled any form of realism. Plus why was the hurricane blowing cars down the street but not the people in the same scenes?
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9-1-1 (2018– )
No thanks
26 November 2019
If you're looking for camp, corny, trying to be funny, especially at inappropriate moments, and often unrealistic this is your show. Otherwise move on to something else.
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A movie too far
23 November 2019
This is what happens when they try to keep milking out a movie franchise that's past it's prime. Instead of MIB it was more like The Muppets Do Star Wars. Disappointing.
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22 November 2019
The script and dialogue was campy and predictable. Trying to make superhero movies humorous is getting old fast. Spiderman used to be cool. They're taking it off in ridiculous directions, even for a superhero.
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Could have been better.
11 November 2019
Story line wasn't great and too many annoying time wasting songs.
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The Rookie (2018– )
11 November 2019
The scripts on this show get more campy and ridiculous with each new episode. The FBI is way better than this.
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Okay but not great
9 November 2019
It's not scary and not particularly spooky. It had a few of the same cliches that movies of this sort always do and many of the scenes and dialogue feel way too drawn out and tedious to the point I felt like I wanted to fast forward through them. It does have its moments but sadly just not enough of them.
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Bless the Harts (2019–2021)
Not funny, not interesting.
4 November 2019
The scripts feel like the writers are either desperate for a joke or just tossed it together as filler. Fox, in their "infinite wisdom", has cancelled much better shows than this. It's terrible.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Not great not terrible
21 October 2019
Rather typical of creature features. Too many of the scenes were predictable and more often than not you could see what was going to happen. Worth renting but not buying.
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