17 Reviews
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Little Woods (2018)
Solid film- "Your choices are only as good as your options are".
28 February 2020
Simply put this film is a pretty solid first outing for Nia DaCosta and dodges many of the pitfalls that this movie could easily have fallen into. With balanced danger, tension and sympathy from both the outlaws and the law itself. No preaching or pointing fingers at anyone for the choices being made. Better still, if you look close a justification can be made for every action carried out.

Strong performances keep this film together. The setting drains your energy, but the plot keeps you going. Because after all, every single character is just trying to get by and do their "jobs."
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A very flawed film with high aims at "cinema cool"
13 February 2020
There are a lot of problems this movie has in acting, plot, and general tone. It can feel like a cartoon at times with very Tv quality production. There are few issues with fight scenes, however, whenever guns come into play reality begins to creep in. Though these issues can be worked out over a few sequels, since there is an opening for different "Angels" with new goals and personalities. Really one will probably aging into guilty pleasures realm given more time much like the 2000s reboot films.

Reactionaries, anit-woke chumps and man-babies beware, the female empowerment themes will probably trigger you.
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Hex (1973)
For Weird-o-Western fans for sure
28 November 2019
While there are better films tucked into the sub-genre of the weird western anyone who really enjoys those movies should take a look. If you've never heard of weird westerns then this could be an easy entry. A lot of familiar faces here and there.
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Love & Debt (2019)
Waste of time
9 October 2019
The production is fine but the general film itself is lacking any kind of personality. This one will age really badly all things considering, skip this even if you're a casual viewer as you'll find nothing.
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Americana (1981)
An odd passion project for David Carradine
26 September 2019
Normally when actors direct a film it can go from so-so to awful. And David Carradine's work here isn't so-so its pretty good. Very slow! With some layers packed here and there.

Any fans of David or Barbara should give this a watch. For those of you who liked "Into the wild" you might find The American Soldier's obsession charming enough to finish the film.

Could also be a good pairing with 'Easy rider'
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Ladyworld (2018)
Pretty missunderstood but still not great
25 September 2019
This film is getting a lot of unnecessary politically charged criticism that has really nothing to do with what makes this film "broken" for a lack of a better word. The acting is so-so. I at least believe them often enough that I forgive a bad reading here or there. There are plenty of loose metaphors scattered about and really this is the main issue. This film wanders in a setting that's to small to really get going.

And there is the major "elephant in the room"... regrading the windows.... ugh. I get it "wUt iF wE GEt cOMfoRtableeeeeee."

If you watch a lot of movies already give this a shot maybe you'll get something out of it. If you're a more casual viewer skip it

Its 'Lord of the flies' meets 'The Hole'
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The Alchemist (1983)
A movie stuck between so-bad-its-good and weird-but-the-bad-way
24 September 2019
This one might be worth it for a few who enjoy a movie that's structure is loose or experimental.

The movie does spend a lot of time just stumbling around which based off our main characters might be a purposeful element to the film. Speaking of main characters they're all pretty weird, especially our leading lady. Which could lead to some incidental enjoyment.
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Solid Horror movie
20 September 2019
What a pretty mask...

There are some fun ideas that they don't milk to heavy which allows them to stay fresh and can be expanded on if sequels happen. The film hosts some familiar elements to other horror movies so most will be comfortable in this title.

A main issue I have is that our main cast seemingly isn't into Halloween at all with a few of them even claiming to have forgotten the holiday was coming somehow. Which confuses me as to why they would search for an "extreme" haunt.

But their lack of Halloween gloom is made up for by our main Villains. For those who love Halloween; the Villains really make this movie a real treat!
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Nisha's first film is very charming!
20 September 2019
Shout out to production and location management on this film. This movie is a little gem among similar fare with so many diverse outlooks that every scene gives you a nugget of character. The colors make this film really pop; along with Nisha's use of visual metaphor melting together seamlessly.

However, Nisha is no actor and the ADR can be pretty....uncanny at times. Like "The Room" levels of bad dubbing of lines that can break focus for many viewers.
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Child's Play (2019)
More like a video game
20 September 2019
This Child's Play reboot moves like a video game with a real attempt at creating something different. Though that attempt leaves much to be desired, as everyone roam around like mindless NPCs waiting for Andy to spark more plot. And I really mean NPCs right down to their main characteristics laid out plainly. Like the cliche NPCs start stacking up quick, mean step-dad, nice old lady, bratty kid/bully, helpful fat boy and capable girl duo.

Audrey Plaza really helped me get through this one and Brian Henry is pretty well cast. Mark Hamill never really got to go all out voice wise and there were times when he could have been let loose like the OG Chucky.
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Riot Girls (2019)
Would have been a solid rental choice in the 1990s
20 September 2019
Is this movie flawless? Clearly not. But what it lacks in maybe say acting or production it makes up for with some wacky and interesting ideas. I would say the mood here is rental store trash without a lot of sexual exploitation.
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The Watcher (I) (2000)
The Watcher is trash
14 September 2019
I laugh so hard, this movie isn't just bad its tragic! The editing really wrecked whatever this movie wanted to be. The Soundtrack is embarrassing but not as embarrassing as Keanu Reeves' dance moves which you'll get to see many times.

On the plus lots of Chicago sky lines.

If you like so bad its good movies well this is just bad, but again worth it only if you already watch bad movies or want to see Keanu Reeves and Marisa Tomei in something kind of horror movie-ish.
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The I-Land (2019)
The I stands for idiot
14 September 2019
Basically this show is one long game of idiot ball in which a multi-racial group of confrontational people bicker over who gets to be leader of the know-nothings. Comparisons to "Lost" aren't just because of the setting and premise. Its pretty much the cheaper version of that show.

You'll be left wondering why anyone is acting the way they are or why everyone seems so disinterested in their situation. Every once in a while a line is delivered so poorly its embarrassing at best or down right disrespectful to the topic matter.
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29 August 2019
This movie is very safe not to bad not too good. It gets a 7 from me because while it is a bit bland, whats there did not lose my attention! Agent M was interesting and could easily hold up this movie. Though I wish we could step just a little bit back from the "Men in Black" and peel away at the alien societies on earth. G-men don't normally make for the most interesting characters which is why the first MIN movies have a more outsider kind of agent stepping into a very ridge system (Agent J). Our new boy Agent H while charming doesn't quite replace Agent J; however, he's different enough that I don't mind.
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Bayou (1957)
Yeah we should leave the swamp!
9 August 2019
I think your time would be better spent someplace else. This film isn't going to be the worst thing you've ever seen but even as a trash film its just got nothing going for it.

Lita Milan is somewhat charming but you can see that charm in much better films.
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The Vals (1983)
On the floor of the rental store
9 August 2019
"The Vals" has very little going for it but the charm here is that bottom row rental store feel. The acting is bad, the plot is easily the weakest part of the whole movie. HOWEVER! The 1980s valley girl slang makes up for all of that within the first few minutes of the film.
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A strange film
9 August 2019
Vintage clothing lovers or those who aspire to be so can find some interest in the costuming of this film. For those looking for um... something else there is some nudity and light gore. LOOK out for Miss Frost!

For those looking for LGBTQ representation this movie can be seen as friendly considering the time period. Though the difference between "drag queen" and "transgender" seems lost at least to whomever wrote the synopsis.
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