13 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
Good But Flawed
3 October 2023
This is maybe the best of the Predator sequels, especially considering how poor all the follow ups to the original has been.

The movie captured the natural beauty of an unspoiled American wilderness. Amber Midthunder and Dakota Beaver put on great performances that hopefully propel them both on to great careers. And the Predator looked awesome.

Now for the complaints. With a female lead in a warrior culture-type film, gender politics usually has to play a role. Totally expected. But the writer couldn't have handled the subject more hamfisted.

The viewer is continually beaten over the head with it. How many times did Naru say "it/they/he/them/ doesn't see me as a threat?" I honestly lost count. Apparently the screen writer either doesn't think the audience is smart enough to get it, or he isn't smart enough to see he's over done it.

Also, this movie had some of the worst CGI animal effects I've ever seen. The Predator looked great, but you can't animate a cougar or a bear and make it look better than a 90s Tomb Raider game?

Worth seeing more than once, but its flaws hold it back from being a classic on the level of the original.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Not that scary, not that funny
16 August 2023
I thought this was going to be an overacted, Nick Cage-like classic but instead it was very forgettable.

This is supposed to be a horror-comedy, but it just isn't scary. There's a couple of jump scares, and a couple of gory parts, but the bear isn't even at the heart of the story. It's a movie about all the other characters, with the bear just rampaging through occasionally.

It isn't very funny either. I thought it'd be on par with Shawn of the Dead, and instead I only remember chuckling a few times at some funny lines from the child stars.

It isn't without merit, but i recommend going in with low expectations. It's more of an adventure film than a comedy or a horror.
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AEW Collision (2023– )
Great New Wrestling show
18 June 2023
AEW Collision had a difficult task in being as good or better than AEW Dynamite on Wednesdays, but so far it has succeeded. Great stories, great matches, and a great way to spend Saturday night. If I'm out, it'll be recorded. I refuse to missing an episode of this show!

Tony Khan continues to do a wonderful job in providing a high quality, American alternative to the WWE. If you're sick of soap opera storytelling in wrestling and want quality storylines based on sports and competition, you won't be disappointed.

I haven't felt this excited about wrestling in years, and it's because of AEW shows like Collision.
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Great Indie Horror-Drama
10 March 2023
Don't go into this film thinking it's full of gore or jump scares.

This one has a story, character development, and mood. It looks great, is done professionally, but has an undeniably indie feel without any pretentiousness.

Great performances by a great cast, but the real stand out is Chelsea Jurkiewicz. She's a natural on screen, and she has a charm and beauty I just want more of. If she isn't starring in bigger and better things in the years to come, there is simply no justice.

I highly recommend this one to someone looking for something different in horror films. This one is worth having in any collection.
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Fun Throwback Halloween Fantasy Adventure
5 March 2023
I very much enjoyed this film, knowing nothing about it other than it was going to be about Halloween and feature practical effects.

I popped it into the Blu-ray player expecting some B-movie cheese and ended up watching a real movie. The story is more of a fantasy adventure than a horror film, which is just fine if you know that going in. The movie is family friendly, which isn't something I look for, but it definitely helped lend this a touch of Spielbergian charm.

The young cast is superb. I'd never heard of any of them before, but I hope they all go onto to bigger and better things.

The real highlight for me was the performance of star Chelsea Jurkiewicz. I never felt like I was watching a character, just a sweet girl caught up in a crazy home movie. She has a charm I can't describe, and I need to see more of her performances immediately.
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Monster Lovers Rejoice
19 November 2022
I got this movie strictly for the kaiju and I wasn't disappointed.

What I want from kaiju movies are monsters, and lots of them, preferably knocking over buildings and brawling with each other. That's exactly what you get with War of the God Monsters.

Not only are there plenty of monsters, but the designs are unique and wild. This movie is recommended for fans of vintage sci-fi, especially if you're watching past midnight or on a Saturday morning with a big bowl of sugary cereal in your lap. These are the kinds of films I salivated for as a child.

The only thing preventing me from rating it higher was a lack of likeable characters, but that doesn't bother me. These are the scenes you play with your Thundercats toys during.

Don't come here looking for the Citizen Kane of giant monster films, come here to have fun.
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Classic of the Genre
31 October 2022
As far as paranormal docs go, this is a classic of the genre. It educates one with historic facts and presents reenactments and eyewitness interviews about the macabre phenomena said to have happened in this beautiful castles.

I saw this once many years ago in my youth and it stuck with me throughout my life thus far, particularly the depiction of the ghastly "Elemental."

To this day I regularly revisit this documentary and the other "Castle Ghost" documentaries in the series. Watch this one with the lights turned down low, just before bed. It'll make that walk down the hallway a lot more exciting.
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The Deep Ones (2020)
Tongue in Cheek Throwback to VHS era horror
24 October 2022
Buying straight to video horror is a crap shoot. I got this solely because it was based on Lovecraft. The opening scene of a busty nude actress running from something on the beach in pitch darkness immediately tells you this is a throwback to exploitation films of old.

The movie has a sense of humor about itself, but such a sense of humor that devolves into parody. The acting is solid in an 80s straight to video way, and the whole thing is interesting enough to keep you there for ending, and weird enough to warrant a rewatch later. Recommended for anyone who enjoys 1970s exploitation or 1980s direct to video horror.
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Premika (I) (2017)
Colorful and Over the Top
16 May 2021
This horror comedy has some great, colorful and over the top imagery. There are more laughs than scares, but the real value is in the fantasy karaoke sequences the exaggerated death scenes.

My main gripe with this was the weak dubbing and the awful english voice acting.
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The Toll (I) (2020)
B-Movie Gem
15 May 2021
This movie made a real impression on me. I wasn't expecting much, as a lot of low budget horror films are basically just junk food for your brain and don't deliver much beyond a couple of memorable scenes at best. However, this movie often pops back in to my head and even as I write this I really want to see it again.

The antagonist of the film, a cosmic-like entity known as the Toll Man is great. He looks creepy as hell and the writer invented a unique mythology for the film. I also cared about the characters a lot, which is rare in a lo of films. The ending actually envoked some real emotion for me. Also that song at the beginning is wonderful. Seek this one out.
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Entertaining low budget film
22 March 2021
This movie is great for fans of the sword and sorcery genre, as well as fans of B-Movies.

The positives: strong acting with the exception of one or two awkward scenes. Right away this puts the movie ahead of most b-movies. The story is well done, straight forward, and entertaining. The music is great, particularly the song during closing credits.

The negatives: the fight scenes are entirely unbelieable. I'm not sure if any of the actors had previous stage fighting experience. Also, the special effects distract from the film, especially during the final battle scene.

If you're the sort of viewer that doesn't mind bad effects and unconvincing fight scenes you'll you enjoy the movie.
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Somewhere Between Epic and Peplum
6 February 2021
Dug up a copy of this overlooked, nearly forgotten Italian fantasy/adventure because I had the vaguest recollection of watching it on Super Scary Saturday with Grampa Al Lewis in the 1980s.

I had forgotten almost everything about the movie, and I was expecting one of those cheap peplum latter day Hercules films. The movie is actually much more. The story is interesting instead of just an excuse to move between various fight scenes (though there's plenty of those), large crowd and battle scenes, vivid colors, and above average special effects for 1960s Italian films. The scenes are all wonderful to look at, and there's lots of beautiful women.

Highly recommended.
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Great Throwback to Nazispotation Films
12 September 2020
I see people on IMDB comparing this movie to Inglourious Basterds, when it's merely inspired by the same grindhouse films that have inspired Tarantino. This movie is the first real entry in the Nazisplotation genre I've seen in years, and it has soe real B-Movie charm to makes up for its weaknesses.

I especially enjoyed the nods to the Ilsa film series.
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