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Invincible: I Thought You Were Stronger (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Absolutely Peak (spoiler free)
4 April 2024
Now before I get people arguing they've seen better or they didn't do this or that. I just wanna say this episode was not rush, stuck to the comic story while being its own original thing, and did not need huge power fighting action to be peak.

First paragraph is about season 2 as a whole and the seconds is about just the season 2 finale. It being a spoiler free I will make my statements quick and short.

Season 2 With that out of the way invincible season 2 was admittedly kinda slow at some points or just ok. They tried their best, they give us happy moments, and build up future storylines (if you were watching carefully). For that it being slow or ok was excused for the sense of building up more epic moments.

Season 2 finale Now dear god how can I explain what I watch without spoiler. The amount of actions, @buse, mental breakdown, character development, and Easter eggs were insane. They somehow managed to rap up the Angstrom levy story quickly in the first 20 minutes while still giving everyone (us the audience too) lots of emotional and epic moments. It truly wasn't rush and was funny at sometimes and knew how to switch bad to being serious and intense I just couldn't. Literally some points I felt worried and sad, then excited and happy, to then just end up going right back to being shocked and sad. Also there is a moment where the audience may be mad because he didn't do it and yes I was mad too, but thinking about it now that would've ruined the huge sense of grief and sadness happening. It just wouldn't have mix well and the writers knew this so they changed it and left it as a masterpiece in the end. I know if I talk further about this then I may actually reveal something by mistake so GO WATCH IT NOW.
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The Good Doctor: Seven Reasons (2018)
Season 1, Episode 13
Not good but ok
10 February 2024
In this episode we continue on with Claire's sexual harassment story. Getting my thoughts together I actually kinda a little hate her for what she did to Dr Kalu. The hospital lacks of support to the women who were assaulted was disgusted and its reason for money makes it worst. Everyone on the board really protected this guy from sexual harassment claims but when Dr Kalu comes in wanting his job back with the threat of a racism claim is really bad??? Dr Andrews and the Asian board lady were completely awful for what they. But all of those could've been avoid if Claire fought harder, damn it she had a WITNESS. If you remember the sexual harassment happened while Claire was treating a supposedly sleeping person. Claire could've brought her up with her claim. She had a fighting chance, heck a witness is basically an automatic win. But she didn't even after Dr Kalu fought for her she still didn't do it. That's the part I hate. She really let her friend fall and didn't help fight for him. He went out of his way for her and it seemed like she didn't care. In the last episode she just continued on and didn't mention his firing once or talked to him.
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The Good Doctor: Islands: Part Two (2018)
Season 1, Episode 12
Hate Dr. Andrews
10 February 2024
Relationships Omg this episode was so good it did a lot in one episode. It tested Shaun's relationship with Dr. Glassman in such a meaningful way. We got to see how much he really loves Shaun. Lea is a little too happy for my liking but she ended up helping Shaun grow as a person and that's what this 2 part episode was really about.

Claire & Dr. Coyle Claire's sexual harassment experience was very well done at the beginning and the way she stood up for herself help build her character and confidence. Now to the part where it fell off. My review and thought of Claire's harassment continues on to the next.

Dr. Andrews I first gotta say I am not black, but i am a brown man. The fact he was pissed off that Dr kale used a racial lawsuit to get back was frustrating. So you're telling it's okay to support one movement and be okay to look over any other as long as it doesn't affects yours? He was completely ok with Claire's claim and didn't even put up a fight for her. He was okay with how women's complains and voices aren't heard and how they're always victim blamed. Thought when it Dr Kalu brought in racism into the mix he couldn't stand it? He didn't put up a fight for Claire, he didn't seem to care, not until color was brought into it. Mind you it was only cuz he made the decision to fire Dr. Kalu because he thought a minor assault was worst than Claire getting sexually harassed is mind boggling to me. He sided with the harasser.

Part 2 of all of this continues on the next episode.
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Hazbin Hotel: Welcome to Heaven (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler free review In my opinion, this is has to be the best episode of the entire series so far. HUGE lore reveal and storytelling for the series. This episode managed to show the somewhat broken system heaven has going on and that corruption still lives up there. It also made sure nothing felt rush in this episode and had many interesting plot lines to follow. Lastly the final song of this episode might have been the best one yet. Seeing the old song be brought ups and changed was soo cool to see. The way it was done to further the story was a chef's kiss.

. .

. Spoiler Review So some people may brought up how Angel dusts redemption/change may have come to quick and to that I wanna say you didn't know him. In the series so far we have seen that Angel dust is a good person who wasn't given many choices growing up and eventually fell to temptation. He isn't pure evil like other sinners but was just somewhat corrupted by people who took advantage of him. Augh Vaggies reveal of being an angel exorcist was really shocking to me. When I saw theory videos of that I just couldn't believe it and was just a good way in the writing to bring down Charlie. Heaven's corruption is real and was shown in this episode through Adam's actions and having the extermination a secret. Finally but not least the ending song "you didn't know" was the best. I fricking loved Charlie's duet with Serenity and their change in Adam's song "Hell is Forever." It was such an excellent way to further tell the story through a very entertaining and well written song. I believe/theorize the story is gonna end up having the reveal that Lilith was killed and having Charlie team up with the overlord to fight back against heaven's assault on the Hazbin hotel.
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Different, amazing, and stunning
17 November 2023
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is uniquely in the sense of everything. Watching the movie and then coming to this you may think some parts are being rush or wrong, but SPTO retells the story in a new and original way taht is just perfect. This show adds lots of new and original content with the same old humor we love. The art style is perfect for Scott's story and does justice to all the iconic moments we know and love from the original movie and then some. SPTO cast and crew truly love this series and it shows from it humor, animation, acting and peak story. This is everything and more than what the fans expect. Netflix thanks you.
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The Marvels (2023)
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here is my honest review of the Marvels from a mcu fanboy. First off this isn't the best movie from marvel by a long shot, but it's not that bad. The Marvels uses characters that we are familiar with skipping an introduction scene for them and allowing us to jump straight into the story. The story wasn't bad nor great just enjoyable enough to watch. People are too quick to point out the bad and not mention the good. Some scene needed more work and some were just amazing. The fight were well done and some shots were too. Others need more work ofc but it wasn't all bad. This movie also extends the mcu in greats way that just make sense. SPOILERS SKIP TO THE END. The introduction of the X-men and young avengers were PERFECT. I don't know why everyone is doggin on it. Y'all are expecting way too much. Of course the X-men are in a different universe. Of course the young avengers were gonna be started by themselves. People are just hating the fact it was 1. Ms marvel, 2. She was a women, and 3. Not white. I bet if Spider-Man or some other male hero did it y'all would be going nuts for it. END OF SPOILERS The marvels had great humor, great fights, bad-good cgi, decent-good story, and overall fun to watch. The Marvels is a 7/10 C tier mcu movie.
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