3 Reviews
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Knowing (2009)
This deserves at least one viewing, but I'm going to watch it again many times
21 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you haven't yet read the review of this film by RosenKratz from Washington DC, posted here above or below, you need to read their review as well. RosenKratz nails it beautifully describing the thought-provoking nature of this film.

The only reason I had no expectations of this film is because I had no real knowledge (heh, excuse the pun) of it until it hit DVD. I wish so bad now that I could have seen this on the big screen.

One of the most amazing scenes, without giving anything away, is this single shot scene that lasts over 4 minutes of a devastating airplane accident and it's aftermath. The scene goes on continuously with a single camera with no edits. As a student of cinema, that scene brought me out of my seat wondering how, even in today's technology, it was achieved! And indeed, when you look at the Special Features on the DVD it explains how the scene was (barely) done. After seeing how the scene was shot, I was still in complete and utter awe in how convincingly it all looked after the final cut! In my opinion, Alex Proyas has broke new barriers in the field of film making with this work. A standard that Hollywood has always nurtured, and a standard that I hope always exists in future film works.

If you are a lover of movies, or a student of cinema, you really need to see this at least once.....but I'm gonna see it several times, cause I'm both! :-)
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911: In Plane Site (2004 Video)
The unbelievable gullibility of some people......
4 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Where do I start with this travesty of truth? You know, it really scares me that there are people so stupid and clueless as to not recognize the wool being pulled over their eyes! There are more unanswered questions in this film than there are answered ones! Does that not tip you off to the absurdity of this lame production? For instance, if Flight 93 landed in Ohio, then what happened to the people who called their loved ones on cell phones and said goodbye to them? Also, when several tons of airplane smack into a building at 200 plus miles an hour, whether it hits concrete OR glass....are you really SO stupid to think that a "flash" spark of that contact would not occur? And aside from Flight 93, what happened to the other 3 commercial flights that went missing that day? What happened to their passengers and crews? You wonder why explosions were heard as each tower fell. Did it occur to you that when tons of debris from each ascending floor smacks into each other it might sound like an explosion? Did it also dawn on your dumb butts that each floor probably has at least one if not several water heaters on it? Have you ever heard a water heater explode? I guarantee it's big enough and loud enough to level a normal one-story house or building! The sheer weight of each floor collapsing in on itself would have flattened and popped every water heater like a balloon! Oh, and I've seen a hundred other photographs of the Pentagon wreckage that this film conveniently left out that shows PLENTY of room for a commercial airliner to fit into...so don't start in on that either! This film relies heavily on all of the misinformation that floats around in the early stages of any disaster. It takes DAYS to sort it all out, and you all KNOW that! From the mistaken reports of two other bombs located in the OKC wreckage to the reports that there were more than 4 planes involved on 9/11 (I have those all on videotape)...all these reports occurred in the first hours of each event and were later cleared up and corrected.

I am just praying to God that you people who actually believe in some kind of conspiracy and take this dumb film as fact do a lot more research for the REAL truth, and stop wasting precious time and your lives believing doctored footage and misrepresentation of what you can actually see with your own eyes! It's this kind of garbage that helps perpetuate the belief, by outside countries, that the people of the United States are uneducated and stupid! Please stop fueling that fire!
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An answer to Gislef from Iowa City, IA
9 October 2007
Gislef, you commented on the lack of tribute to the late Rod Serling the "Movie" made in your review you wrote in 1999. You should know that the entire production from inception to finished product was 1000% tribute to the man that created The Twilight Zone back in 1958, Mr Serling himself. The reason he wasn't a major contributor to the movie is that he died 8 years before the movie started production. Carol Serling, his wife, had major contributions to the movie in lieu of Rod's absence, including a cameo in "Nightmare At 35,000 Feet" with John Lithgow.

But, don't kid yourself....Twilight Zone-The Movie would not have ever existed without the inspiration of Spielberg and Landis who wanted to do the movie as a salute to Rod's creation. Their enlistment of Carol Serling to help advise and produce the film is evidence of that.
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