
75 Reviews
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Light Hearted and Intelligent Movie
24 July 2022
Beautiful visuals, Nicole Kidman, Bette Middler, Glenn Close and social critique. Light hearted and intelligent at the same time. What else do you need? It's just perfect!
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Awful family, horrible movie
24 July 2022
''Here is a simple story in which our lovely contestant and her family try to find their way to California so that she can prove to the world she is not a loser! " Except SHE WAS NEVER A LOSER and will never be.

As if pretending beauty was an objective matter wasn't disgusting enough, and creating ridiculous competitions where women try to fit in a limited standard wasn't unerving enough, now we have beauty pageants for kids!

No wonder body image related diseases are on the rise, as well mental health issues in youngsters. The prevalence of major depression (a very serious disease that might kill) is higher in women than in men. And of course being treated like a piece of meat, an adornment plays a role in it!
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Visually Beautiful
23 July 2022
The cast is also diverse, which I appreciate. Now, is it only my imagination or are they (film industry) making most fat characters villains? Aren't these people vilified enough?
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It could be better
23 July 2022
Judging people for wanting to eat a doughnut and be slim at the same time was not only a bad move, but very condescending.

One or maybe two black characters...oh, look how mainstream media fights racism! (Irony).
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Little (I) (2019)
Absolutely Horrible!
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Couldn't get past 30 minutes or so. I like the cast. The photography, decoration etc is beautiful, but the story is awful.

I guess the movie was supposed to be about how one should be kind. The main character as a boss was cruel, but guess what, the people she mistreated were no less than a bunch of jerks themselves.

As they didn't know the kid was that rich and successful woman they were okay in being mean to her, making cruel and racist comments.

How come a movie with many main black actors has such monstrosity as mocking a black girl for using her hair as it is?

I was horrified. There was nothing wrong with her hair or how she looks.

Everyone in the movie were douches and hypocrites, not only the boss.

How about in the beginning, when the white bully interrupts Jordan and later attacks her? Where was the teacher or director? How was that allowed in front of everyone?

Poorly written. Don't waste your time.

I have to say this to every girl out there, specially black girls: You are awesome just the way you are, with afro/curly/straight hair, with your glasses, braces, freckles, etc. There is no wrong way to have a body!
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Monk (2002–2009)
Meds won't change your personality!
28 December 2021
Very good. Funny. Tony Shaloub is great. But one thing concerns me. In one episode, he tries to take medicine for his ocd and his personality changes because of that. That is a lie. Medicine to treat depression, anxiety, ocd and the like does not change's the patients personality, it doesn't make one numb either. It is a disservice. These diseases are very serious and real just like diabetes, cancer or malaria and should be taken seriously. Monk is a great opportunity to raise awareness about the stigma patients have to deal with as well to debunk many myths about medication and treatment. Finding the right doctor and the right medicine for you could make a difference in your life and you could stop suffering so much. Such episode might take that chance from many people as societal pressure to just "man up" and not follow proper treatment is very strong.
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The Mentalist (2008–2015)
Another cliché
28 December 2021
Full of stereotypes, logical fallacies and prejudices. Modern phrenology. They know the public like to believe they know people just by looking at them for a few seconds. The public like to play god and judge every little thing others do. So they give what the public want and get their money. ,
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Ex Machina (2014)
Boring. Cliché.
28 December 2021
Another cliché. A nerd who doesn't have a girlfriend. How original! In real life, it's not like that...because not everybody is brainwashed by hollywood nonsense.
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Cartagena (2009)
Save your time
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Depressing. Muriel's house is very interesting. It's good to see different types of houses in stories for a change. Every people have a particular way of life and all should be respected.

Lucia is a bitter woman who has a cruel thing to say about every person, gratuitously. An unlikable character that disrespects others struggles or way of life.

Weak character and story development.
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Ender's Game (2013)
28 December 2021
Not good. But one particular review got my attention. The person complains about subliminal prejudice against minorities...and then attacks the boy that according to whom commented, is a nerd?

How hypocritical. If you want to fight prejudice do it right. I've seen hollywood beauty type people date "nerds" many times. By the way, there are many subliminal messages saying one type of people are beautiful and other is not. Beauty is subjective, a matter of taste. Those movies have a vast collection of subliminal brainwashing tactics, and trying to put beauty in a cage as if it was objective is just one of them. That's how they sell you stuff. If you are not always unhappy, dissatisfied, feeling ugly etc how else are you going to buy stuff you don't need? Wake up.
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Dirty Work (1998)
Unfunny and boring
3 March 2021
The main idea was interesting, nice cast but the movie is unfunny, boring and unintelligent. Expect dumb sex jokes, misoginy, kindergarden fat jokes and the narrow minded notion that a man who lives with his father (or mother) is a "looser" just because some privileged people in certain societies arbitrarily decided that.
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Nice Acting, Depressing and Pointless
10 February 2021
Interesting movie, it has its moments and acting is very good. But the story seems to go nowhere. Unlike other stories about monsters, we don't get to see how this moth creature is like. The part where Connie says "they were seen not by flakes or freaks, but by responsible members of the community" makes one think. What is a freak? Who decides that? So reports from eccentric, misunderstood or stigmatized people are unreliable but any wild, preposterous story coming from those who conform to society's standards are easily accepted? As if just because someone who carefully does in public only what is expected from them couldn't behave in an unethical or dangerous manner when no one is looking! Maybe anyone who goes to church and follows all the conventions are incapable of lying and cannot misinterpret things? Hopefully their intention was precisely to criticize that way of thinking.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Overall a Great Movie
4 February 2021
What a cool movie! Watched it more than once and it's unusual for me to do so. But I have one complaint. Phil is basically a jerk and Rita only reprimands him when he decides to order lots of food...and says something about being condemned to have depression. Isn't the movie supposed to be about being kind and considerate? Depression is a disease and has nothing to do with being arrogant or a bad's organic. Her reaction to his eating spree cause her a strong reaction. I guess it's because our society has an unhealthy relationship with food full of shame and guilt and tries to punish those who dare to eat more. Her character is portrayed as kind and sweet...which I don't think is exactly the case. Mocking, reprimanding or being angry at an adult person because of that was pretty strange. If Rita got angry at him when he insulted someone else it would make more sense. That would be a nice idea for a second Groundhog Day, this time with Rita being in the loop. After all, everybody has something to improve.
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Looking Glass (I) (2018)
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Killing a praying mantis just to make a scene was ridiculous and unnecessary. And using fat and old people to cause shock and disgust is dehumanizing and perpetuates many types of prejudices. The story ended too abruptly. Too bad. Apart from that the story was very interesting and the cast superb. It's always nice watching Nicolas Cage and Robin Tunney.
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Before I Wake (2016)
Excellent movie!
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A movie that teaches that not all our fears are real and not everything is what it seems. Inspiring and beautiful movie!
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Marionette (I) (2020)
It could be better
4 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cast is great, the locations (inside and outside) are beautiful, the beginning and middle of story entertaining...but towards the end it gets it gets confusing.
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Black Box (II) (2020)
Great movie!
4 February 2021
Intriguing and original story I really enjoyed it!
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Erasing His Past (2019 TV Movie)
Stopped watching at the beginning
10 October 2020
The main feeling here is was 11 minutes or so and I thought the movie was in 40 minutes mark. How about the dialogues? Pfft. "Oh, I thought you were joking because you were 10 years younger babe." Backwards thinking for sure. And the ugly sausage breakfast scene did not escape my eyes. Try to use better looking food, this type of detail counts. PS.: I don't remember the dialogue exact words, but you get the idea.
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Uninteresting, acting will make you cringe
10 October 2020
Beautiful place and house, at least from the outside...the idea is good (creepy dolls, a girl who died horribly haunts the place,etc) but the execution was bad. The movie was boring. Stopped watching at 30 minutes or so.
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I love it!
9 October 2020
Captivating stories, great actors. Some people are complaining this series are too political or has to much political correctness. Why? Just because one character is gay and another one is black? Is that too much for some people? I personally think it makes things more interesting. Always straight white characters is kinda unimaginative. Plus, black actors and actresses deserve more opportunities. You think this is too political? Guess what: EVERYTHING is political. When we have decades of certain groups being excluded from stories and movies, as if they didn't existed, that is politics! And it must be criticized. Differences have always existed. It is time for us to embrace them and welcome all groups. That is not being politically is simply doing the right thing.
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Pinocchio (2019)
Mediocre and boring
9 October 2020
Great actors, cool and interesting costumes...and that's it. While I think characters in general are a bit violent, calling Pinocchio an "idiot" seems hypocrite to me. Were we saints when kids? Never we lied? Disobeyed? Hated school? Since when people starting to born perfect and mature? I'm all for encouraging children to study, but not like that. In the movie the teacher resorts to violence and torture to discipline them, and later it compares those who abandon school to donkeys, which is some languages is a very offensive way of saying someone lacks intelligence. There are far better, more intelligent and efficient ways of capturing students interest in learning and one can have all degrees in the world...he will still be incomplete without kindness and respect for all types of people and ways of life. Show them the importance of knowledge, but don't forget to teach respect for those who are on a different path. The film has many instances unsuitable for children and is boring. It also treats leisure time as some type of sin. Suicide rates, stress related diseases and burnout should give a hint that our society needs urgently revisit its ways and its obsession with work and productivity. In a nutshell, the cast is superb, the costumes creative, but the philosophy behind the story is mediocre at best, full of commonplaces and outdated ideas about education, society and life.
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Room for Rent (2019)
Yes, the cover is misleading.
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Linn Shaye is great, and I tried this movie because of her. It's a story that makes one think...the way those teenagers treat Joyce was horrible...she was amazingly brave in acting the way she did. Then the author tries to make her literary taste looks funny...I guess every story says a lot about our society...isn't she allowed to enjoy erotic stories just because she is old...or a woman? Why do we laugh at this? I feel we don't mock men that often when they are depicted consuming porn. How about mocking an old lady falling in love with somebody younger? Who was she hurting by the way? It seems we are more tolerable of cruelty (the teenager's attacks) than out of box forms of love. That guest was above 18 right? So, again, why are we mocking love? I know in the story she gets obsessed with him and does some pretty strange stuff, invades his privacy and that is not love at all...but at the same time the idea is there beneath the main theme...remember always to watch things with a critical frame of mind. Authors try to induce us to think certain things, not always for the better reasons...neve stop making questions.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
26 August 2020
The Giger inspired artwork (ship) is wonderful. The engineers look pretty cool, Noomi Rapace and Michael Michael Fassbender are great. But the movie is boring, pointless and some dialogues awful ("You are a sh*t pilot."). Charlize Theron was a bad choice...
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Bright (I) (2017)
Fantastic Movie!
16 August 2020
What a cool and fun movie! I loved the opening, with that graffiti and how they "wrote" BRIGHT in the beginning, that style above the sky looks pretty cool. The orcs are simply amazing. The film is funny, entertaining, has a great message, the elves and fairy look really nice too, Will Smith was a great choice...I have nothing to complain. To hell with the critics, their opinion is not the truth nor is better than ours! Longing for a Bright 2!
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Alien Nation (1988)
15 August 2020
This movie is entertaining, intelligent, funny. I love the make up and how they show us the other side of the coin, the alien point of view.
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