
6 Reviews
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Snyder and his fans need an intervention
19 April 2024
I do not know how Snyder fans continue to gas up these movies and try and boost something that clearly is subpar to a franchise that isn't even doing all that great currently. That's actually sad. The pacing is worse than the first film, the exposition is insanely forced and spoon fed, and it just feels basic. To kind of balance it out, the movie does have some great action sequences, but dangling some shiny keys in front of a pile of trash doesn't make it more appealing. Junkie is back at it again with trailer music score, sounds just like 3 of his other films. Do not listen to these reviews giving it 10/10, see it for yourself and judge.
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Where's the horror?
25 July 2023
This movie just isn't good. Unfortunately while the director manages to work with his budget, the end result is a haphazard mess with few to no scares and ultimately ends up being a snooze fest.

This would be much more paletteable if the director actually knew what horror was. Unfortunately (and unsurprisingly) the director seems to go for cheap scares and puts very little effort into the craft. As scathing as that may seem, I'm just trying to spare those who may blindly stumble upon this movie and think it may be worth watching. Not the case sadly. The film needs to be ironed out more if there is any hope of future for the director and his crew.
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Call Time (2021)
Stick to YouTube buddy
3 May 2021
How is this a film? How did none of these "actors" read the script and decide it was a good idea to sign on? How does Tyrone criticize movies yet work on this dookie film? Marvel and DC ain't callin bro.
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Alexa & Katie (2018–2020)
Pure garbage
1 January 2020
Laugh tracks, dull humor and "serious" plot points that end in more dull humor. Also, does anyone in this show have an IQ above 10? I feel like if I showed them fire they'd be like cavemen and rejoice
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Londyn (2018– )
Don't believe the hype
18 December 2019
YouTube hyped this up and I couldn't get past the first episode. The effects look like cardboard cutouts, the camerawork looks like it was shot on an iPhone and the dialogue is just weird.
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No Good Nick (2019)
It's for hallmark viewers
11 November 2019
It's just not good. Track audience laughs at everything, the only good thing about this is the main character and that's it. Everyone else is terrible and Sean Astin is just lowered to low iq sit com dad. The entire family turns out to be and the show can't decide whether it wants to portray them in a positive light or not. And for those giving it high reviews probably rate hallmark movies 10/10. Just sayin
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