
5 Reviews
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The Pier Man (2019)
12 November 2021
Artsy, nonsensical silliness with that French vibe. No one ever bathes and the worst dancing you can imagine. Deliberately.unintelligible nonsese and we don't even get to see anyone naked.
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The Next Skin (2016)
This had all kinds of potential...
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...but a lot of plot holes.

Great acting across the board, especially from the young lead.

Why wouldn't a DNA test be done first thing to verify the blood relationship one way or the other before getting people emotionally involved who may not be parent/child?

Would you really take back in a child you had been hoping was alive but hadn't seen for eight years, give him a key to the house and go back to work the next morning? wth? Wouldn't it be wise to take a few days off and spend time with him...ease him into the new environment/situation. What Gabriel was going through in making that transition from the youth center or whatever to a home with a mom he doesn't remember would be very stressful, not something to take in stride as though it were not.

Where the hell did the gay/bi thing between the guys come from out of the blue? I saw no hints of that attraction whatsoever, and as handsome as the two young men were, believe me when I say I was looking for them. They're getting ready to rape this drunk girl and then all of a sudden the two guys start making out with no hesitancy whatsoever, Gabriel turns around eager to take it, Joan's all into it and then boom...Gabriel's out of the mood again because of something Joan said. That scene was hot, I guess, but completely unearned.

The setting, atmosphere, acting, direction were all fine, I just kept thinking about the lack of a DNA test and how unlikely it is to skip that in this day and age.

I don't hate the movie but it annoys me when such huge issues are left hanging or unaddressed.
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Get In (2019)
From intriguing, unsettling psychological thriller to same old slasher/gore...yawn
9 March 2021
Had a lot going for it and I was all in until a little less than 2/3 in when it changed gears, became increasingly implausible and full of plot holes, and went full-on super-violent gore-horror, which is just boring to me.

Disappointing. As usual, naked women all over the place but the guys keep every stitch on. Sure this wasn't made in Hollywood?
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Rialto (2019)
Tom Vaughn-Lawlor should get an Oscar for this performance.
4 March 2021
Totally gripping from start to finish. Vaughn-Lawlor is nothing short of stunning in complete immersion in this role. There is not a second in which I did not believe I was watching a real person with many layers of suffering and confusion about many different issues.

His character does some despicable things but I completely understood where those actions came from, and that he had done all he could do over many years to avoid their manifestation. His humanity and good heart and desire to do the right thing was never in question, even as he staggers through scene after scene showing a man falling apart yet not yet willing to end it all.

Loved this film. Love Vaughn-Lawlor in it. Hollywood would never even get close to making a film like this, which is why I've almost completely given up on watching them. Thank god for Asian, British, European, Scandinavian and Australian films. So much richer, deeper, human and willing to tackle earthier subject matter than milquetoast Hollywood.
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The original is much, much better.
26 February 2021
This felt like a pretty bad TV movie, tbh. Not much good to say about it. Bad acting, except for the older lady. She was good in her role.

Terrible direction, Obviously next to no budget. The use of the pandemic as a background was inconsistent. Masks came and went randomly.

What is it with that slow snake-body dance Filipino boys are always shown doing in these flicks? Do they really do that? So boring. A whole stage full of handsome young men all doing exactly the same thing.

Pretty funny that in his first night at the nightclub the MC already knew his choreography for his debut number. lol Which was pretty bad too.
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