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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Double Date (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
So we'll written
7 February 2024
It kind of bobbles my mind how well written this is. The timely jokes, the clever jokes and conversations, the story telling EVERYTHING is so well written and thought through. This isn't a show you can just write on the fly and spit it out into streaming platforms.

The "one handed ex-girlfriend" part was hilarious and the convincing manner in which Jane told the lie was amazing. I even went back to the beginning of the episode and specifically looked for her arm to confirm. The charisma and CHEMISTRY of John and Jane is incredible. I watch this show and see an actual married couple. The seamless joke telling and storytelling of the characters and how natural and down to earth it all is, it's truly a breath of fresh air. This show is what casual tv viewers NEED.
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4 December 2023
That has to be one of the worst episodes in Rick and Morty history. The first seasons, maybe 1-4 or 5 had just straight perfect episodes with maybe one episode that was just "good" but never "bad". This episode was TERRIBLE.

I think there was one joke where I laughed because it was simply so awful. The show has turned juvenile for the worse. Yes, with this being the 78th episode (give or take), ideas are bound to dwindle, the flame will start to dim, but this was just completely..inexcusable. This season had some great episodes but this one seemed like "Hey, we're kinda stumped on new good ideas let's just throw this one together." Yes some of the jokes and ideas were clever but as a whole, this was just terrible.

I'm never this critical about this show however, this was it for me. They better perfect the rest of this season.
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Barry (2018–2023)
The One in Front of the Gun Lives Forever
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is my review of Barry after watching all four seasons. "Wow" was my reaction (and Barry's). This show is what you call perfect television. Perfect amount of humour, perfect amount of emotion, perfect amount of action, perfect amount of basically everything. The writing from Alec and Bill is incredible, thoughtful, and elegant. The humour is amazing, well-timed, and well-placed. There are no complaints from me watching this show. I love the pacing of this show, the lengths of the episodes, and especially THE ACTING.

ACTING I want to commend everyone for their superb, heartfelt, grounding acting. Everyone did an excellent job that is worthy of at least ONE Emmy. Sarah Goldberg WOW, what a believable, down-to-earth, exciting, and emotional performance by her. Bill Hader! Who knew he could act so well? I sure didn't. His subtitle micro-expressions, his cadence, and his mannerisms are all just excellent with who Barry is as a character; a monotone, aggressive, anger-filled solider who has mental problems. Stephen Root! He made me hate his guts and then love an episode later, only an amazing actor can make you feel that way. Anthony Carrigan! What a delightful, happy, funny performance by him. His character was so much deeper than just a hilarious, soft criminal who doesn't like getting his hands dirty. He was invaluable to this story. Henry Winkler! Such a performance. The way his character was on a rollercoaster of emotions and unfortunate events, the wave of feeling his character went through was unnerving. This show deserves all the Emmys it won and more. These actors embodied their characters to the utmost perfection.

CHARACTERS I loved the continuous cycle of Barry and Fuches working together, to them falling out with each other, and then the other one (usually Fuches) betraying the other. They then want revenge and soon realize their relationship is more than just one terrible moment in time, so they make up again, and then it all repeats. It was incredible to see! The very last episode when Fuches brings Barry's child to him safely after ALL that pent-up rage towards him was heartwarming. It was the final gesture of peace between them, so beautiful. Love is more powerful than hate. Sally finds herself in an abusive relationship with a violent and angry man then escaping it and being content being alone for a while. Then she finds herself with another violent and angry man and escapes him many years later (after he dies) and is alone once again. The cyclic nature of life is beautiful. Hank ends up dying in the arms of his lover, Cristobal, whom he betrayed which led to his death. Very symbolic and thoughtful, something only great writers could do. Gene had done some terrible things in his life like abandoning his son, treating his subordinates and coworkers wrong, taking the money Barry gave him, using Barry, and seeking revenge. All his wrongdoings led to him taking the fall for all Barry did and paying a very high price. Was it fair? Who knows.

NOTABLE SCENES/EPISODES Ronny/lily - one of the best episodes of television EVER! Non-stop action, non-stop humour, and no music at all kept me glued to the screen for every second of the episode. The lily girl was not from this world.

Every season finale - pretty obvious that every season finale was made with precision and flawless technique.

Motorcycle chase scene (710N) - classic Barry episode, I love the time and effort they put into this show. Round of applause to the stuntmen.

Sally's monologue (The Audition) - my absolute favourite moment from the talented and incredibly gifted Sarah Goldberg. Then Barry's reaction afterward was priceless.

It takes a psycho - Crystobal's death...nothing more to say.

ENDING There's a saying from a very famous artist that goes something like "Everybody respects the shooter, but the one in front of the gun lives forever." Meaning the one who is killed is immortalized. The end of Barry symbolizes this. After everything Barry did, all the killing, framing, and evading the law, Barry was finally going to turn himself in but Gene killed him in cold blood. The movie of Barry's life that was shown in the finale explained it all. Gene was framed as the manipulative mastermind and Barry was shown as an innocent, soldier killed by his role model. I find that mind-blowing (pun intended). I thought the ending was done perfectly with how the show is and how it went along. Barry couldn't have kept doing this all his life there had to be an end and the end was NOT going to be a happy one or a happily ever after. It made sense. He was killed the same way he killed hundreds of other people, without mercy and hesitation. His story and name will be immortalized, his soul will not and that's the most that can be done for a character like him. I think most forget, that even though we love Barry and he is the protagonist, he is still the villain. The only one who knows the truth of what and who Barry is is Sally and I hope she keeps it to herself, for her son John's sake.

I could say much more about this show but I do not have the words to convey how it really made me feel. 10/10.
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Incredibly Thought-Provoking
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie with no prior knowledge of the film, no trailer, no summary. I watched it purely off of a recommendation and I am so pleased I did. The beginning made me think that it is a movie about a suicidial woman, many hints towards that fake. The acting, the prolonged scenes with no cuts, and the delivery of the lines were all so impeccable; this movie grabbed my attention from the very start.

I rarely make movie reviews and when I do it is because a movie left me amazed or emotional or in this case, bewildered. The fact that this movie had not one jump scare or frightening scene and it still gave me an eerie feeling. The act of the movie that took place in the house was just superb. The anxious waiting of the in-laws to come downstairs, the claw marks and tape on the basement door, mysterious dog that shook its head endlessly. Then finally the parents arriving on the main floor and now you just feel tension between the parents and the son. The son was hostile, on edge, refused to be touched by his parents (which seemed very odd, I thought abuse was a factor), the cold looks Jake gave his father; it all seemed very odd.

A few other things that made me scratch my head was the "Young Woman's" name and backstory constantly changing. The house, the basement, the ice parlour, the school, all related back to Jake so at that point I thought maybe Jake is the main protagonist. I am not smart enough to the understand this movie was I read up on it and understood that the Janitor is the older Jake, and the "Young Woman" was essentially made up in his mind or just an unknown woman.

My thoughts are all over the place, just like Jake's in a sense, but this movie was such a journey and I am so impressed with how creative and thoughtful it is. I cannot imagine the time and effort it must've taken to make. Bravo.
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Beef (2023– )
There's always something
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Theres always something. I've said that about a million times in my life. Many things in life push us to the brink of bursting out into tears, madness, rage and so on but we always have to keep it together just for appearances. The world we live in always wants us to smile and be civil and act as if everything is perfect, but God forbid we have something negative going on. Danny and Amy are so much more relatable to the average person that most think. That over the edge moment for Danny and Amy was the road rage incident. Many times in life we 'take the high road' and hold our tongue in conflicts or disagreements, but at some point in time we ALL say enough is enough.

I love how this series depicted how life can go if we allow something to take over our lives. To think of all the damage, misery, death and depression that could have been avoided if either Amy or Danny just took it easy. In the finale, that beautiful scene with Amy thinking about "should I retaliate against this bad driver who almost hit me?" Then decides to flip him off and drive away.

This story was absolutely magnificent. The stories and lives of George, Paul, Issac, Fumi, Naomi, Jordan and even cute little June were so well done to the point I understood and connected with every character (maybe not much with Jordan). Everyone's lives were interconnected and all their choices had precedent on someone else's life. It such an incredible, funny, extensive, intricate story that kept me invested from start to finish.

There are some tiny nuisances that I wanted to point out that are very thought provoking, but I will not explain them for myself. Danny and Amy escaping the wilderness and entering reality once again, then being bombarded with the hardship of that same reality. Amy laying down with Danny in the hospital bed, Danny embracing her. Amy constantly attempting to explain to George how she feels inside, but George not understanding and cutting her off. Various characters hypocritical tendencies towards other mistakes when their own mistakes are much more vial. The crows following the lives of Danny and Amy, along with the blurry shot of the dirt and leafs. The messages of obsession constantly sprinkled throughout the story.

Lastly, Steven Leun and Ali Wong deserves awards for their performances, along with the talented Director. The cinematography was exquisite and the creators of this story need recognition. This has become one of my favourite series. Bravo.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
"I Swear."
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I swear television doesn't get any better than this. This 9 episode journey of Joel and Ellie was such a trip. I can rewatch and relive this story repeatedly, and it will never lose its effect on me.

Ellie experienced the aftermath of her extensive trauma, and Joel notices it; therefore, he tries to engage with her and be the initiator of their conversations, which he usually does not do. Ellie zones out many times and cannot seem to get her mind off that devastating experience from last episode. Then a perfectly timed miracle happens in front of her eyes with the appearance of her first ever seen giraffe. There is something wonderful about that scene where Joel and Ellie feed the giraffe. At that moment, you can tell all their worries faded, even briefly.

Joel telling Ellie about his failed suicide attempt just hurt. How do you even respond to your role model saying something like that? The vulnerability Joel now shares with her just shows how much he cares for her, almost like a father. It is lovely.

The lengths Joel went to at the end of the episode to save Ellie. Chilling. Having his 'child' or the child, he is now responsible for potentially being killed brought out the most brutal version of Joel that we saw in the first episode. That ruthless, unstoppable father would stop at nothing to protect his own.

Then Ellie hearing the lies Joel told her about what happened at the hospital. After everything she went through "it can't be for nothing". Now it technically was all for nothing. It was an extremely difficult decision to make, as Joel (a father), probably not as much; living with the consequences of this decision will be difficult. Ellie really ants to believe Joel and tells him to swear, so he does, but deep down she knows he is not telling the truth about something.

Last thing, the camera panning on the dead surgeon who was going to develop the cure, incredible nod and foreshadow about what is to come.

Standing ovation to The Last of Us, Neil Druckman, Craig Mazin, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, and all!
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
6 March 2023
Give Bella Ramsey her flowers. Bella deserves an Emmy for this masterful performance. I shed a tear watching the last few scenes of this episode. I cannot believe how talented Bella is.

The build up and story behind the new characters, especially David, was great. Did not feel rushed and it was perfectly timed and executed. This story is honestly one of my favourite stories and seeing it adapted into an amazing TV show is a dream come true.

I cannot begin to explain how incredible the dynamic between Pedro and Bella is. The line when Joel said "I got you baby girl" just broke my heart, the mountains they both would climb over to see each other prosper and be alright is so powerful. Nothing can stop the love they have for each other and it shows through their actions way more than their words. I'm in love with this show.
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The Last of Us: Endure and Survive (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
"What did I do?"
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"What did I do?"....To deserve this is what I like to think Henry meant. First off just want to say this was the best episode of the season so far. There's nothing you can do to make this episode more perfect. The story of Henry and Sam was just so heart wrenching and emotional. I began to love them instantly just after a few scenes, especially in the attic. Sam is the cutest little innocent kid with his awesome drawings. Henry is an awesome older brother as well, as great as great can be.

The Ellie and Joel x Henry and Sam combo was superb. Ellie and Sam were such a dynamic duo, she could be a great big sister. It was different from the game but excellent nonetheless.

THAT SCENE with the Bloater, the runners and clickers charging out of that crater was jaw-dropping. Beautifully shot and executed. I can't say enough about it and the action scenes afterwards. Wow.

Now for the last scene. Jaw dropping and speechless. The poor little kid Sam getting bit and wondering if he will still reside in the body of a monster. Ellie trying to heal him with her blood, but inevitably turning infected. Just wow. I wish I had the vocabulary to really express how it made me feel. As an older brother myself I would've reacted the same way Henry did. After all the sacrifices he made, the impossible decisions, surviving and being hunted for 11 days just for it to end like THAT "what did I do?" deserve this.
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The Last of Us: Please Hold to My Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Lost for Words
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was something special. The cinematography has always been high tier and the way it's directed is so beautiful.

I really love the fact that Joel and Ellie's relationship is getting stronger and they're connecting more. When Joel is talking to Ellie about shooting that man, causing her to cry I felt every bit of emotion. The diarrhoea joke at the end was perfection made me smile and laugh so much my cheeks hurt. The mermaid algebra joke too, straight from the video game. All these nuances and nods to the game are so done so incredibly well. I honestly love everything about this show.

The additional characters and the deeper story, the depth, it is all so welcoming. Even if you've never heard of the franchise you'd love this show. The introduction of Henry and Sam was great as well can't wait to see more of them.

It's such a shame this show is getting reviewed bombed and just mentioning it now will probably get this review hate but it needed to be said. For unbiased TV lovers this episode is something most will love.
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Everything and More
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I played the Last of Us video game back in 2013 once and in 2021 2 times. It is my favourite game of all time and one of my favourite storylines of all time. The character development, atmosphere, emotion, tension, humour and heartbreak are all things that pull my heart closer to the story; after seeing the first episode I can say the HBO series did the same.

Nico Parker and Pedro Pascal had phenomenal performances that literally brought tears to my eyes. The more intense connection we got with Sarah along with her backstory compared to the video game made me die a little inside when she met her demise. Pedro Pascal IS Joel. I had no clue what to expect from this show, all I knew was that Neil Druckman has never disappointed me, but Pedro embodied the character of Joel perfectly. Even with the short time we saw Bella Ramsey as Ellie, I thought she did an incredible job. Tess, Tommy and Marlene...WOW.

The atmosphere of this show and how it through you right into the mix of it all with the great interview at the beginning, its just all so perfect. Its everything I could have wished for and much more. This is what an adaptation is supposed to be. The directors and writers are all masterminds and geniuses. Words can't really describe how much I love it. Sunday nights will now be the best moments of my upcoming weeks. 10/10.
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House of the Dragon: The Black Queen (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Truly Incredible
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow wow wow! This show is quite amazing. Rhaenyra has had a terrible couple days and I have to say, Emma D'Arcy is also an outstanding actress. She losses her beloved father, had a still born child through a traumatic process, and has that little twerp of a child Aegon take her thrown. I felt all of her anger and despair, incredible performance. Through all of this she remains calm, diligent and collected unlike Damon who wants nothing but war and death. I don't blame him though, his personality is very different and he has a right. However, just like I predicted, Damon is mistaking Rhaenyra's power as his own. He somewhat forgets his place. Rhaenyra will have to find a way to control him, because there is no reason he should get away with undermining her authority and choking her in disagreements.

The CGI was tier 1, absolutely breathtaking. The dragons, the different castles and cities, the fight through the stormy skies and clouds...WOW.

I felt eerie the entire time Luke travelled to that other Kingdom by himself. He did not seem ready or sure of himself, mostly because of his age and size. But of course Aemond is already there looking for a fight. I cannot believe Aemond killed Luke I truly could not believe it. By accident or not, Aemond's time will come and he will pay his debts with his life.

Rhaenyra finding out about her child's death will SURELY lead to war. She has had more than enough from Allicent and her trifling family.

Let the war begin.
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Black Adam (2022)
Pretty Great DC Movie
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I believe that when rating a movie you must rate it for what it is, in the genre in which in belongs. This isn't a movie to take serious or a movie trying to attain awards. It's a action superhero movie and for it being that it was pretty great.

The action was amazing and the CGI was great. I heard some people say the CGI was bad which boggles my mind of how picky and spoiled you must be. Black Adam fighting, the Dr Fate scenes, Cyclone and Adam Smasher it all looked amazing.

Yes some parts were cliche but what can we expect? There's been 100s of superhero movies doesn't every movie ever have a least a few cliches? (Most definitely).

The movie was much better than some other DC movies and I really enjoyed the overpowered beast of a character in Black Adam. The Rock did a great job for once being a wrestler. I am also SO GLAD Henry Cavill is back as Superman (we need the Man of Steel 2). It's been a long time since we've seen him. He's a perfect Superman. The Rock is a perfect Black Adam.
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Pretty Good Ending
13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like that the finale became self aware. The way the finale was going with Todd, Titania, Hulk, and Abomination was messy and predictable; Jen being aware of this and fixing it was really cool and rewarding.

Still some things that were kind of iffy. Some being: DareDevil having a family dinner with Jen's family? Odd but alright. Hulk coming back from Sakaar really fast, Todd being arrested for...creating hate speech? Organized hate group? Alright.

Easter eggs
  • They were great!!! The whole "change back to Jen when the camera is showing because our Special effects team is working on another movie. Which is Black Panther based on the music in the back.

  • Confirmed a Hulk movie. I believe it a World Breaker Hulk or something on Sakaar along with his son! Awesome.

  • Confirmed X-Men movies are on the way.

  • Confirmed season 2 of SheHulk and much more.

  • The fourth wall break with Kevin being K. E. V. I. N hilarious.

It felt like an entirely different team of writers made this episode and for the better. Overall the show still wasn't very great but this episode was.
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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: The Retreat (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Juvenile and Hard to Watch
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are nearly impossible to like or sympathize for. Every character seems like they were written to be comedic relief. Not a single person this episode was a respectable decent character. Everyone acts like they're in a Disney channel kids show...oh wait.

Episode 7 and still no stakes, no conflict, no rising action. Just a middle aged woman struggling to find a man and cope with her She Hulk powers. We have to wait 8 maybe 9 episodes to actually get to the conflict that will better the character of Jen, that will finally progress the story? In the mean time we just waste our time watching meaningless empty stories. I could've skipped 6 episodes and not miss a beat. If you say "well it's a sitcom, random stuff always happen" well then it's a terrible sitcom. Modern family is 10x better, the Office, Friends, The Good Place, just to name a few, ARE ALL BETTER.

Who is the target audience??? It's not friendly enough for children because of the hooking up and certainly because, what 10 year old wants to watch a 30 year old struggle to find a man? It's not targeted for adults because it's honestly insulting and demeaning to think that a mature adult would find the juvenile and cringe humour amusing. So who is this actually for.

I'm frustrated with myself that I kept giving this show chances.
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Rick and Morty: Night Family (2022)
Season 6, Episode 4
Severance X Rick and Morty
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was awesome. I'm time after time, week after week in awe of their creativity and endless new huge ideas. It's insane how spectacular this show is to this day nearly a decade later.

If you've watched Severance, then you'll see how this episode and the show are similar. I'm not accusing either of copying by the way. The concept of having two versions of yourself, one enjoying the joy and fruits of life and the other slaving away doing the dirty work of the original. It's an amazing concept because it's basically treating a version of yourself less than. When the "work version" of you retaliates, you finally suffer the consequences of your actions.

Great episode.
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utter perfection
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spectacular show. It is now one of my favourite shows ever. The acting, the story, the spectacle, the character development, the pace, the horror. It is truly a perfect show. I wanted to talk about everyone's character separately and explain how much they meant to me.

Nellie aka Victoria Pedretti - Such a deep character. No one ever listened to her until she died. She was so kind and honest and other than Luke, her siblings didn't deserve her. Both Victoria and the actress who played the young Nellie were superb. The little girl was so cute and her acting is beyond amazing regardless of her age. Her main purpose was to bring her siblings together but its sad she could only do it by dying. Even when she tried bringing her siblings together for tea parties, they ignored her until they couldn't. She was the glue that brought them together to begin the process of self-improvement.

Theo aka Kate Siegel - my God. I couldn't stand her character in the beginning but when we got to her specific episode and her dialogue about "feeling nothing" in episode 9 was otherworldly. Her emotion and grief and delivery was perfection. Her character was cold but strong, I loved every bit of her. Bravo.

Shirley aka Elizabeth Reaser - her character was a necessary one, but for me, quite unlikeable. She was the biggest hypocrite and ignorant person in the show. Couldn't even give her husband and the father of her children a chance to speak up for himself for something he didn't even do, something that Shirley herself did. The constant scares and horrific demons she time and time again ignored, the lies, the guilt, the grudges, the cup finally overfilled (in the last episode) and I'm glad it all came out.

Steve aka Michiel Huisman - again, another phenomenal actor. Played his character amazingly. I loved how he always begged his father for the truth but he was too ignorant and closed minded to accept it, or even give it a chance. The older brother who was never really the reliable "big brother". A shoulder to cry on. No. Someone the younger ones looked up to. No. But in the end, when it mattered most, he was did what was needed. Now, he is truly the big brother who will carry the all the burdens his father once did. In the end he was put into the shoes of his father, who he truly hated.

Luke aka Oliver JC - misunderstood, unheard, and patronized. His addictions got the better of him. Most likely because of the method he used to cope with his childhood trauma and the passing of his mother. He truly did behave like the younger twin, the youngest sibling. Everyone around him always came to his call whenever he was down (which was plenty). He was the boy who cried wolf, until he decided to fight the wolf himself. How he turned out, 2 years after hill house, drug free, he made his mother, father and sister proud.

Mr & Mrs Crain - Wow! These two had charisma that felt like a decade of marriage. Their soliloquies and monologues were so heart wrenching and emotional. I couldn't get enough of these two. They felt like true parents. Its so unfortunate that Hill House had misfortune for their fates.

Everyone in this show progressed and evolved into the best versions of themselves by the end of the show. True progression. The director and writers of this story are truly talented and gifted. This show is by far one of my favourite shows of all time.

I've never made such an in-depth review before but this show was astonishing. I needed something this.

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8 September 2022
Good I guess. A little more action than other episodes but I feel like this show doesn't show enough She-Hulk. All these empty cameos with Wong and Abomination, why can't she have her own story. And my gosh all the jokes. Can we go 5 minutes without a joke? Or is all of New Marvel just comedy? To think that Daredevil will also be in this show is insane to me. Four episodes in and still no sustenance or an actual PLOT. Who's the antagonist? Men?

Kind of ridiculous at this point. Even in WandaVision the plot was finally shown in the 4th but this was just another filler episode.

I hope to God they don't ruin Daredevil too. If he cracks one singular joke I'm done. If this is how they're making show I worry for the future. Way too much content with no substance. Truly quantity of quality. This show hasn't impressed me yet and it's the 4th episode but I'll keep on pushing through until the end and then rate the show in its entirety (unlike all the shallow reviewers who rated the show a 1 just off the first episode).
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Howard didn't deserve this. With all the bullcrap he's gone through with Jimmy, his wife etc (he literally went through it all) he by no means deserved what Jimmy did to him and what Lalo did to him. Jimmy with the prostitutes and the bowling ball and now all of this?? It's uncalled for. Unfortunately I know Jimmy's fate is set in stone for a horrible conclusion (it got spoiled) but in all seriousness, he deserves it. I couldn't stand Chuck, but everything he said at the hearing was true. Chuck was right. Howard was right. Jimmy is way past redemption.

My God I love and hate Lalo, such an amazing character and antagonist. His smile is extremely deceiving but mistake his smile for kindness, he's a stone hearted killer. I like him more than Fring.
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Good first episode
18 August 2022
Entertaining funny action filled first episode. Great introduction to who She hulk is and who she's associated with. Can't wait for more episodes. I hope they also dive into her being a good lawyer like Matt Murdock or, someone that's not comparable, but Jimmy McGill.

It's a shame so many people with no lives or friends are review bombing a show they haven't watched or because there's a female lead. Regardless, the show will be appreciated by the fans who have good hearts and have love for Marvel.
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Better Call Saul: Lantern (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Hate chuck
14 August 2022
I hate Chuck. He's not a good person, set aside the clear mental illness, he's envious, ignorant, a bad friend and brother, plain rude and so much more.

The Nacho and Salamanca storyline is amazing. And Jimmy is something else for sure. He made poor Irene cry and took her friends away from her. I think Kim is the only truly great person. Don't get me wrong I love all the characters and the show is amazing but these are just the few points I made.
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You are all focused on the wrong things
27 June 2022
Why is everyone's review about one specific thing? 80% of the reviews are all biased and focused on about 5 mins of screenplay involving "Viktor". You all know the episode was 55+ mins right? Other things happened. LOL some people just confuse me sometimes.

ANYWAYS, the dead mothers and grandfather paradox storylines were sooo interesting and amazing. Diego's son is awesome. This show is still as great as it was Season 1.

Let's not be biased and distracted or obsessed with such a small part of the show. The show is great regardless of how you feel about that one part. Deep down you all know it.
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Station Eleven: Hurricane (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Danielle is amazing. Miranda is dreadful
23 June 2022
Miranda has to be one of the coldest, emotionless, closed off, boring character I've ever seen. She's dreadfully mean and monotone. I don't get her relationship with Arthur. They were never meant to be. How does that even come to be? Opposites attract I get that but those two are water and oil.
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New Amsterdam: Unfinished Business (2022)
Season 4, Episode 17
So depressing
28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Max and Helen can't catch a break!!! Especially Max, gets cancer, wife dies, single father, parents of your dead wife try to take custody of your only child, now you new fiancé can't speak after surgery, AFTER getting drugged and almost dying. Don't get me wrong it's an intriguing and good show with some bad episodes here and there, but wow it can be depressing sometimes. They all need a vacation.
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Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
7 February 2022
It's strange to me that the main character, the protagonist, the person we're supposed to side with and sympathize for, could so insufferable. She's a disease to everyone around her. She's toxic, rude, evil, manipulating, mischievous, cruel and terrible person. She things she's said to her little sister, who looks up and loves her, to her mother, Jules, Ali; it's disgusting. And we, as the viewer, are supposed to side with her? At this point, it would be better for everyone around her if she just overdosed and died. She's beyond saving.

But maybe that's all the point of her character.
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5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Percy is a stone cold killer. And I love the fact that he makes realistic choices. I know for a fact, if I was in his situation and felt what he did, I would do the exact same. Unapologetically ruthless. Incredible. I need a 2nd season already.
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