
12 Reviews
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Too many "As ifs..." and " must be joking!"
27 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So many stupid things which would never happen in real life! Number 1: When they descend into the vaults Indy says something about petroleum and jokes about sinking an oil well and getting rich! ...and then proceeds to use the flame of a lighter for illumination! What? No flashlights? How come the vapors don't ignite and blow them all to kingdom come, however when the baddies are chasing them, that is precisely what happens (well they don't get blown to kingdom come, but you get the idea!) Too many "as ifs" sorry folks!

So many stupid things which would never happen in real life! Number 1: When they descend into the vaults Indy says something about petroleum and jokes about sinking an oil well and getting rich! ...and then proceeds to use the flame of a lighter for illumination! What? No flashlights? How come the vapors don't ignite and blow them all to kingdom come, however when the baddies are chasing them, that is precisely what happens (well they don't get blown to kingdom come, but you get the idea!) Too many "as ifs" sorry folks!

So many stupid things which would never happen in real life! Number 1: When they descend into the vaults Indy says something about petroleum and jokes about sinking an oil well and getting rich! ...and then proceeds to use the flame of a lighter for illumination! What? No flashlights? How come the vapors don't ignite and blow them all to kingdom come, however when the baddies are chasing them, that is precisely what happens (well they don't get blown to kingdom come, but you get the idea!) Too many "as ifs" sorry folks!
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Saltburn (2023)
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was time to try something NEW, something made RECENTLY, having been on a binge of re-running films which I grew up with (I was born in the UK in 1950 and moved to the good old U. S. of A. In 1983 - 40 years ago! OMG! I had been watching things like "The Italian Job (1969)", "Get Carter (1971)", all the early James Bond films and thought I would try something a bit more up to date! Oh dear, I'm sure that all the "experts" are fawning over this 2 hrs 11 minutes of dreck, for whatever reason, well the lighting is sort of interesting but rather gloomy to my way of thinking, and the language! The language is unbelievably crude and vulgar! Do people actually talk like that? (even in polite circles?) F-bombs galore, even from Mater & Pater!!! Taking a quick look at the credits I see that 99% of the crew are female. Perhaps I'm missing the point or something? But I am sorry to say that my only thought as the credits rolled was "...well, there's 2 hrs and 11 mins of my life I won't get back! Beware! You have been warned! ;)
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Flawless (2007)
It's OK, well, sort of!
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting heist movie, but unfortunately there are lots of "as if" and "really????????" moments, in fact too many for the plot to be taken seriously, for example, 2 tons of diamonds? That's 4480lbs (think of it) all flushed down the toilet, well, perhaps, but the thing which I found really hard to accept was the fact that Demi Moore's character was clad in everyday wear, she might have been at work or dining with a friend? It doesn't really matter, but what matters is she suddenly decides to explore the drains. OK, just hoist up a man-hole cover (right, just like that!) and descend into the abyss and she is wearing HEELS - OMG, yes really! At that moment I gave up!
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Get Carter (2000)
Ah, but the burning question!
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing like the original, well, actually there are a couple of classic Michael Caine lines in the first hour or so ("...not many people know that") being one of them - but as to the "burning question" I put in the title, it seems that it's always raining in Seattle, and everyone wears overcoats or raincoats, but not Mr. Carter! Not even an umbrella - yet his expensive, tailored suits never seem to get wet, nary a spot of rain! How come? Have they been treated with a fabric equivalent of "Rain-X" or what? I think we should be told! As for the plot, well I had to keep checking on wiki to keep up with what was happening, all very confusing! I recently viewed the original "Get Carter" which was made back in 1971, a thoroughly enjoyable film, and I had no problem following the plot (I remember seeing it when it first came out back when I lived in Blighty) and I also saw the 2000 version, but oh dear!

BTW the car chases were hardly realistic - so many "as if" and "yes, right" moments! ...and the music, actually I think there was some from the original film score in there, but there was also a whole heap of loud, thumpy, bumpy garbage! OK, I've just changed my rating from -5 to 2 stars. (Well, Mr. Carter does get rid of that sorry excuse for a beard right at the end of the movie!)
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Final Descent (1997 TV Movie)
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it took me at least four attempts to get through the whole stinking mess, but I finally made it to the end! I can't imagine how anyone could have hatched such a feeble story line in the first place let alone write a script, and persuade so many well-know actors to have their names associated with, let alone participate in such a dog of a movie! Have they no shame? Have they no common decency? I think the reason it took me many attempts could be related to the fact that I felt absolutely nothing, zilch for any of the characters! So many cliches! So many "as ifs". Note: I would have given it a negative rating, but 1 star is the bottom of the scale! :(
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Great air sequences, but, er, um, well...
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had read much about this movie, many good things about the air to air sequences and the feeling of "being there" and the shots of the B36 and the B47 are real, and totally convincing, however the other side of the story, that is to say the relationship between Stewart and his wife (June Allyson) is, as one reviewer wrote "hokey" - yes, indeed, hokey to the max (IMNSHO). But I guess that not everyone is an airplane nut, and you really have to satisfy everybody, particularly those paying the $$$$$. Looking back and noticing when this masterpiece was made (1955) makes me realize "...of course, one could not expect any thing else!" Nice job, and worthy of all the accolades!
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Uggh, er, wot a bloody mess????
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Er, um, I only managed the first 45 minutes! I read some of the other reviews and then decided not to waste any more time, so at the point where "Pops" was explaining about the nexus point, My brain started to overheat and I decided to watch something else and let it cool down a bit! I thought the first two Terminators were pretty good, the plots were not too difficult to follow, and the special effects were quite stunning! It's a shame that this one seems to have been suffering from "sequelitis" where any sequel of a successful film is felt bound to make more $$$$ than the original. Oh dear! What a mess!
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Mad Max (1979)
Er, um...
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I saw this when it first came out, but I can't remember much about it, but I have a vague recollection of it being sort of OK. And then, at precisely 50:01 into the film, the main character says "...Here I am trying to put sense to it, and I know there isn't any!" and I thought "YES! That's IT! Exactly!!!" The main character says that, so what chance would a little old member of the viewing audience like me have? Well, I'm still working on it, and I've another day and a half to come to a final conclusion. I just wonder what the rest of the Mad Max movies are like? Dare I dip my toe in to find out? Oh dear! Well, here goes! Gulp! .........
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Ugggghhhh! What a waste of time!
29 April 2023
I remember seeing the original and thought much the same about that film too! ...and then I thought well, let's try the sequel and see what happens, surely it can't be that bad! Oh dear, was I wrong! I felt precisely nothing for any of the characters, and IMNSHO it was just like watching a video game. Everything happening so quickly that you don't have time to follow what is going on, and so it goes... Still, I suppose it's the standard formula, if a film is successful and makes lots of $$$, the the sequel is sure to make even more $$$$, so here we go!!!! Even more $$$$ for Mr. Cruise and his teeth! (...sigh!)
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Great film - one of the very best!
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this many years ago when I was a young child, and have very little or no recollection of it. Over the years it gained the reputation of being one of Kubrick's best, and I saw it again recently and have to agree that it is indeed a masterpiece. There was one thing in particular which puzzled me though, and I looked in the "trivia" but could find no reference to it - near the end of the film at the ball, Dax confronts Broulard with a couple of sworn statements which Broulard hangs on to i.e. He doesn't return them to Dax, which seems to me to be rather odd??? What, if anything am I missing here?
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Predators (2010)
Ultimate Cack Sequel
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guy with a big nose, plus female sniper who happens to be a dead-ringer for Michael Jackson, plus sundry other characters wake up and find themselves dangling from parachutes about to land on an alien planet. Lots of things going on at the same time. In fact too many things going on, such that it becomes very nearly impossible to understand just exactly what is happening. I didn't feel anything for any of the characters, in fact I started rooting for the Predators who were hunting them. And the "jumping of the cliff" scene, not a single weapon or belt of ammo was lost. (as if!!)

My feelings for the characters never changed throughout the film, what a dreadful waste of time and effort!

Well, there's 1h 47mins of my life I won't get back again!

Guy with a big nose, plus female sniper who happens to be a dead-ringer for Michael Jackson, plus sundry other characters wake up and find themselves dangling from parachutes about to land on an alien planet. Lots of things going on at the same time. In fact too many things going on, such that it becomes very nearly impossible to understand just exactly what is happening. I didn't feel anything for any of the characters, in fact I started rooting for the Predators who were hunting them. My feelings for the characters never changed throughout the film, what a dreadful waste of time and effort!

Well, there's 1h 47mins of my life I won't get back again!

Guy with a big nose, plus female sniper who happens to be a dead-ringer for Michael Jackson, plus sundry other characters wake up and find themselves dangling from parachutes about to land on an alien planet. Lots of things going on at the same time. In fact too many things going on, such that it becomes very nearly impossible to understand just exactly what is happening. I didn't feel anything for any of the characters, in fact I started rooting for the Predators who were hunting them. My feelings for the characters never changed throughout the film, what a dreadful waste of time and effort!

Well, there's 1h 47mins of my life I won't get back again!
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Best lines in movie...
4 April 2020
...has to be: "...oh, Hell's right there!" "...that's why you should call before you dig!"
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