
2 Reviews
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Raven's Home (2017–2023)
THANKS for Listening to Objective Fans! 3rd Season is AWESOME!
8 October 2019
Raven's Home is back to 1st season Baxter greatness! It shows that Raven & the show runners took advice from this site and their fans by Raven acting like a parent disciplining but hilarious- check! Chelsea back & funny- check! Teenagers with good home training- check! Boys still funny- check! Nia? uh. Tess speaks again- check! (but she doesn't have her NY moxy?) Fathers shown more- check! Focus on main characters- check! Hilarious as Hell- Double Check!!! :) Kudos for being brave enough to change back! Much respect cause shows now take fans for granted and are getting sloppier. I love Raven's Home & watch weekly plus the reruns. Keep making us laugh! Btw Raven- you & Chelsea characters could continue your stories til 60 & be the next Golden Girls! :)
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Stumptown (2019–2020)
It Ain't Castle!
3 October 2019
Rotten Tomatoes 96% is BS. This is not Castle-- and I never liked Beckett, but she was not the main character! Castle brought the funny. But Stumptown doesn't even have an Esposito & Ryan (always die hard funny) with hilarious Captains! Humor is So Needed Here. Pilot writing and directing was HORRIBLE! Character cliche & "tries" to be so "deep". I do love all the exquisite talented actors, so I am confused by the poor acting and lines... Dex is not funny and I doubt she can be. She is also unbelievable as this flawed vet-- Vets are so much more than their PTSD! I am a fan of Michael Ealy & Jake Johnson, so I watched 1 more episode and was happily surprised with the changes. 100% better, but Dex, Captain and Cop are still uninteresting. Loved comic addition. I'll watch until the 5th episode...then I'm done. I'm routing for you guys :) Please don't disappoint me and listen to your fans! Or consult Castle writers who did the funny episodes! Please!
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