
13 Reviews
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Compassionate and heartfelt
17 February 2024
This was such a well done documentary. It doesn't focus on the sensationalism or the controversy, but on people recounting their memories and the positive connections they have made in the aftermath of a terrible thing. I've seen some of these people interviewed before and they seemed more comfortable here. The interviewer and crew must have had some part in that. You feel like people here were treated with respect. For example they mentioned Jeannine Boulanger's scream and collapse in the airport, but they didn't show it. They instead discussed how awful it must have been for her and others to have their grief broadcast across the world.
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Wow, that was disappointing
31 December 2023
I was really looking forward to this movie. My sister and I loved the SNES games in the 90s and also had the Donkey Kong games. This was such a let down.

The Mario games weren't all fighting. It was a puzzle based platformer where you had to bonk enemies in the head. What is this? It's like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. There's no humour. It was boring. Just chasing and fighting and not much fun.

I don't know what else to say about it, but I've got to write more. I just want the world to know how sad and disspointed I am. I guess I'll just have to go play some old games to cheer myself up.

No Yoshi :(
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Beautiful and entertaining
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hated Downton Abbey, but I love this! It's less twee. Maybe due to the fact that it's set in America and I can suspend disbelief more easily because it's not my home country.

I reckon some of the bad reviewers didn't watch more episodes than a certain passionate kiss and the topless lady in the next episode, but it seems that after those 2 episodes they decided to be less risqué and if you give it a chance you will like it... or maybe some of the negative reviewers are sympathisers with Mrs Van Rijn's maid...

My only criticism is that some of the scenes look like cut scenes from Railway Tycoon games. How hard would it be to film a real train? They do exists. I get why Startrek uses CGI, but it's a bit much for a period piece. The colour saturation is very strange too. Heightened reds and blues. I watched it on a couple of different devices because I thought it was my screen, but no it's an editing choice.

I'm keen for season 3 which I hear has been given the go-ahead.
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Quantum Leap (2022– )
Disappointed with the costumes
26 November 2023
I'm only on episode 4, but the hits of the day don't make up for not bothering to dress the characters in period appropriate clothing and wigs. Episode 4 is 1981 and the person they're trying to save is dressed like they're from 91. Everybody has current haircuts.

It's a mediocre TV show like NCIS or Bull. It's ok. I put it on when I'm doing housework.

Ben has a nice manner and talks people down like Sam did in the original which I like.

Being not the most emotional woman ever I like that his female sidekick is the problem solver and he is the heart. I like him. Good casting for Ben. She is a bit generic TV woman though.
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Oh dear, what a pity, how sad
8 August 2023
I'm British so I was quite appalled by what the press and advertisers get away with in America. Our advertisers are absolutely not allowed to "puff" things up. You cannot say, you will get the girl if you bit this car. It's hilarious.

I kept thinking throughout all of the documentary, "Wow, these people are really up themselves."

I feel like I was meant to have sympathy for the founders of Gawker. I can't remember ever reading it and now that I've learned about its brief existence, I can't say that I'm sad that I didn't read it. I don't feel like my life is lacking for not having it around. They make out like it was some cornerstone of truth and a pillar of reporting. I couldn't help laughing at their self righteousness.

I kept thinking, "oh dear, what a pity, how sad." Read with dripping British sarcasm.

I've seen better YouTube documentaries about free speech and the press.
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The Sister (2020– )
Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die
28 July 2023
I'm British and enjoy a good British drama, but this is not one of the good ones. It required very little thought to understand and was quite simply boring and I didn't really feel any great empathy for any of the characters. It is not gripping, cerebral or as well written as some old Brits would have you think. They're just easily entertained and like to think that enjoying a slow pace makes them smart.

I watched it all the way through because of the handful of good reviews here and I'm left feeling unsatisfied and wishing I hadn't wasted my time.

The scene where she actually died is absolutely ridiculous. It was obvious who did it. I was expecting them to be a red herring and get a twist in the end, but it was paint by numbers.
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Red Rose (2022)
Watchable, but disappointing ending
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I figured it wasn't a supernatural drama pretty quickly so wasn't dissatisfied with the twist that it's not a horror story. I liked the detective work, but the last episode left too many lose ends and the lassie basically frames her Dad for murder. Well done ya idiot. After all that work getting him established as a good guy. It's framed as "isn't it wonderful he would be altruistic enough to take her place", but she basically set him up! Very unsatisfying ending. How did the developer die? Did I miss sommat? It explains the first girl then jumps to his funeral.

Anyway it passed the time while I had a cold.
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My middle aged reporter woman
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started off like a bad lifetime movie or chick flick unsure of what tone it should take. The "witty banter" between the reporter (Vivian) and her bosses and colleagues was not funny at all and not entertaining. It was just cringey. Is this a comedy or a drama?

It started getting good with the scenes between Anna and her marks. I found that very interesting, especially compared to podcasts I've listened to about her life.

Speaking of which, They did Rachel dirty. Listen to the Ctrl Alt Delete podcast for the real story. How the writers thought we could side against her is insane. She was clearly taken for a ride and robbed.

Too many scenes with the stupid reporter pulling faces about everything and too many scenes of the stupid lawyer. When he had to go back for Anna at the end instead of leaving with his family was infuriating. To do what? It's over. You're an idiot mate. No sympathy for him. No sympathy for Vivian either.
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Boring dream that goes on too long
1 January 2022
Everyone in this film acts like Maggie Gynalhall. They're all weird and spacey and have conversations that no normal person would have.

I've come to the conclusion that the main character doesn't actually talk to anyone, but makes up conversations in her head whilst watching the others from afar. This is just a crazy dream that a mentally ill woman is having on a beach.

It captures how exhausting children are well. But it's such a boring movie that heralding this as a unique and amazing thing to capture on film falls flat.

Jessie Buckley captures Olivia Coleman's very annoying pattern of speech extremely well and is a convincing younger version.
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Boring old fashioned British TV
16 December 2021
Well, I must be really spoiled by the good quality content available these day, but this is awful. It's like a soap opera. Shot in such a low budget way. Old fashioned camera work, music and pacing. Just dire. Dreadful characters. This was designed for OAPs to watch.
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Future Man (2017– )
I gave it a chance
5 October 2021
I couldn't get into this. I should have given up at the beginning of the first episode. I don't know who this is aimed at, but it's not me. I really liked the concept. Disappointed in the execution. The humour is needlessly crass. I thought we had moved past gross-out humour. Obviously not. So much swearing it was like being back in high school in Glasgow.
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Chasing outlaws is boring business
20 June 2021
I was very disappointed with this film. It was so boring. Just old men in a nice car driving round talking.

After watching Stephanie Harlowe's retelling of the events of Bonnie and Clyde's life on YouTube, which has a millionth of the budget this film had, I can safely say skip this and watch her videos which are an extremely engaging and tell things from both the outlaw's and the law enforcement's perspectives.

I gave it one star for the beautiful cars and scenery.

Bonnie didn't shoot anyone in real life. She was a drunk tag-along looking for fame, not a killer.
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Terrible editing
1 August 2020
I found this hardly watchable. So many quick fast cuts and snaps of dialogue. It was like watching the highlights of a film, but not a full film. I couldn't get into it.
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