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Terrible script.
25 March 2024
The actors in this are great but have zero to work with in terms of engaging scenes. There's just not much to do in the original city that we haven't seen before so the writers end up showing us what we have seen before with numerous call backs and adding in some family conflict that was poorly executed. They never really get spooky, most spectral action is moving inanimate objects around. The big bad doesn't get much to do, there's no cannon fodder to blast and there's no chaotic scenes of the city being plagued by ghosts which is often showcases the filmmaker's creativity in films like Ghostbusters or Gremlins. It's just not fun.
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They forgot to do the cool stuff in a 2+hour film
23 May 2021
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The dried up zombies around the perimeter that revive if it rains. Interesting set-up, but they were always going to leave via helicopter. Have the area be a no-fly zone and have the pilot meet them outside to get away. Cue rain.

Van's badass saw he dug up to bring along was never used on a zombie.

Zombie tiger underused, Alphas underused. Not a single double headshot from Mexican dude. Have the double cross guy shoot the Mexican lady just after she's pulled a Houdini escape and say she was clearly already bit. Makes us hate him more.

The Queen was far too easy to kill. The truce was stupid, we were promised action and this plot choice delayed it.

They want to give nods to movies like Aliens and American Werewolf when what they needed was the twist from Muppet's Treasure Island. They get to the buried treasure, open the vault and it's gone. Who has it? The Queen of the savages, Miss Piggy! Now you have to fight. Can even keep the dumb save the prisoner subplot because now it ties into the main story.
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Invincible: Where I Really Come From (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
They talked, then they punched. A lot.
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It sums up the arc of why Omni-man did it. Next season will probably be where is Omni-man?

I got spoiled so overall a bit underwhelming but the Viltrumites' motives of conquest don't really make sense. They live thousands of years but their forces were spread too thin across the empire, so they send one dude. Seeing as long-lived animals tend to suck at breeding, the fact that Omni-man fathered Mark so quickly is surprising. If they don't explain it away as a miracle or something that suggests humans could pump out a hundred million or so supermen every few years if we get taken over. If it's not mentioned in the comics they missed a trick.

Also Amber is back. Yay...
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Invincible: We Need to Talk (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Good for American Animation Standards
23 April 2021
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The subplot of robot was half interesting. The rest of the episode was Cecil throwing everything he had at Omni-man to stop him from talking to his son. Throwback to the calamari kaiju, cyborg maker, and just for the hell of it a resurrected member of the Guardians or whatever. It should have been dramatic but it almost feels like filler to further drag out the question of why did Omni-man kill the Guardians until the final epsiode. The obstacles put in his way to stop him explaining to his son are also in the way of the audience getting their answer. Get on with it, please. The whole 8 episodes on one question that a google search or youtube comment can spoil. If they released the whole thing at once it wouldn't be that bad but there are comments from comic readers teasing stuff that could be 2 or 3 seasons down the line at current pace. Maybe I'm just tired of season long story arcs drip feeding a plot that only kept people interested because they were told by picture books that looked cool.
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Invincible (2021– )
Not terrible, not amazing.
14 April 2021
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A bit of Big Mouth energy sneaks in with one of that show's voice actors that lowers the tone.

Twisty for the sake of being twisty sometimes. Oh he's a bad guy now. Oh and that guy too.

It has good moments but most of the runtime feels like generic filler.

Lot of people comparing it to The Boys, yes it has a bad superhero but it lacks the humanity and struggle of The Boys themselves so there's no tension. For an animation aimed towards adults it could have gone darker and most of time it feels childish.

The evil Superman stunt was pulled in the last moments of the first episode and all his actions after the convenient coma bought them some time have been vague, giving no sense whatsoever about his motivations which is unsatisfactory for what I assume is the main storyline for the season.
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#Alive (2020)
5.5 Never that fun or scary just two characters and zombies.
15 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Zombies were decent, action scenes were alright. Technology and isolation is the main focus for the first half, but there's nothing really that hasn't been done before. Main character was bland, not unlikable just a normal guy who spends all his time online. Female character was more complex but in a meaningless way, like how she watered her plant with her limited water and was scared of heights but used to be a mountain climber or something. The rope was straight, nothings going to slide along it. That lady has unbelievable aim with the laser pointer and why did he leave his window open so that she could see in? The guy is just lying there, pinned down do you really have to shoot him and the zombie wife, alerting everything in the building? Why would she then try and get him to shoot her, she's not bit, there's plenty of food? Sneaky, stealth helicopter!!!

I don't like zombie films where the characters are trapped inside an apartment the whole time, I want them to go out and confront this dark reality not sit inside and mope but they're cheap to make compared to something like 28 Days Later.
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Dumb, everything's a joke, three chuckles.
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Can finally watch for "free" on skymovies. First impression was the zombie types and it seemed promising, new and different threats. Nope. Homer is dumber than a normal zombie, Hawking is okay, not even used, and seeing as he spent most of his life in a wheelchair being faster than Homer doesn't fit the name, just go Einstien as least he had working legs. Then we have Ninja which is quite literally any zombie in the dark, it's not a type, again not used. All this does is open the possibility for one! Just one true new zombie, the T-800, which is slightly more resilient to bullets. Yay. Very creative. But still dumb enough to be led off the top of a tall building instead of getting through a feeble shield wall in the finale. The only conflict is not with the zombies but melodramatic stuff about puppy love and marriage. A love triangle thing develops with a comedic, dumb blonde side character. So many callbacks to the rules... Low brow humour, no conflict that doesn't feel forced, no stakes to care about. And everything is resolved in a minute of talking. In a world full of vicous monsters to contend with 89% of the runtime is snarky, referential dialogue between stale characters, two of them literally copy and pasted.
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JJ's whole plan was to redo the original trilogy with cameos.
23 December 2019
But Rian killed off Snoke so JJ had to either set up a new big bad or bring back an old established one. Some people are saying don't listen to the reviews just go see it for yourself. That is awful consumer advice. Sure, if you're still invested in this franchise after the previous films go get closure. But if you're undecided don't reward Disney for lazy, predatory practices. Or do. Perhaps if they get sloppy other studios will get a larger share of the box office and we won't have to suffer through endless paint by numbers Superhero Movies and Live Action Reboots. Nostalgia is a disease, we must create new things.
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The Walking Dead: The World Before (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
Cliffhanger! Is it enough to keep us watching?
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Felt like there was more momentum in this episode at times but still a slow burn for the main plot, the countless side stories and mini conflicts between characters. Dante's subplot gets wrapped up, the mysteriously vague Virgil's sidequest begins. No sign of Negan. Rosita annoyingly seems to have caught Siddiq's PTSD, it would be the opposite of interesting to go back and see how many episodes this half season had some form of altered perception by characters, be it Carol's hallucinations or the partially deaf girl's ear ringing run through the woods. The cliffhanger set up was incredibly dumb by all involved. Alpha running was comical, she damn near waddled. What was the group's plan to destroy the horde anyway? Looks like they've found it, or a large part of it, and are in a position out of reach but close enough to pick zombies off one by one at their leisure if the Whisps aren't around to take them prisoner. I hate myself but I am slightly curious to know what the fudge is going on with elaborate cave pitfall trap and wonder if the writers can get themselves out of all the holes they've dug for themselves. And why did they all stand up at the same time after falling? Daryl was way behind the rest of them.
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The Walking Dead: Open Your Eyes (2019)
Season 10, Episode 7
Dot to dot plot.
20 November 2019
There's story there somewhere but a lot of the time this season we've been left to fill in the blanks and it's exhausting. This is supposed to be entertainment.
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The Walking Dead: What It Always Is (2019)
Season 10, Episode 5
If a zombie walks through the woods does it make a sound?
5 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not in the Walking Dead, those zombies are stealthy. Got to add drama somehow I guess and honestly I much prefer a good old fashioned zombie grapple to PTSD and other hallucinations. Nearly deaf girl, Kelly, is alone in the woods by choice. Let that sink in for a moment. It's later explained that she told the two guys she was with she was tracking something and to leave her behind because (best scenario) she was gonna carry a dead pig all the way back to Hilltop by herself. The only reason this needs to happen is for the supplies going missing subplot that cuts into Negan's screentime. Then again if the best they can come up with is "nut tapping" maybe keep it brief. The episode was just to set up Negan meeting the whisperers anyway.
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The Walking Dead: Silence the Whisperers (2019)
Season 10, Episode 4
It's a mess. A broken, disjointed mess.
29 October 2019
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Zombies would rather walk into a wall than go after the dumb people two feet away. Don't break you're own rules. They're The Walking Dead FFS, just walk slightly faster and lead the zombies away. Same thing with the Alexandrian siege. Far too much vagueness is happening, we need more information not sappy montages. Obviously the writers couldn't work out how Ezekiel could go from I'm a good kisser to by the way Hilltop is under attack so they skip that dialogue like they do with everything. They leave it to Carol who just casually mentions to Daryl that Hilltop's having trouble with a tree before cutting back to it. Another melodramatic fight like Eugene and Rosita had last episode to pad the runtime."You're not my lawyer anymore," could be relevant to a backstory we got last season, I don't know and I don't care.
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The Walking Dead: Ghosts (2019)
Season 10, Episode 3
Not great. Too many downers and no uppers.
22 October 2019
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Hook us up Carol. Events still seem disjointed and too much happens without apparent reason. There's a random Horde Mode for days. "Not us" says whisperer messenger. Zombies in the mist not bothered by gunshot. Carol pill popping and being trusted to keep watch after nearly starting a war, twice. Egg timer, otherwise known as walker attracting device. Jump scare. Eugene friendzone drama.
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The Walking Dead: We Are the End of the World (2019)
Season 10, Episode 2
Not coming together like it should
14 October 2019
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B: "There's some smoke near the border." A: "They've crossed over. We should punish them." What? How? The ending of this episode was just poorly done. Carol and Alpha's staring contest is meaningless. Alpha apparently already knew they had crossed the border and was on her way when she spots Carol from the forest when in the previous episode it ended like Alpha had just left camp for some fresh air and the encounter was a coincidence. If you want to do interwoven plotlines they have to join up properly.
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No story left to tell
11 October 2019
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They did such a good job tying up all the loose ends in the series that there's nothing left for Jesse to do but take care of himself. They had to tack on a new character to act as an antagonist when not flashing back to when Tod was still alive. It's just Jesse and brief cameos of a handful of side characters.
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The Walking Dead: Lines We Cross (2019)
Season 10, Episode 1
Treading water with shallow characters
7 October 2019
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Title cards ripped off from Black Summer, a mediocre attempt at a zombie series. Odd choice as they really don't add anything. Michone needs to stop whispering. For a moment I thought I heard her say that the Whisperer's had a nuclear weapon. Siddiq's PTSD freak out was just annoying. Might be building to something but I really don't care about his character. Eugene foretelling doom over the radio was a weird way to ramp up tension. Acting all mysterious, like he knew something about it. All the new characters can't fill the void left by Rick and Carl's departure, so it feels to me like the main story has been replaced by lots of little dramas. Negan is the only character I still like but I doubt he's going to be unleashed soon enough to make the next few episodes interesting.
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