
56 Reviews
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Back to Black (2024)
A missed trick
19 September 2024
A great opportunity to set a legacy with this movie, and yet its just a bit aggy and collapses with an emphasis on the wrong side of Amys journey.

Yes she was an addict. Yes she had boy issues. Yes perhaps a bit foul mouthed and aggressive at times. Zzzzz.

But the movie makes her seem dislikeable. Was she? Worse still, and most importantly, the movie does an extremely poor job of depicting how she turns pain into gold. Heartache into grammy. Its just glossed over as if it was done in between scenes in her life. And if this part was effectively portrayed everything else would have been secondary. Sadly, its those "secondary" bits that dominate the movie. A missed opportunity.
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The Critic (II) (2023)
Drowns in self indulgence
15 September 2024
Entertaining performances but everything was a bit contrived to support the leads self indulgence. And it leaves you wondering whats the point? Hard to know.

Ians performance was exceptionally engaging but there was nothing likeable about the character, and there is some sort of redemption in the final 2 minutes with the stroke of a pen. This was perhaps the weakest element of the movie. Its fine to portrary the dark side of a character to the point of repulsion but when you have the audience on the hook and ready to go on the journey, don't end it in such a trivial manner, almost with a footnote. So the major failing was story structure.

Worth a watch to see one of the finest stage performers over the past 50 years but go in with low expectations around the story.
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Sing Sing (2023)
Gem of a movie!
15 September 2024
At its surface the elevator pitch for this movie is not appealing: Almost entirely set in a male prison. Cliché. Reformation of some of the male prisoners. Cliché. The heart of their reformation is their participation in a performing theatre group within the prison. WHAT?! Batshit crazy.

So why does it work? Because they get everything right. Casting is superb, even haunting at times. Script and story structure are exceptional. And most importantly its a simple story executed well and with big messages.

It shows the parallel and interplay between the lead's role as a coach and mentor to fellow prisoners, and his own inner struggles and depicts this beautifully. Whilst his mentorship of others is successful, he can't seem to mentor himself through the darkest moments. And he is forced to receive counsel through the most unlikely of sources.

As you would expect we arent naturally built for this; we all have dark times and in those times we must have the humility to become receiver. Sometimes there is so much more strength required in being the receiver, vs the giver. And we need to learn to know when, and the sooner we identify this the sooner our inner conflict dissipates.
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Important themes tied up a bit too neat
11 August 2024
Could so easily have been on the wrong side of contrived, but this adaptation was well done. Casting was spot on. Chemistry worked well between the 2 sets of leads.

One significant aspect which was conveyed well was that there is a story that underlies the behaviour of a perpetrator of violence. And whilst our initial reaction is to simply judge the action -- and there must absolutely be punishment -- we dont make progress without understanding why this happens and addressing root causes. The movie doesnt get into this but it doesnt need to. Violence is complicated and the movie does depict this.

The most significant theme is the movie provides a model for how females should handle being in such situations. Easier said than done of course.

And this leads to the only bit which was a bit unrealistic; how the situation was resolved. Seemed a bit swift and quite neat with a happy ending. Reality as most victims will know is things arent this neat.
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Great depiction that there are only losers in war
23 May 2024
Very well done. Delicately told story which has many levels. Many might review about how the film provides witness to the atrocities against the jews, and the ruthlessness with which it was executed; this certainly comes across. The more powerful aspect however is the audience bearing witness to the subliminal impact on the family especially the children, despite their cosy surrounds and 5 star lifestyle. At one end that impact was visibly and physically impacting the kids in subtle ways, and at the other end the wife numbed her mind to pretend it wasnt happening and all was well as she had a good life. Performances were exceptional.

A message to us all: humanity and morality pervade us all no matter which side you are on. Even the perpetrators have to live with the hell of overseeing or being on the side of misdeeds. There is no winner. Only losers. The children will grow up traumatised beyond repair, and those who played blind will remain miserable till their death; switching off your emotions doesnt bring peace.
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25 April 2024
What a magic film. Its intense from moment one, almost too much so, and yet you cant stop watching Marlon and Vivien executing amongst their finest performances.

Both the script and delivery are perfect.

At the heart of the story is a struggle between two different elements of family and society that still goes on everywhere. Those who can not come to terms with not having a life they expected, and the resulting damaging consequences of their behaviour to those around them. Those who have a simple outlook and struggle to handle judgment from others for their simplicity. Blanche was lost soul who lived in a dream world and the pain of her state of affairs ate away and caused her sap the life out of those around her. A leech in society. Vivien Ls performance is absolutely brilliant and you couldnt imagine anyone getting close to this ever again. Stanley had everything he wanted, except couldnt handle being told he was inadequate. Not many of us can, but there is always going to be judgment around us and the key is to learn how to handle it. Anger is not the solution! Marlons performance is iconic and there is perhaps much more sympathy for his character despite his flaws.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Social comment overshadowed by awful performances, casting & characters
8 April 2024
Season 1 storyline covers some delicate topics exceptionally well, especially the various shades of grey associated with sexual misconduct in the workplace.

The whole plot is to depict various social comment, however the main frustration throughout is the casting, performances and characters of the two leads. Aniston and Witherspoon are full of agro, highly dysfunctional and dislikeable from moment one. And this overshadows the social comment and general storyline.

Add to this their acting is awful. Neither can do drama and really shouldnt have been cast. If it wasnt for the remaining cast especially Billy Crudup the entire show would have been a flop.

8 for season 1.

0 for season 2.
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Road House (2024)
Certain winner for worst movie of 2024
25 March 2024
Remaking this movie is quite possibly the dumbest thing everyone involved could do (outside of Conor). This has reduced Jake to a level from which he might not retrieve his career, which is a real shame given his talent in movies past.

The movie might have had a better chance if it simply drew no parallel to the original and attempted to be a stand alone movie about another road house. Instead all youve done by making this is elevate the original to an even higher status than it already had amongst its fan base.

I am rooting for this movie to be the lowest rated movie on IMDB so please join me and give it a 1 star.
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American Nonsense
25 March 2024
Confused. Contrived. Never gets out of 2nd gear. And possibly the worst ending to a movie ever nominated for best picture.

Apparently african american stories are too stereotypical so lets write a movie to show theres another side to this narrative... The formula = a lead with an incompredendible arc + several dysfunctional and irrelevant family and relship subplots none of which close out + contrived and almost cartoon like characters which make the social comment farcical + the worst possible ending for any movie ever nominated for best picture.

The sad thing is the basic premise is interesting however the depiction of this as a social comment piece in 2023 is weak and dated and we should expect much more.

So why was it sold as being so good? One guess.
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CODA (2021)
Will have you laughing & crying !
19 March 2024
Such a beautiful movie start to finish. So many dimensions to it. It had me laughing, crying, joyful and reflecting! What more could you ask for in a movie?

A story we can all relate to. Counterbalancing parental expectations with our own wishes is such a hard thing. This was beautifully and simply shown on screen. Well deserving of the Oscar! Such a shame these positive human stories are so few and far between but boy when they come they sure can hit home. It shows that options in relationships and life are not binary. We can have a win win, though it might involve some boundary breaking and concerted effort to take people on the journey. This is exactly what Emelia Jones' character struggled with.

The cast was simply superb. How Emelia Jones did not win an award for best actress escapes me. Acts. Sings. And Signs! One of the most deserving performances in recent decades that went amiss when it came to awards season.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Depicts the beauty of loneliness, and the kindness born from it
3 February 2024
Wonderful movie. Uncomplicated. Not overly caught up in trying to be modern, cutting edge or creating hype about something new. Its a simple story about loneliness. Each of the lead characters are alone for some reason whether due to loss, injustice or displacement.

After the initial friction amongst the characters, what we see are acts of beautiful kindness borne out of such loneliness. The loneliness isnt the cause, rather its a realisation that they see themselves in each other and want to help the other because of their own deep pain. So profound. And depicted so well. Not contrived in any way. And so well cast, acted and set.

Paul Giamatti is inspirational and if he does win the Oscar, its well deserved. I loved the final scene and its nod to Sideways.

We live in a world where we all seek to attach ourselves to a tribe. Whether its based on gender, race, nationality, sexual preference, identity, status or otherwise. And yet the biggest tribe globally is one we all forget; the tribe of loneliness. We all have a degree of loneliness, and when we realise we share this in common we might actually be more kind to each other.
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Masterclass by De Niro & DiCaprio
20 January 2024
Powerhouse performances by both DiCaprio and Robert De Niro elevate this film to a remarkable cinematic experience.

De Niro's portrayal is marked by sheer authenticity and brutality, capturing the essence of a complex, domineering figure whose presence dominates every frame. His ability to convey both charisma and menace, leaves an indelible mark.

DiCaprio demonstrates an astonishing range, portraying the vulnerability of a boy navigating the challenges of adolescence while simultaneously showcasing an inner strength that defines his character. His ability to convey a wide spectrum of emotions, from the pain of abuse to the determination to overcome adversity is inspiring.

The dynamic between De Niro and DiCaprio is nothing short of electrifying. Their scenes together are charged with tension, drawing the audience into the complex father-son relationship. Their collaboration elevates the narrative, turning it into a compelling exploration of identity, survival, and the enduring impact of challenging relationships.

While many will find the movie a struggle to watch and quite tragic, its actually one of hope, optimism and resilience. The underlying tone of Dicaprio's character throughout the movie is one of the optimism for a better future.
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As good as it gets
24 November 2023
Clever movie on so many levels. Its about a murder trial, but shares many parallels with other facets of life in the 2020s. There was no evidence directly linking the suspect with the death. No weapon. No motive. No witnesses. All the evidence was circumstantial, and conjecture. And this circumstantial evidence was quite compelling, as presented by the prosecutor. But in reality, it was still not direct evidence and proof of murder. The prosecutor was brilliant and plays a role akin to many voices on social media on a daily basis; judge and jury without an evidence based trial and largely based on circumstantial evidence. It all seems so obvious unless its happening to us, then it gets real.

Secondly, the couple at the heart of the movie faced "normal" marital challenges. Arguments. Financial worries. Career challenges. The trauma of guilt. Loneliness in a relationship. Here, these challenges are magnified to formulate a case for murder. Yet, these challenges happen to many of us. And when its simply boiled down to this, it would mean many of us could be guilty of murder simply by virtue of proximity. Under a microscope we could all be put to trial.

Finally, the gender dynamics are quite interesting and I wondered throughout whether the situation would be any different if it was a male suspect and female victim. Perhaps a more common case in real life, and it makes us ask do we bring any prejudices to the same situation simply by virtue of a different gender. For example, it might be considered so extreme for a female to be physically abusive or violent towards a bigger and heavier man, and such an "extreme" female is so rare they must therefore also be capable of murder?

We need to be careful to differentiate between what we actually know, and what we speculate. We need to be conscious of our biases.

The movie is superbly cast, and the performances are exceptional. The accused, her son at the center deserve all the applause.
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Geethanjali (1989)
In the top 10 best Indian movies of all time
12 November 2023
I have shed a tear watching this movie on more than one occasion. And all I need say is this: If a movie makes you a shed a tear, the movie has moved you to a point emotionally or tapped into something emotionally which the vast majority of things in life do not manage to do. It has managed to get past all the defenses that seek to protect us and get to you!

The performances, direction, music, and choreography are simply exceptional. Sure one can poke holes in elements if they really tried, and this is the case for most movies, but the key is this -- if it managed to hook you and caused you shed a tear or be moved emotionally, its won you over and done its job.

Outstanding movie and one I will continue to watch during my lifetime.
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Not for those with a limited attention span!
5 November 2023
The movie is utterly tragic. It is a real eye opener for those unfamiliar with how the west has pillaged indigenous communities, even those who had "western" rights & assets. Sadly, its also a great insight into how poorly human beings can behave, and how greedy we can be.

The length is necessary as you need to really understand the context, backstory and circumstance of these characters and it allows for a gradual yet captivating build up to a wonderful (and only possible) ending.

Hilarious how many people scored this down because of its length. Wonder what they think of the Godfather? Its definitely not for those with a limited attention span.

The performances are remarkable. De Niro & Gladstone are outstanding. They carry the movie for me. Leo's character is meant to be a handsome dimwit, and he executes this well, though at times hes too "charasmatic", for a dimwit. Plemons is excellent.
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Poor structure & dislikeable lead
10 October 2023
Where to begin. First, the biggest structural mistake in a documentary is to treat the audience as stupid. This documentary does that tremendously well. 10/10 for that.

It frames everything with a build up to a climax, only to bait and switch the climax on the assumption you dont know the story or you wouldnt look it up prior to watching. In this day and age its a cardinal sin to assume this. Its also why a documentary like Senna is one of the greats. Kapadia doesnt assume the audience is stupid and everyone knows the end, so its more about the journey. Here, its as though youre taken on one journey only to fall down a "lets pretend secret" trapdoor. 0/10.

Second main flaw is the main character isnt very likeable and that seems to be the case from start to finish. 0/10.

Otherwise it was well made. This is where the 5 marks came from.

Ps. What an utterly stupid activity.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Nolan's Magnum Opus!
3 August 2023
Just when you think it can't get better than The Dark Knight or Inception, Nolan comes out with his Magnum Opus. The mind and skill required to craft this puzzle is truly extraordinary, and Nolan has cemented himself as one of the greats of all time with this movie.

The story strikes the right balance in so many ways by delicately depicting the puzzle that is the politics of war and national security, relative to the social good for mankind. At a surface level, the theme of war is not appealing, and many may not like Oppenhiemer's legacy, and that's the genius of this movie. Despite its length, it is engaging from minute one and the videography & use of background music leaves you glued till the 180th minute. It makes it a human story about Oppenhiemer, and yet gets under your skin and has you thinking about the perils of warcraft and the arms race. It has you asking should human technological development have boundaries? Who should decide those boundaries? And who should hold the key to the big red button? An extremely relevant topic in this new age of AI.

To top off Nolan's efforts are superlative performances by the cast -- too many to mention individually, but without question a career best performance by Cillian Murphy in the lead role. Nolan's craft elevated each and every one of the cast to raise the bar, and it was seamlessly woven together on screen.

This should be a must see for any and all, especially in this era where we seem to have forgotten about the horrific consequences of global warfare; precisely when we forget, are we at greatest risk thereof.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Superb Cast, Deep Themes, Lasting Impact
14 June 2023
Very few shows (its a short roll) can take the story right to the edge and not cross it, and make it uneasy but hilarious and utterly captivating all at once. Thats Succession!

This is entirely down to the exceptionally well written script and superb cast. Each of the lead cast members steal the show in their own way, and its hard to pick a favourite! Each time a cast member gets you to almost dispise them, they somehow redeem themselves.

Above all of this, there is much depth to the show. First, how our parents stuff can affect us to our very core, and how it may never be truly understood till they're gone. So address it before its too late! Secondly, how we can let our egos get in the way of healthy relships, even with family. This will ultimately make us miserable no matter what else is going well or what we have. Finally, how a lack of kindness can destroy us. Kindness is the souls medicine and nectar for peace and contentment. Without it, all hope is lost!
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Particularly relevant in this era of cancel culture !
10 June 2023
So many reviews have missed the depth and point of this movie. Its not meant to be a nice neat resolved story. Why would ppl assume this ?!

Life is grey! It is unexpected struggles. It is loss. It is sadness. And no matter how simple life may be, or how picturesque life appears, the grey will continue as will some struggle or another. It is saddest when these struggles happen with loved ones. And thats whats happened here. Colin can't figure out for the life of him why Brendan would do this. It tore him apart. And thats life! Some things are simply irreconciliable and causes much deep pain. Even trauma. And yet we must move forward and create a path. The only way Colin could do this was by destroying with his own hands a part of that which he lost. A way of getting some control back. A way of creating a path forward.

This is taken to the next level when society acts as judge jury and executioner in this new era of cancel culture. Would you like it if you were cancelled where the reason is not compredendible ? What would you do in that situation?

All the performances were nothing short of exceptional, and a special shout out to Barry K who was brilliant.
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Superlative !
10 June 2023
What an absolute masterclass. And what a bunch of morons who've rated this movie so low. The poor reviews are astonishingly weak, and reflect ZERO idea about good quality film.

So many wonderful things about the movie ! The pace was spot on! Just the right tempo to keep you on edge. The performances were haunting and mesmerizing! The use of the environment and music heightened the energy and enhanced the story to another level. What I loved most perhaps is the story was shown, which is what great cinema does -- it showed just enough and had the right balance of revealing what needed to be revealed to understand the arc of the characters and the plot.

Absolutely loved it!
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Essential viewing!
27 May 2023
This is a confronting and disturbing watch, and yet essential viewing all the same! It sheds a light on dark acts, and also spotlights the difficulty for authorities to manage such situations.

A part of me initially thought what naive women! However, when people orchestrate a collective agenda upon unsuspecting females, its not their naivety at fault, rather the cold calculated criminal minds at work.

The script is largely well written, and the performances overall were exceptional. Yes it was a touch contrived at times, but the truth can be contrived ! It doesnt make it any less important.

And the bad reviews are hilarious -- this is a story about young girls being manoevered into the underworld, and instead of being sensitive to these girls, people are focusing on politics ! Focus on what matters!
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True Detective (2014– )
Brilliant show & cant wait for season 4!
24 May 2023
What a show. Great venture by Woody H and Matthew M to pursue this and ring in the superstar with each series. General format is the same for each series but they are different enough not to feel too same same.

I am puzzled at the criticism about season 2, as it was exceptional and it was perhaps my favourite season. The criticism seems to centre around some foolish notion the ending could have been better. The ending whilst sad was the only way it could end !

Seasons 1 and 3 were also great, and the question will always be who is the favourite star across the series. Its so hard and I wont dare upset anyone by calling any one actor/actress out. They all leave it on the table and deserving of the highest accolades.

The stories are told in a round about way but the way they tie it all together at the end of each season is brilliant. Magical content!
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As close to perfect as it gets
18 May 2023
What a gem of a show. The best written show on tv. Superb cast, all of whom pull their weight. A special shout out to Rachael B -- what an absolute superstar. Whether male or female if you dont come out with a crush on her, get a check up!

This show will be watched for decades to come and aspiring as well as established writers will be inspired by it for ages.

Its funny, entertaining, captivating and has so much depth. The insights into family dynamics -- although in a jewish setting -- and relationships apply to us all. It is utterly inspiring for anyone starting anything. It teaches about loss and adversity, but also about an attitude for life.

Its the only show thats caused me to shed a tear in its finale! Bravo !!!
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Such a shame
9 May 2023
An exceptional disappointment in this era of fabulous female lead movies. The stage was set for it to succeed and yet it was nothing short of utterly stupid...

We left the movie early, as did others in the cinema. If it wasnt hard enough to leave, I now have to find 600 characters to describe why I left.

Basic recipe for the movie is this: Find a stereotype. Add some miscast characters who are directed to over act. Add utter trite for dialogue. Create a mirage of humour, which falls flat 99% of the movie. Subtract entertainment and thought provocation. Add an experiment: multiple random strangers unconnected with each other write a segment of the movie each, and stitch this together as one film.

And there you have it.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Season 2 is plain stupid
16 April 2023
Great season 1. Engaging captivating episodes, good cast and performances and whilst a mild stretch from reality, acceptable. 8/10.

Season 2 on the other hand... I thought of something intelligent to say about its failings but it would be elevating it to a level it doesnt belong. It is nothing short of stupid. The writers must have been watching game of thrones, top boy and peaky blinders all at once, whilst stoned, and decided to craft this utter drivel. Unbelievable waste. And you can see the pain on the face of the lead characters. Thats not fictional pain from the loss in character, its real pain that they had to perform this nonsense. The cast that was killed off in season 1 had a lucky escape. 0/10.
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