
3 Reviews
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Hereditary (2018)
Not great
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing that saves this film is the mums acting, the rest of this film is poorly executed. Very slow burner of a film and the best part was when the daughters head gets yeeted off the post , which again was ridiculous.
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Fish Tank (2009)
Not one for the tank bank
22 November 2020
Review from the boys club, the film had no substance, nonsense film with no plot. Waste of time. Best part of the film is when one of the boys club farted in unison with the film.
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19 October 2019
If a documentary should do anything it should make you want to watch more. Genuinely saddening and also so evil, 100% worth a watch, one of the best documentaries I've ever watched
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