
17 Reviews
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Renfield (2023)
A boring, unfunny, uninteresting complete waste of time
7 May 2023
I don't understand what kind of people would like this type of movie and would give it all those high ratings. However there seems to be a lot of them.

This movie tries to be some sort of comedy/parody, with some gory stuff. It fails miserably. I didn't find anything funny in it, it's just your average lame, goofy Hollywood little gags (apparently they consider them jokes) that wouldn't make anyone over 80 IQ even chuckle.

Also I was reluctant about having Nicholas Cage in the cast which I thought it wasn't a good idea since the man is basically a "living meme" (not my quote) so it's difficult to imagine someone taking a movie like this seriously because of this reason alone. However this does not matter, since the intention of the movie was not be serious at all.

To conclude, I didn't find this movie good at all, not as a comedy, not as an action movie, not as anything actually, it's a complete snooze fest. So before seeing it be sure to weigh in your expectations (lower them!).
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Firefly (2002–2003)
Not what you might expect - more of a drama/adventure, less (if any) Sci-Fi
12 April 2023
I haven't watched all the episodes but to be honest, it isn't what I was expecting from a show that claims to be Sci-Fi and has such good ratings.

Since the action is supposed to happen 500 years in the future, I was expecting high-technology, aliens, cool effects and weapons, weird alien worlds/planets, a bit of horror, violence, etc. Maybe something kind of like a combination between MiB 1, Prometheus, Alien etc.

It's not that. For example, someone gets shot (with bullets!) and they still don't have like a some sort of a pod or something to fix them immediately, it's like 1990s medical technology. Come on, it's 500 years into the future!

There are no aliens, it's mostly humans and the landscape/action is mostly on Earth, with horses and all stuff, guns that are very human like (pistols, shotguns etc.) so sort of western-like. The "space" and "ship going through space" graphics are laughable, even for that time in 2002 when they already had lots of technology to create believable graphics and effects.

Furthermore the action and dialogues are a bit strange at times, can't tell exactly what is wrong with them, they seem a bit off or unnatural. The acting is good overall though, with some interesting appearances, one big surprise being the beautiful and very young at that time, Morena Baccarin.

So to conclude in my opinion the show is somewhat overrated, at least from what I was expecting. Granted I haven't seen all the episodes (I'll try to watch all of them) so take this review with a grain of salt. So if you want to check this series out expect more of a drama and less of a Sci-Fi show, don't get too excited about that.
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Somewhat decent, mostly because of Jon Bernthal
7 October 2022
First I need to confess I started to watch this only because of Jon Bernthal. When a show has The Punisher in it, you need to stop, watch and listen.

Leaving the jokes aside, I watched the first 3 episodes and kind of lost interest after that.

The premise is good and I think choosing Bernthal for the role was a right choice, however I don't like that he's too tamed/nice and kind of a little b**** compared to all the women in the show who are all portrayed as strong boss b****s. I mean this is a general theme in nowadays shows/movies but it just does not fit well in this kind of show in my opinion. Also the story is kind of a bit lackluster and somewhat cliché-istic.

Overall I think this had potential but it was not enough to keep me interested and I won't be watching the rest. I gave it a 6/10 since it has Jon Bernthal and it is not a terrible show, some people might enjoy it more than me.
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Totally overrated snooze fest
17 September 2022
I've never been a fan of the army/navy/whatever, quite the contrary actually, and I've never been much of a fan of the first movie either, which I consider utter army propaganda.

But I decided to give this a shot, since everyone was saying it's a great movie, at least comparing to the conveyor belt garbage Hollywood releases nowadays.

Boy, was my gut feeling right. I don't think there is something more boring than the army... I also don't understand why these guys have to be portrayed as obnoxious, arrogant a-holes... They must be thinking they are cool or something flying their dumb F-whatever planes and their stupid little nicknames but to me al least it's completely the opposite.

Another thing I totally despise are the goofy, dumb Hollywood little jokes stuffed in which this does not lack of course.

So to summarize, this movie doesn't seem to be for me. In my opinion if you don't find the army stuff interesting (quite the contrary in my case) you'll probably not like it, it is not for anyone like I was initially hoping. I gave it a 5/10 because it has some good actors and for the effort they put into making it I guess.

Last thing I want to specify is that I recommend the old Charlie Sheen parody, I definitely found that a lot more fun.
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Wifelike (2022)
Not as bad as the ratings would make you think
2 September 2022
This movie and its premise had a lot of potential, however the story is somewhat lackluster and unimpressive. Some of the acting and parts of the plot are also quite questionable.

However there are also some good parts. The actress playing Meredith is actually pretty good at interpreting an android and very likeable. Actually I liked her as an android a lot more than when she was playing the real person. Go figure.

I also enjoyed seeing a lot of beautiful half-dressed women in one place, which is mostly a big no-no in nowadays' movies.

Another thing I liked was the soundtrack, it has some good futuristic tunes and sound effects.

Overall, I'd say this movie is enjoyable/watchable if you have like 2 hours to kill.

It's a bit disappointing because it could have been great, but it's only halfway decent.
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The Batman (2022)
A waste of time
23 April 2022
This movie is extremely overrated. It is dull and boring and mostly nothing interesting happens. The story is very underwhelming, the so-called villains are laughable, the dialogs are slow and uninteresting, the main characters try very hard to be/look cool but fail miserably.

Compared to Batman films from 10-15 years ago, this is laughable.

I mean, Heath Ledgers joker was an extremely interesting character, quite believable for a comic book villain. Even Bane was interesting.

This is a joke compared to those older Batman movies, doesn't deserve more than 4 stars in my opinion.
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Didn't like it
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why everyone is so hyped up about this movie. Maybe it's just that it's not preachy or overly woke like any other thing that comes out of Hollywood these days. That's the only good thing I could find about it.

Here are the bad parts. First of all, it is like a movie made for kids. It tries to be funny but all the little jokes are terrible. Everyone is twitchy and talks fast, mostly trying to be funny I guess. Tom Holland plays the role of himself and is overly apologetic and therefore annoying.

The story is underwhelming in my opinion.

They bring back Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire but they didn't do any CGI on Tobey, he looks significantly a lot older obviously which is disappointing since I guess the idea was that all three of them should look like they did at the time of their movie.

To conclude I'd like to mention that the movies I enjoyed the most were those from the Tobey Maguire era. Maybe it's because I was a kid and a lot more impressionable but I think these movies back then were a bit more serious and didn't try so hard. Everything seemed a lot more realistic back then, even for a comic book movie.

5/10 from me.
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It's ok, not great though
5 January 2022
I'm referring to the first season in this review, haven't watched the second one.

It started out promising, first couple of episodes were quite intriguing.

Unfortunately it goes downhill after that, with too few scares, turns into kind of a drama and a lot of convoluted mini-stories combined with flashbacks, dreams, etc. Which makes it difficult to follow.

I was hoping for a lot more scares from this "horror" show but instead got too much drama, love stories and crap like that.

Overall I think it's worth watching, it's a decent show but don't expect too much horror.
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This is a disgrace, not The Matrix
22 December 2021
This so called "movie" is more of a parody, a joke and a disgrace to the original trilogy. I think "Lana" completely lost her mind thinking this is acceptable.

Actually they should be ashamed of associating this with The Matrix trilogy.

The atmosphere is more of a sitcom or SNL sketch rather than a movie, or something that you'd probably rather see from some crappy youtuber.

I can't even express how far this is from the original Matrix and how dumb it is.

Please, don't watch this. If you liked the Matrix, don't defile the memory of it with this complete, utter bs...
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Best episode of 4th season by far
21 December 2021
This episode (no. 4) was the best in season 4 so far.

A lot of fun, fooling around, destroying cars, making fun of the French etc.

Also, it is about cars, not like the other previous 3 which were more about boats and other crap.

Keep them coming guys!
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Best show I ever watched
8 December 2021
This is the best show I ever watched, without a doubt. And I can say that I watched Breaking Bad, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, Ozark etc. All these are amazing shows but I still keep Banshee as my favorite ever.

If you enjoy violence and gore, amazingly defined characters, amazing fight scenes, a great story, great soundtrack etc. You definitely need to watch this.

P. S. It loses some steam in the last 2 seasons but this is a must see show in my opinion, from first to last episode.
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Very good acting, great soundtrack and scenery, no propaganda
29 November 2021
Probably my favorite (mini) series in years!

Although the story is not the most interesting, the acting, the soundtrack, atmosphere and scenery make this amazingly good.

I am also very content to see this series is not preachy/spreads no propaganda we are so flooded with nowadays, it presents everything as it would have been at the time the action is taking place.

Definitely a "must watch"!
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No time to stop cringing...
14 November 2021
If you liked Casino Royale and even Quantum of Solace and thought Daniel Craig was the most bad-ass Bond of all time, then you will be extremely disappointed by this movie. Almost all of the dialogues and pathetic attempts of petty humor in this film leave you with a bad taste in the mouth. You just can't take anything seriously.

It is pretty sad to see how much the Bond franchise has deteriorated starting after QoS in my opinion.

I think Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever, but just in the first 2 movies. By "No time to die" he has become kind of an emotional, cringy b--ch who tries to be funny but isn't at all.

I don't recommend this movie at all, save yourself some money.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
1st episode is good, expected more and hope it will improve in the next episodes....
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I was a huge fan of the original series, it's probably my favorite show ever, maybe if not 1st favorite definitely 2nd best.

What I didn't like in the first episode is that is doesn't have the dark atmosphere of the original Dexter. However I hope this will evolve gradually into the next episodes, there are signs that it will. Also wished there was more of the original soundtrack and sound effects, this contributed a lot to the dark, action packed atmosphere.

I also believe there is too much of Deb, too many flashbacks with her. Harry usually showed up maybe once per episode, if that. In this Deb is like his wife nagging him all the time which is a bit annoying.

To summarize, it is a good start but it could have been better.

Hope it will improve the next episodes, I will definitely continue watching.
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Free Guy (2021)
Complete garbage
31 October 2021
One of the biggest wastes of time in my life.

Completely uninteresting story, completely unfunny and totally cliché-istic. Oh, and I forgot, completely (either) obnoxious or dumb characters.

Do not waste your time and money with this.
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Sincerely Louis C.K. (2020 TV Special)
Great comedy
31 October 2020
Amazing stuff, I laughed my ass off for the entire show's hour. It has some brutal jokes, it is not some boring/unoffensive/neutral crap made to please snowflakes and SJWs, it's what real comedy should be. If you appreciate great comedy and believe that a comedian can say/talk about anything as long as it's funny, you'll have a great time watching this.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Good idea, very poor execution
8 June 2020
The idea of the movie is not bad, actually quite interesting. However the execution is terrible. The acting is horrible, a lot of cliché-istic lines, stereotypical characters with stereotypical behavior. Just plain horrible acting and writing. It even has a few quite funny lines and situations which actually made me chuckle a bit. Too bad, it would have made for a really good action flick.
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