
3 Reviews
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Pondwing (2015)
Wonderful Homage to "The Empire Strikes Back"
6 March 2016
Wonderful homage to a fleeting, but very memorable, moment in the "The Empire Strikes Back". Fans of the "Star Wars" films will recognize it right away. Loved that the film is a memory of a very short visual effects sequence that triggered so many other memories and feelings for director/narrator Brock DeShane. Unlike him, I did not have a pond where I lived, but that short scene also left a big impact on me, and I watched it many times over the years and always wished it went on longer. I loved this short and I'm sure other science fiction and stop motion animation fans will too. I hope he has another project in the works.
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The Beyond (1981)
One Great Film!
31 March 2008
I must disagree with the person who posted in the trivia section that this film never played in its unrated form in America until 1998.

This may have been true for the continental USA, but I am not sure. I'm from Puerto Rico, a U.S. Territory, and it played there in all its gory glory back in the early 80's.

I also do not remember a Sepia Tone sequence, making me think I may have seen a version with the same full color prologue, like that played in Germany. I also have a vague recollection that the film was advertised as Zombie 3: The Beyond, but I'm not totally sure.

I saw this film as a teenager by myself. The film distributors in Puerto Rico do not have, at least they didn't back then, the hangups regarding gory horror films, that they have in the continental U.S., especially gore in a fantasy setting such as this. I was sold a ticket without having an adult present. The film was not rated, but it did have a violence warning.

I went to see the film while my mother and siblings went to the mall just a short distance away. I remember sitting in the theatre that afternoon along with a handful of adults. I was scared out of my mind right from the start. I kept looking back to see if I was the only one having this reaction. I noticed that everyone there had their legs up on their chairs, scared senseless just like me.

I had known of Fulci from Fangoria magazine, but this was the first Fulci film I had actually seen and I had never seen anything like it before (I had missed seeing Zombie because the person who was going to drive me there chickened out).

I loved and hated these feelings I was experiencing while watching this movie. It was a mix of fascination and absolute fright, due to the perfect combination of incredibly creepy atmosphere and outrageously well designed and executed gore effects.

I was shaking when I left the theatre and vowed to never see another horror film again. That didn't last long! I do remember that, in Puerto Rico, the three Fulci classics of L'aldilà, Paura nella città dei morti viventi and Quella villa accanto al cimitero played in theatres out of order. I saw L'aldilà first, then Paura and then Quella villa. All in the very early 80's.

That was a great time for horror films, a time I'm afraid is gone for good.
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Atmospheric and Entertaining.
10 September 2004
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It has the wonderful atmosphere, photography and pacing that is sorely missed in today's films.

It is also nice to see a horror film where the cast look and act like adults, instead of a bunch of high school kids.

My favorite segments are Werewolf and Voodoo, though I did enjoy seeing Jennifer Jayne (Trollenberg Terror) in Vampire.

For those who do not understand the title, the reason the film is called Dr. Terror's House of Horrors is because, in the film, Dr. Shreck refers to his tarot card deck as his "house of horrors".
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