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Piggy (2022)
Nice, but missing something
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Piggy is a drama-horror movie about Sara, a young overweight girl who gets heavily picked on by a trio of mean girls, one of which is an old friend of hers. She is also the laughing stock of her small village, and lives with her overprotective mother and nonchalant father and brother.

One day, after the mean girls bully her, steal all of her clothes and almost drown her at the pool, she witnesses the kidnapping and possibly killing of one of the girls. The kidnapper, a man she noticed earlier at the pool, poses a somewhat nice gesture towards her by giving her back a towel.

Later, she decides not to say anything to her parents or the police, even though all three girls are now considered missing, and keeps that secret to herself. We see the kidnapper and possible killer take a liking to her and follow her around. She eventually runs into him and for some reason, seems to fall for him.

Up until then, the movie is pretty good and sets the way for something very interesting, and I was ready to be rooting for the mistreated main character taking revenge on her bullies, even with the help of the bad guy. I wouldn't have minded a twisted love story between a killer and an outcast girl at all. I thought it was a nice, somewhat original plot. But that's not what I got.

Instead, the final act feels rushed and incomplete. There is absolutely no character development whatsoever. Why does she like the killer? Why does the killer like her? Why does she suddenly not like him anymore at the end? Why does she save the girls instead? Who is the killer, what's his story, his motive? We just don't know. There is almost no dialogue between Sara and the bad guy. We don't know what brought them together, and then not.

I felt like there was a huge chunk of the story missing from the movie. Some scenes between when she leaves her house, and the ending. Character development between the two runaways. What the heck just happened at the end? I have no idea.

The ending also doesn't feel satisfying, as the main bully lives. And yet this girl learns no lesson at all, as she still gets saved even though she keeps on insulting our main character even when she is the only one to save her. Pretty frustrating.

Overall, this was a decent movie with some potential, but the ending ruined a good opportunity to turn this story into something deeper. (PS: Do not watch the dubbed version of this film; it is terrible. Find the original with subtitles.)
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Where's the rest of the movie?
26 January 2021
At 54 minutes running time, I'm not sure if this is a movie or a pilot episode for an abandoned series. The ''movie'' ends in the middle of a sentence, with absolutely no ending, straight to the credits. The story is about a teen who moves into a new house for the summer, where she meets two other kids in a rather unconventional way. One morning she wakes up and some girl is standing in her bedroom. Strangely, she never bothers to ask who let her inside her house, and why she is there. They decide to go for a hike in the backyard forest and meet a guy hiding in the trees. Never bothers to ask where he's hiding in her yard either. The way the trio meets is so unnatural and weird that I just couldn't take it seriously. Especially since the actors are not particularly good and the lines are delivered in a way that I can't see any kids being able to relate to them.

Then they decide to visit a historical house in the village (as if kids really do that) and become obsessed with it for no reason and end up spending the following days researching the house's history at the library (again, as if kids really do that). The movie's driving plot is so hard to believe that it's difficult to put up with the rest. Then the rest of the story has to do with a ghost and the kids investigating and trying to free it. It's like a really long episode of Goosebumps, but with a terrible script, awful special effects, and nothing interesting. There is however one scene that gave me the creeps and I was surprised that it was in the movie as it was genuinely creepy and didn't fit the rest of the movie's colorful fantasy tone.

Other that that it's definitely not scary in any way and is actually a super colorful movie with vibrant visuals and some nice shots. However at times I felt like they added way too much saturation and as a result some outside scenes had a fake CGI look that looked really weird. Overall, this could be okay for kids if only it had an ending, but it doesn't, and I don't see a sequel anywhere, so it's just like an intro to a series that doesn't exist. I can't see the point of wasting time on this, unless they can release the rest of the story (which most likely will never happen since the kid actors are too old now).
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Mermaid Down (2019)
Looked interesting, but not good, sadly
29 June 2020
I love fantasy-horror, so I was immediately drawn to this movie when I saw the trailer, but unfortunately, the trailer was much better than the movie itself. The characters are one-dimensional and the bad guy is just flat with absolutely no motivation. Mermaid Down plays out like a dark fairytale, but it's not scary enough to be a horror film, so it just ends up as some sort of Twilight mermaid story (with girl power friendship instead of love). I liked the premise of the movie at first and there are some good scenery shots here and there, but overall it was just very cheesy and not developed enough. The acting was extremely average and it clearly lacked budget, although that's not really the problem here. It just isn't very good in any aspect. It might have been sort of decent if it was darker, or without the invisible girl character, but that part of the story just made it feel like the movie was meant for young teenagers. I'm not too sure who this movie is meant for; overall just very disappointing.
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Flawed, but not really bad
17 May 2019
I was on the edge about watching this, the reviews not being very glorious so far. I decided to watch it anyway because I like the movie's poster and I can say that while it wasn't amazing, I enjoyed it and thought it was a fairly good movie, with some flaws. Firstly, it's quite hard to categorize this movie, as it tries to be many different genres, starting from a supernatural horror, then a crime-thriller, then Misery, then a drama, then a home invasion. It's quite the mixed bag there and while it does work at times, there are other times where it feels like the movie overwhelmed itself. For example the little girl starts out as creepy, but suddenly turns stupid half-way through. That's not really a tight script, for a movie that relies entirely on 2-3 characters. Then there's the ghosts, and they feel out of place. What is the movie really trying to be?? However, despite these shortcomings I thought it was fairly enjoyable and decent, if you like slower movies about only a few characters, and are not expecting a horror movie. It definitely is more of a crime-thriller with some drama and ghosts (for whatever reason). I think it would have been better received if they got rid of the ghosts entirely.
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Creepy and effective, if somewhat a bit lacking
18 February 2019
Movies involving evil or mean children often manage to creep us out the most for some reason. The Hole in the Ground is no exception. It's a small Irish production with only a few characters, but it manages to pull off a very chilling atmosphere of dread, after a mother and her son moves into their new house in a deserted area on the edge of a large dense forest. The movie really manages to make you feel their sense of loneliness as the mother stumbles upon a mysterious huge hole in the middle of the forest behind their house. Her boy begins to acts strange after he runs away one night in the forest, and she starts questioning his identity and also, her sanity. The actress playing the mother is very good at displaying her mixed emotions and the boy really conveys a feeling of unpleasantness. This coupled with the creepy atmosphere really pulls you in. It's more of a drama-psychological horror and not everyone will appreciate the slow and subtle tone of the movie, but if you enjoyed smart horror like Under the Shadow and Goodnight Mommy, then I think you will like this. It's not quite as good and it unfortunately lacks a little bit of explanation at the end, but sometimes I think it's okay for movie to leave a bit up to the viewers to figure out by themselves. I just wish it ran maybe 10 minutes longer to better develop the events leading to the conclusion.
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The Isle (2018)
Look, I love slow-burners, but this is terrible.
11 February 2019
I too was misled by the fake ratings into watching this utterly boring low-budget movie. The acting (except Alex Hassell, he is okay) is simply atrocious (especially the ''crazy lady'', she is laughable); it's even worse than some made-for-TV movies. The whole film feels and looks like a student project, the period clothing, the camera shots... The music is not bad that's the only thing I will say. However it is not tense enough for the scenes that are supposed to be ''scary'' (note: there's nothing scary about this movie, I would say the genre is Drama-Mystery and that's it, definitely not ''Gothic Horror'' as advertised).

The story is slow and uninteresting, even after an hour nothing was really happening that would make me want to keep watching. The plot is completely uninvolving. Three men are stuck on an island with a few weird people who seem to be hiding a secret. The ''big reveal'' ends up being predictable and overdone in countless films. Characters are boring and after a while I just didn't care anymore. I think they tried to get that HP Lovecraft feeling, but completely missed. I love slow burners but this was a pain to watch.

They filmed on a beautiful island but the guy handling the camera didn't seem to know how to get a good shot (or maybe it's the bad editing's fault). All around it just feels like a cheap production with nothing to redeem it. There's also an overuse of fog to hide the fact that they couldn't afford special effects, and it just ends up looking like a Goosebumps episode from the 90'. You don't need fog and smoke everytime you want to show a ghost on screen.

I would definitely not recommend this. Don't be misled by the high ratings bought by the production. I simply have no respect for producers buying votes. You can easily tell which reviews are fake. If you really want to watch it, go ahead, but bring a pillow just in case. I would give it a 1 to counter the fake ratings but the soundtrack was okay-ish so I'll give it a 2. And kudos to whoever made the trailer, that was actually a pretty good (but misleading) trailer for a bad movie.
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Compulsion (2016)
Fifty Shades of Sadie
21 March 2018
This was a weird movie. Lots of strange characters and scenes, lots of dream sequences, lots of sex, lots of empty dialogue. A few cheesy scares here and there, and some peculiar but nice visual imagery. I'll give that to the movie, the sets look beautiful, the castle is gorgeous and the visuals in some scenes are odd yet mesmerizing. The movie is a bit too experimental for its own good however, it is hard to take the story seriously when all the movie seems to want to be doing is look artistic and surreal. It also seems to take a few hints from Fifty Shade of Grey, but in a gothic-horror setting. Analeigh Tipton is an interesting actress but deserves better than this weak story-telling. Overall, a very bizarre film that just isn't very good. Added a point for the fine visuals.
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The Last Bore
19 March 2017
I gave this B movie a chance because the trailer made it look like Sunshine or Event Horizon, but it's nothing like that. The characters talk for about an hour like a cheap TV show until something finally happens. The first 40 min could have easily been cut. But even after a little action finally happens, then it's back to more talking until the end of the movie. The trailer only shows that 5 minutes where something actually happens. But the actual movie is just people talking. The special effects are obviously bad, but they do the job. The actors are okay but the problem is that the script is awful. The plot is just not interesting and just tries to recycle better films. This is advertised as horror-sci-fi but it's not scary or even tense, there's just nothing happening, and even when you think something has happened, the big reveal is lame. It's more of a drama-sci-fi. Better just rewatch Event Horizon or Sunshine instead.
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Marie's Story (2014)
Beautiful film, doesn't need words to describe
22 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Marie Heurtin is based on the true story of Soeur Marguerite, a sister who lived in a covenant in the 1800, in France, and Marie Heurtin, a young girl who was born blind and deaf. She grew with almost no education, and at the age of ten, her parents brought her to the covenant les Filles de la Sagesse, which was specialized in taking care of deaf girls and teaching them sign language. However, Marie proved much of a challenge because she was also blind.

The film relates the early life of Marie Heurtin, who was taught sign language by the kind and determined sister Marguerite. Although Marie is very difficult to teach to, Soeur Marguerite's perseverance and the bound they build together is extremely touching. The movie doesn't have a lot of spoken dialogue, in fact most of the dialogue is through sign language and is intentionally not subtitled, because we are meant to feel it; the words are not important, we can figure out their meanings just by looking at the emotions the characters convey to us through the screen. Isabelle Carré and Ariana Rivoire's performances are poignant and real.

The only thing I found disappointing is that the movie only shows us a very small portion of Marie Heurtin's life, and makes it seem like Soeur Marguerite only taught her for about a year or so, when in reality, she taught her sign language for around ten years of her life, and Marie was 25 years old when her teacher passed, not 10 or so like in the movie. Then Marie Heurtin at her turn taught sign language to many other girls, including her young sister who was also blind and deaf. I think it was a mistake to omit her later years from the movie, especially since it runs a little long. Seeing her grow up would have been a real plus to the movie, so that's a missed opportunity.

Nonetheless, it's a beautiful and heart-warming movie that shows us the importance of what love and interaction between people can bring into our lives, and the power that being able to convey feelings really gives us.
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Beautiful, but empty
26 December 2014
La Belle et la Bête is such a beautiful movie with high production values that it could pass for one of these recent Hollywood blockbusters picking up all those old fairy tales and turning them into live-action movies, but in fact it's a high-end French movie, so unfortunately not as many people will get to see it. Which is a shame, because it really is candy for the eyes.

Although a good chunk of the movie is CGI, it really doesn't look like it, and most of the sets look real (unlike 'Maleficient', which also had beautiful imagery, but looked somewhat fake). The Beast's castle and surrounding gardens look magical, and the style reminded me a lot of 'Labyrinth'. The castle's interior decoration is so mesmerizing that it just makes you want to jump into the movie and explore it along with Belle. The music is also one of the movie's strong points, with melodies that really match the movie's beauty.

Unfortunately, as beautiful and magical the movie looks and sounds, it feels quite empty. The story is a lot closer to the original tale than the Disney version, with a darker tone, but the love story was put aside in favor of showing the movie's aesthetics. Although the movie slightly dwells into Belle's life and the Beast's past, neither character really feels developed, making it unbelievable that they would fall in love.

The movie strongly feels like a scene of connection is missing; one minute they're fighting, the next they're kissing, with absolutely no logic to their love story. Their love is never shown; you as the viewer don't see how they fall in love. A little extra 10 minutes to show their relation would have made all the difference. As it is, it makes no sense these two characters would be together. The Disney version did a better job at showing this.

Nonetheless, the movie is still worth a watch for the beautiful visuals if you like the original story; it goes deeper into certain aspects of it, but sadly the love story was lost somewhere along the way. Too bad, because this could have been better than anything Hollywood could have brought us, if only they had put a little more effort into building the two main characters.
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Horse Thieves (2005)
9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
(This review does not contain spoilers, but someone flagged it for no reason so I guess someone was over-sensitive..)

I watched this movie with no expectations, and it definitely wasn't what I thought. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised.

Horse Thieves is a drama that takes place 200 years ago. The movie first introduces two homeless brothers who join the army to get food and shelter. The big brother is a tough one, who always needs to protects his weak little brother, but really loves him. It's seizing how the movie manages to share the emotions with the viewer in the way you can feel how much the brothers care for each other until an unfortunate accident arrives.

The movie then switches to another pair of brothers who are involved in the accident, and who share a similar relation, although this time the older of the two is a real brute unlike the one in the first part of the movie. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's a tale of revenge, brother love, and all these emotions the movie will make you share with the characters.

If you enjoy touching, but tough movies, without any doubt watch this one.
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The Bend (2011)
18 October 2011
This movie is very similar to the Romantics. You have a bunch of people gather and talk. Nothing really ever happens. Here you have three kids. The main character's brother was bi-polar and drowned at the beach after his prom, but nobody really knows why it happened. The young brother, his best friend and ex girlfriend gather later and talk about it. They decide to go out and buy drinks, go to their school during the night and throw a party to commemorate the prom.

Now we're supposed to believe that in one single night, they manage to break into the school and decorate the whole auditorium into a prom setting, and nobody catches them. Talk about unrealistic in a realistic movie. The acting from the three main characters is okay, but the dialogues are boring and feel forced. From the movie's synopsis I was thinking something would eventually happen, but nothing ever happens. They just talk for all of the movie, and have nothing really interesting to say, except dwell on the past. In the end, the 'plot twist' is just not shocking. It's like, "oh. okay." I couldn't really care less about the characters. They never even tell you why the brother hates his younger sister who has a crush on the main character.

There is no big revelation, no character development, no explanation of the past. Loss of time. Just a drama that feels like a theatrical play.
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Cute movie.
23 May 2010
Quebec has some particularly good kids movie; La Guerre des Tuques, Matusalem, La Grenouille et la baleine -- just to name a few, but they are quite dated now. Which is why Noemie is a pleasant surprise, as it has the same kind of charm that made those movies so fun to watch; an engaging lead character, a good mix of funny and touching moments, and a great soundtrack.

The movie is based on a series of books, which follow Noemie, a sweet and dynamic seven year-old girl who firmly believes a treasure is hidden within her upstairs neighbor's apartment. As the story unfolds, she keeps on trying to find clues and leads that would take her to find the treasure, while at the same time she gets closer to the old lady living there.

Although this will mostly interest kids, it's the kind of movie that adults will also like, thanks to the emotions it conveys, and the nostalgic charm it has, reminding us of our own childhood movies. But what really steals the spot is the actress playing Noemie; even though this is her first role, she is full of life, absolutely adorable, and displays emotions incredibly. I would not be surprised to see her star in other movies.

Noemie is a really fun movie to watch with kids, as they always seem to remember the movies with funny, happy and sad moments the most, and endear them. There are some bits that are a bit long (the movie lasts 1 hour and 40 min, maybe a bit too much for the content), but all in all it's a very cute film, and I definitely recommend it.
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Not bad at all
4 September 2008
I was looking for something to watch that wouldn't require too much thought, something quick and fun, nothing too complicated. When I saw the 3/10 rating on IMDb, I almost didn't watch the movie. In the end, I still did, and I'm glad I did. It was nothing special, but I wanted to be entertained, and that's exactly what the movie did. Nothing less, nothing more.

As other people have mentioned, the movie is like a cross between Nancy Drew and a Goosebump episode. It's filmed cheaply, with unknown actors that don't deliver any ground-breaking performances, but the script is well put together and interesting. The intrigue is surprisingly captivating, and there are no slow parts, resulting in a fast-paced movie where you don't really have time to be bored or annoyed.

The 'horror' parts of the movie are extremely cliché, and somewhat funny because they fail to surprise, but for younger kids this is just enough, more would be too much. Everything falls into place a bit too easily during the movie and the ending is ridiculous, but until that point the unfolding of the story is great, if kept in mind that this is a thriller/mystery for children. The ending supposes there will be a continuation, and I do hope so.

It's fun to watch, just don't expect more than it is.
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The Secret (2007)
Very touching movie
9 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a remake of a Japanese movie I believe, a drama about a family like every other. The mother and her husband are very much in love, and their 16-years old daughter is going through her teen phase; friends, boyfriends, drugs, anger against parents who love her. This is very hard to live for her mother who only wants her good. One day while they are both in the car arguing, they get in an accident where they both nearly die. When the mother wakes up at the hospital, her daughter is dead. After something strange happens, she awakens in the body of her daughter, and her own body is declared dead.

She doesn't understand what is happening and tries to convince her husband that she is the mother, not the daughter. Obviously, at first the husband doesn't want to believe her, thinking she is still shaken from the accident. Eventually he realizes that she is telling the truth, but even though they are in love as husband and wife just like before, they cannot consume their love as the father finds it awkward to have his wife inside his daughter's body. The situation is very hard on both of them as they are so close yet so far.

During the movie, the mother tries to continue her daughter's life in hope that she will one day re-emerge. This brings conflict to the relation between her and the husband, as she feels as if she is re-living her teen years through her daughter's chaotic life. The main actors really brought a lot of emotion to the characters, and their love story even brought tears to my eyes. There are a lot of touching and sad moments. The movie's production feels a little bit cheap but it's a great story told brilliantly. The main actress playing the daughter did an amazing job at conveying the feelings of this adult-teenager girl torn between two lives and so many emotions. Very beautiful movie.
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Not for everyone..
21 May 2008
When the movie started, with the amateur filming and uninteresting boobies scene, I almost turned it off right away. I ended up watching more, and really got into it. Of course it's nothing special, it's filmed like a low-budget TV series, but what makes it interesting is that it feels real. The characters are real, the story is real, the problems are real. I felt like I was watching a reality show with people who have relationship issues that I could relate to. Obviously, if you don't like reality shows, chances are you probably won't like this. Hannah was fun to watch, although she's a bit annoying at times. Overall I really enjoyed this simplistic home movie, it was very pleasant and real. The only thing I disliked was how it ended so abruptly, I wanted more!
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Ordinary, yet tremendous...
25 February 2008
Jacquou le Croquant is a good production that is unfortunately too long and too slow. Some parts are unnecessary and could have been taken out, or at least shortened. These two flaws will turn off a lot of people.

However, if you can keep up with the snail pace, the movie is pretty good with a fair mix of action and touching moments. The first part of the story follows Jacquou as a young boy who loses both of his parents, and ends up being taken care of by the churchman of the village. The second part covers his revenge against the man who is responsible for the death of his parents now that he is a young man.

The dialogues and acting isn't all that great, but the actor(s) playing Jacquou is cute as a kid and handsome as an adult (the two lead actresses are very beautiful as well). The sceneries and imagery is simply breathtaking and the melodies enchanting. The movie is definitely great to look at, if anything, despite the weak storyline (but still does the job of staying interesting all the way through).

Jacquou le Croquant is nothing special, but to the right audience it's a good movie in all respect.
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The perfect pirate movie
22 May 2007
I wasn't expecting much from the movie since it was made for TV, but it really turned out to be the best pirate movie I saw, definitely.

The characters are engaging, the setting is believable, the two main actors playing the brothers are simply perfect for the roles, and the soundtrack is really endearing. The only fault might perhaps be the visuals, the underwater scenes looking kind of weak, but the rest, sceneries, costumes and make-up is excellent all around.

The original movie is kind of long, but I saw the "Pirates: Blood Brothers" version which was a bit shorter, although you don't actually feel like the movie is long anyways, since it's so captivating that you never want it to end. You get to care for all the characters, and there's always intrigue and action to spice things up.

Without a doubt an adventure movie far superior to all the Hollywood ones that every fan of pirates stories should watch.
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Délivrez-moi (2006)
Emotionally seizing
12 January 2007
There are very few Quebec movies that I like, but this one definitely was worthy. It's a drama, following a ditzy and frivolous mother who tries to build herself a new life after 10 years of prison, in hopes of getting her daughter back. Celine Bonier really shows how great of an actress she is, playing that mother full of sweet innocence, who only wants to do good while all of her life crumbles around her. You can't help but feel sad for her, no matter what terrible thing she has done in the past, and the movie does a great job at keeping a little mystery as to what is the real truth until the ending. Some points remain obscure in regards to the relation between the protagonist and some of the secondary characters, but the movie obviously focuses on the mother/daughter relation, keeping the other characters in background for story continuity. It's an excellent movie regardless, with convincing characters, a realistic tone and an unfolding great in emotions.
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