
21 Reviews
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House of the Dead 2 (2005 TV Movie)
worse than the original, weak plot, even weaker acting
28 June 2007
Lets face it, with these sort of low budget horror flicks you can't expect a lot from them. one thing you can almost be certain of with low budgeters, is that the films will be littered with can't - act teens or failures, but don't get me wrong some low budgets turn out OK like Wolf Creek for example where a tiny $1,000,000 was spent, the more expensive horrors these days can be as much as $50,000,000 and more.

In House Of The Dead 2's case, it didn't turn out OK. The acting was poor, the plot was simple and fairly silly, it was quite boring to watch and how many careless people can die from some brainless zombies?? The film was almost childish. I wish i could give some credit to the film but i am finding it hard to, the gore wasn't even that good! waste of my time ! - 3/10
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The Grudge 2 (2006)
Scary, but weak plot
3 June 2007
I have to say i didn't enjoy this film as much as the first. The film does have some good 'jumpy' scenes that either gets your heart pumping or makes you jump a little but the plot is too weak.

The film doesn't seem to have a good solid plot, it seems to jump about and wonder around and you sometimes wonder what its all about.

The film does show a little gore, but not a lot so don't expect much, as its the usual grudge performance, a case of scary faces and spooky music.

the top and bottom of the film is: some fairly good scary scenes, but a weak and jumpy plot that could have been better, wheres a movie without a good plot? - 5/10
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Downtown (1990)
Better than expected, funny, some good car chases
11 March 2007
Downtown wouldn't have been a personal choice but i was lent it with some other movies so I watched it. I understood that Forest Whitaker was in downtown (actor of recent film The Last King Of Scotland) The film turned out to be quite reasonable, co-star Anthony Edwards was actually quite funny at times making the film that little bit better, and not forgetting the soundtracks that make a good film.

The film included shooting scenes, car chase scenes, and a bit of comedy splashed in for good measure.Forest Whitaker played a fairly good part and is a decent actor, the problem with films these day is that 90% of them are swarming with new/fresh from drama school teens, we need to hang on to our good actors.

overall, a good cop flick worth the 90 min. - 7/10
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Mind tangling, different
29 January 2007
A Scanner Darkly is a different breed of movie. Delivering a very different style of animation which is rather life-like. The movie plot itself is of a strange and complicated one but given time to digest, you can understand it.

A rather unusual Combination of drug use, comedy, mind puzzles and animation it's positive to suit an all genre movie fan.

Like most mind-twisters, the movie itself is organised chaos, but the movie will become clear towards the end.

In conclusion: a different movie, confusing, strange, all-in-all it breaks the habit of simple movies, worth the watch - 6/10
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Saw III (2006)
The goriest so far
22 January 2007

I really enjoy the Saw films, Jigsaw has the most beautiful killings! I couldn't wait to see Saw 3, and now I have seen it, it was very good. I don't think it was quite as good as the first Saw simply because the first was such a one of a kind for it's time, and had a mind blowing ending, but however it did top the 2nd Saw movie.

Saw 3, as you can expect from the saw movies has a great plot, extremely gory scenes, some great deaths and I fantastic ending. I think Saw 3 is the goriest so far out of the 3.

Conclusion: Saw 3 has enough up it sleeve to impress any saw fan (it's not for the squeamish!). Again, brilliant plot, gore and ending - 8/10, can't wait for Saw IV!
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United 93 (2006)
17 January 2007
United 93 is one of the most emotional - eye opener of a film I have personally seen. United 93 gives you a good perspective on the 911 bombings, detailed with how horrifying the event was. This is a gut churner of a film, which makes you put yourself in the passengers shoes and to think what it must have been like for the hostages on board. The film leaves you speechless and makes you feel lucky for who you are. The film will get a good response from the public (especially the Americans) for the event that it covers as it was a sudden and horrible event that broke many hearts.

A great eye opener, simple but effective - 8/10
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Better than the first - Miracle!
2 January 2007
To be honest I thought that Ice Age 2: The Meltdown wouldn't top the first, but as always I was wrong, it was actually better that the original. I predicted about a six for Ice Age 2, I thought it would turn out alright but no as good as the first. It turned out differently, it was actually very good, probably one of my favourite animations among with the incredibles.

What I like about Ice Age 2 is that there is more to the plot and more going on, there is more characters and most importantly, it was funnier than the first title.

John Leguizamo plays a fantastic part of the voice of 'Sid' Ice Age wouldn't be the same without him.

Funnier than the first, bigger and better than the first! - 8/10
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Zombie (1979)
A low-budget zombie classic, thanks Lucio!
1 January 2007
Zombie 2 (Zombie Flesh Eaters UK title) is one of my favourite zombie horror flicks, to me it is better than George A. Romero's classic 1978 Dawn Of The Dead. The reason for this is that zombie 2 being Italian has a weird and wonderful plot, even weirder actors that make the film quite cheesy, but is still good. The film has an array of gory parts and blood splattering moments, clearly fake due to the low budget effects but great none the less.

Another plus is that Zombie 2 also has its own 'theme' tune which makes it slightly more unique (and tacky).

Who needs big budget movies for them to be good? Zombie 2 is near 30 years old now and cost approximately £142,000 (approximately $278,000) to make when it was made back in 1979. Today's horror movies cost much more and aren't always as good. Take Ghost Ship for example, it was made in 2002 and cost approximately 17.8 million ($35,000,000) that's well over 100 times more that zombie 2 cost to make. 90% of today's movies are better than older movies, special effects and technology have proceeded, but old movies can be good!

In conclusion, a great horror flick, slightly cheesy and low budget but still worth the 91 minutes and will most probably impress an old skool horror fan. - 8/10
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Average effort, could have done better!
1 January 2007
Superman Returns is the first movie of 2007 I have watched. To me, the film was far too long, at 2 and a half hours it's a bit to get by when there is a lack of action scenes. Credits given when due, Superman Returns did have some fairly good action scenes but lets face it, not enough to keep you interested the movie length.

As with all superhero movies, the action is far-fetched but good, this is the case with Superman Returns but I would of appreciated less chit chat and boring, strange bits. I was expecting at lot more from Superman Returns, but there is noting that 'stands' out.

In a nutshell, some good far-fetched action scenes (but not enough), a average effort don't pay too much to see this film - 5/10.
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The Protector (2005)
Tony Jaa + movie = best fight scenes ever!
31 December 2006
First things first, the main actor, Tony Jaa. He seemed pop up from nowhere with his first major film Ong-Bak. He is a master at the fighting technique muay thai and he doesn't use CGI, wirework or stunt doubles, he has the power and skill to perform his own stunts.

One thing you can be 100% sure of with Tony Jaa in a film is to expect top notch 10/10 fight scenes. The fight scenes in Warrior King are of the best around, topping our Hong Kong friend Jackie Chan's skills.

The only downside to Jaa's movies is that they are Thai. I have nothing against the Thai but lets be clear here, they aren't exactly the movie making country as they don't have a 'great past in making popular movies (lets hope that changes now Jaa's on the case), and the movies contain some quite weird and strange parts that you wouldn't usually think of including, but it's not all bad news because at the end of the day it is a breath of fresh air and the fantastic fight scenes make it all worth the 82 minutes.

Message to Tony Jaa - 10/10 for the performances, now all you have to do is learn English so you can do some films that aren't dubbed or subtitled! In conclusion: Another fantastic Jaa flick, we can expect to see a lot of Jaa in years to come - 7/10
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Chaos Theory - all will become clear
31 December 2006
Lucky Number Slevin is a great stylish action with interesting and well thought out parts and is bursting with many great Hollywood actors including Josh Hartnett for the leading role. The film has a sometimes complicated and fast paced plot where you can loose yourself sometimes but great none the less. Lucky Number Slevin is the sort of film where at the end of the film everything 'should' fall into place and become clearer.

To simplify (without spoiling) Slevin (Hartnett) finds himself at the wrong place at the wrong time and ends up within gang business.

Blending great actors and acting, a few laughs, gun's n' ammo, and a wonderful, exciting, chaotic plot, all a movie lover needs to slap a cheesy smile on their face in enough time to find another flick…..8/10
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Crank (2006)
Great plot, even better movie
31 December 2006
I watched Crank just yesterday, and im still visualising some of the great scenes from the movie (mainly the brilliant ending). Crank (Jason Statham) to me, has an unusual, but good plot that I have never come across before, so in some senses it's a breath of fresh air in the movie world.

Jason Statham (Lock Stock), the British born actor delivers a good show.

Mixing fast paced action, chuckling comedy, love scenes, drug dealing and blood splattering moments its sure to put a grin on any decent movie lovers face. Watch out for the ending! A definite watch - 7/10
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Borat (2006)
One of a kind - I like!
28 December 2006
Sacha Baron Cohen (better know as Ali G) presents Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, a classic in the making.

Sacha Baron Cohen goes where no other comedian dares, bringing a film that is like no other as it delivers dozens of laughs and plenty of disgustingly outrageous scenes.

To sum up (without spoiling) Borat travels across America meeting many types of people, and offending many types of people. The film is an absolute must.

It's gut-bustlingly funny, it's highly offensive it's one of a kind - worth 80 minutes of anyone's time, 9/10
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Click (2006)
One of Sandler's best
29 October 2006
My first impressions of click wern't exactly good, I thought it would just be another Sandler spin-off ending with a cheap smile and a regret for going to see it.

But all is not doom and gloom! After seeing the film, it actually turned out to be quite good! What made it a worthy 7/10 was that it was one of the funniest films I had seen in a while. With a couple of laugh-out-loud scenes.

Unfortunately, I cannot go higher than a 7, simply because we are talking about Sandler here, not the best actor in the world, although (all due respect) made me laugh, and not forgetting the Hoff who didn't do too bad! One of sandlers best! - 7/10
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Weird, freakish, abnormal, bizarre film
15 August 2006
I watched The Manson Family with hope of it being a good movie as well as broadening my horizons about the mass-murder family, as I knew very little about them.

Well the turn-out was that it did the second part (a little bit) but the first part it failed miserably as the movie was atrocious.

From watching The Manson Family I know a little more than before. The family are a little like the Devils Reject's although nastier and crazier. This film has to be one of the weirdest and craziest films I've seen along with house of a 1000 corpses.

The director Jim Van Bebber, has to be the worst around and receives my nomination for creating one of the worst films I have ever seen.

I wish I could give the film some credit, but I physically can't. I know the movie is based on a true story, so the film can only go with what happened, but come on, they could of made it better. Take Wolf Creek for example, it was based on a true story just like The Manson Family although there was a difference - it was good!

Before I finish, may I just laugh at the people that actually think the manson family was good. I have read other reviews, and some people have gave it a 10, and said they have only give it a 10 because of the event, and what happened. I CAN'T Believe THESE PEOPLE! A good bit of advice to them would be to STOP, think and watch the movie and ask themselves "is the movie good? is it actually worth the watch" - NO! Fair enough, an extra point or so, seeing that the film is based upon a horrific event, but I won't accept people giving it 10's!

Summary: probably one of the worst 90 minutes I have spent to date. - 2/10
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Speed (1994)
To me - a absolute classic
13 August 2006
I first saw speed when I was only young, at that age I wouldn't have know a good movie if it hit me.

But now I'm older and I have watched it many times since, and I can respect a good movie and know what makes one.

Keanu Reeves (the main star in speed) is not a bad actor in this film, but like all actors, they have done their fair-share of rubbish (in Keanus case - Constantine). Other actors of speed include Dennis Hopper (the bad guy), Sandra Bullock and Jeff Daniels, so director Jan de Bont has managed to put together some decent actors.

In conclusion - a worthy action/thriller with a simple plot and good actors, - 9/10, (dont bother even thinking about Speed 2: Cruise Control)
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One of my favourite comedy's - brilliant, hilarious, excellent
13 August 2006
Firstly, the main star - Jim Carrey I think is a great actor, this is what makes the film so good, can you imagine a different star in

This film is the second in the 'Ace Ventura' titles and its gotta be the best, simply because Jim is so hyper and crazy, which makes the film so laughable.

I like the film so much because basically it all comes down to being very funny. The plot is OK - a little crazy at times, but what do you expect from Jim? If you are after a good comedy, then Ace Venture: When Nature Calls is the one stop shop. - 9/10
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The Warriors (1979)
Good fight scenes, good soundtracks, even better movie
13 August 2006
The first I heard of the warriors was the video game on the XBOX, then I found out it was made from a movie, and then I later found out the movie was made from a novel.

It seemed popular, so I watched the film with hope that it would be as good at the game. And it was, the film was rather good.

What made the film so good was that the plot was nice and simple, the actors wern't too bad, there was plenty of fight scenes and also what I think makes a movie a good one, was some good soundtracks behind the movie.

I would certainly recommend this movie, - 8/10
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Miami Vice (2006)
This years biggest disappointment
9 August 2006
I saw the adverts and trailers for Miami Vice and thought it looked good. I saw that Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx were in it, so I thought I would give the movie a shot.

And I wish I shot myself for going to see it.

It was a major disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I will always give credit where it's due, the movie did have some very good realistic gun fights but when 95% of the movie is talk, talk, talk, deals, deals, deals it wears a bit thin and lets the movie down considerably.

If I was you, I would wait until it's on TV.

Summary - I suggest knitting or watching paint dry for 2 hours rather than watching this! - 4/10
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What a performance! - 10/10
9 August 2006
I had seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in the top 250 on this site, and I looked at the plot, stars and year and I thought it would just be one of the many old, long and boring films.

One day I managed to pick it up cheap, as I wanted to watch it just out of curiosity, to see what it was actually like.

It turned out to be one of my all-time films. Before I watched it, I was actually rather unfamiliar with Jack Nicholson (the main star) and he actually turned out to be quite a good actor.

I like the film so much as it is funny, well made, simple and contains good actors and plot. I can now see why it has a position in the top 250, as it deserves it!

worth the watch - 10/10
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Dirty Harry (1971)
9/10 - Best 102 minutes I have spent
28 June 2006
Dirty Harry was the first Clint Eastwood film I've seen. I had no idea what it would be like, and it actually turned out to be one of my all-time favourite films. The reason for this is that it is a combination of comedy, reasonably good acting, a good plot, and some good gun fights and not forgetting Clint's famous quotes, like for example: "Do I feel lucky? well, do ya, punk?".

The film is now over 30 years old and is better than a lot of more recent films that I've seen. As dirty harry was such a good film i intend to watch the 4 other films which continue with 'dirty' Harry's career in the police.

In conclusion, the film is definitely worth the 102 minutes of anybodies time - 9/10
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