
15 Reviews
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The Warrant (2020)
I'll copy another reviewer...
5 January 2021
This guy said it best! "I've seen amateur civil war reenactment gatherings by retirees being filmed by a 5th grade great-grandson turn out better than this film." LOL TRUTH!
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Legal Action (2018)
Wow, awful waste of time
5 January 2021
I let this play in the background while I made dinner after I stopped being interested 12 minutes in. The music choices?? Just a stupid waste of time.
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Ebony and Ivory, living in perfect harmony.....
27 December 2020
Geez, more leftist, compromised writing, all for the purpose of pleasing.... who exactly? I assume George's whole point of making this was to, once again, help Caucasians exercise their white-guilt demons from their souls! lol Outside of that typical, cringe-worthy black man getting the white woman extremist fantasy message, the movie was done well FX wise but it's amateur directing, super typical flashback's and predictable progress points were very disappointing, and it has tons of technical issues related to technology they were supposedly using. The powers that be need to let indie filmmakers, AKA Artists, make these kinds of films instead. This was a pure waste of time.
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Blue Ridge (2020)
This was the wrong Blue Ridge movie!
31 October 2020
Was looking for an indie movie called Blue Ridge (that stars the guy from Pi) that I had marked to watch in the past but never got around to it. I accidentally clicked on this thing thinking it was the same movie. WRONG! This was like one of those Lifetime or USA network movies that honestly did not need to be made. It's very 90's and beyond boring. I made it about 15 minutes in and regretted it big time and stopped it. ugh!
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This was made years ago
12 September 2020
I saw this, basically, in like 2013 or 14 I believe. It was called Terms and Conditions May Apply which I think was or is on Netflix as well! Netflix funded a copy with a few updates and a bigger budget but its the same stuff. I feel like this is the third version of the corporate control theme I've seen this decade.
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Bad TV movie with big stars, somehow.
23 July 2020
I can't quite come to grips with how badly this is directed and shot. Lots of amateur moves and its hard to look away. The reason to watch this is to see Brandon Frazer play a weird doctor. I think he knew how bad this was and kinda played into that. I feel bad for John Travolta. He's really dropping down a notch to team up with these oddball director(s??). My biggest wonder here is how movies like this get funded when you have so many talented indie directors who cant even get $10K to make something far better.
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Code 8 (2019)
All derived
25 April 2020
This kind of film, as well as many others on netflix and the like, make me wonder about society. Is this suppose to be good sci-fi now? Do kids think this is good? If so, we are doomed. Every bit of this film is heavily derived from other sci-fi films. The obvious Xmen mimicking is embarrassing to see. The aerial shots of the city at one point were an almost exact copy of Drive, including music. The robots landing in the hero crouch made me cringe. The modern PC casting was typical and sad. The cops made no sense... so they are going to harass people that could potentially kill them with little or no effort? Why would handcuffs hold many of these mutants? I could go on but I wont because Im bored now. Oh the days of Ridley Scott, early Cameron, Verhoven, Kubrick...
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Agendas from Hollywood, no surprize
23 March 2020
This whole thing is such a waste of money. There was an opportunity to do something great here. They had the money and right FX, the right venue... but, they settled down instead into a typical Hollywood agenda-fest PC, female/minority empowerment BS game of bad writing to appease the leftist people who they think populates the USA because they only hang around themselves without actually living life outside LA or NY. Give this series to some indie filmmakers, along with HBO producers, THEN you'd have something revolutionary! This is JUNK rimes 100000. Oh and I didn't even mention the boring talk-fest they fall into every 10 minutes. Seen the Walking Dead lately? Same crap. BORING. boring boring.
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Most boring use of 200M dollars ever
2 March 2020
Ok, I tried very hard to finish this but I just couldnt. I gave it an hour. it's as if Cameron and Robert are stuck in the 90's and delivering stories in a way that are just boring and frankly, outdated. There's massive setup here that goes on too long and its all for a fake girl that I dont care one bit about. There's no struggle or genuine emotion anywhere. I think we've all just had enough of the little girl character who beats up huge men scenario. The CGI just doesnt work wither. The eyes aren't right no matter how much CGI budget you have. Would have better to go with something really different or robotic or just use a real person 100 percent. I also prefer that basic physics be followed when everything else is suppose to be accurate within the story's world too. She can't kick the arm off of some massive robot that probably weighs as much as a truck. She's 100lbs... doesnt matter how strong her little kick is, its not going to do anything to the guy, ever. Its all just really juvenile filmmaking. R.R. needs to retire.
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Why was this made?
1 February 2020
Another violent female movie. Why are these made in such numbers these days? Female director too... but why? Just because executives at studios are too afraid to say no to girls now? Is it that bad? We walked out of this after 20min and sneaked into something else. If I could give this a -10 I would. STOP MAKING 100lb girl beats up a man movies please. Thanks idiots.
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The age of JJ Abrams agenda is ending
19 December 2019
He started all this crap with his first one and it's coming back to bite him, thankfully. Other than unnecessarily feminizing and PC casting Star Wars, he's found a way to make it boring. He's simply too old to know what to do anymore. This whole movie was a scavenge hunt clearly with actors who are only participating in this thing anymore due to the big paycheck. I'm 100% sure that no one thought this was good while they were making it. Disney has run this whole thing into the ground, along with the anti white male thing that rules movies and TV now. Give this thing 10 years and let a no-name director NOT FROM HOLLYWOOD make it instead.
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Lawless (2012)
I made it thorugh
9 December 2019
I made it to the end but found myself getting distracted easily. I liked The Road which i why I watched this one but there just isnt much going on here. Acting was great though, Tom is always great, but I think it was a wasted chance to do SO MUCH more with the whole moonshine world. Maybe stepping up the action would have saved it. Im not saying dont see it but dont go into it thinking its on par with his better stuff.
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Bronson (2008)
I tried
9 December 2019
I really realy wanted to like this since I love his other films like Neon Demon (am I alone?) but I didn't get it. It was like technique over anything else was the goal here. I'm sure Im missing something or maybe because Im not British I dont get something but I didn't get into Bronson and got bored, I hate to say.
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Blue Ridge (2014)
Slow to start but glad i stuck around
9 December 2019
The slow start wasn't boring but it needed punching up. I thought about clicking off but the odd characters living in this mountain trailer park made me stick around. I soon forgot time and found myself getting into this oddball couple and the unique tone of this movie. It started paying off the closer to the end you got and oh boy, the last 5 minutes (no spoilers) was worth it. I had no idea where this was going and while shocked it made sense. The very ending had me drop a tear or two and i really felt for the girl. Thumbs up!
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Watchmen (2019)
Trash, seriously
4 December 2019
I can't recall a more disappointing show. I wanted to like it but had been hit hard in the face with all the PC political anti-white stuff from the very first shot. It's only gotten worse but in the sense that it's just boring. It's like Westworld where someone was given too much money and forgot to craft a real story. At least Westworld started out fun then got really repetitive and SUPER stupid with only one twist that kept me in for one more episode. Watchmen has just been bad from the start. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT AND AM NOT CONNECTED TO ANY CHARACTER AND THAT IS WHAT DEFINES GOOD SHOWS AND MOVIES. This has nothing to hold onto.
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