
2 Reviews
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Submarine (1928)
Capra shows talent in this buddy movie!
4 February 2003
This early movie from the acclaimed director Frank Capra tells the story of two navy friends who fall in love with the same girl. The break up of their friendship over this girl is only saved by a sinking submarine. When the diver of the two saves the other from dying on the submarine they finish their argument and ditch the girl. The story is told with a lot of pace so for a silent film it's really dynamic. Capra also uses the medium in an innovative way, this is clearly visible when he shows us the wish of the girl to be back in the dancing where she used to hangout a lot. Capra shows this by letting a close up of the girls face fade in to a shot of the nightclub. This is an example of a detail which shows that Capra tried to explore new ways of using the film. I suspect that the navy financed this picture because there is a lot of navy display. The original score for this movie, i think, was written by Irving Berlin so if you have the change to catch this movie, dive into it!
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Candy (1968)
C and Y
3 February 2003
Marlon Brando explains as an Indian guru the title of this highly weird and boring movie, the girl who is named candy stands for C and Y, you get it!? The problem is that Brando not really explains what the c and the y stands for. The girl who seems to come out of space makes a journey through the United States from her high-school in New Jersey to New York and all the way to California from where she takes into space again. What i really tried to figure out when i was watching this movie is why do all these stars show up in this movie, the only explanations i can think of is that they lost a bet or the cast was blowing their heads off during filming. Fact that it was made during the sixties makes you suspect the last option!
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