
2 Reviews
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 (2020–2021)
These reviewers have no clue what they're talking about
10 January 2021
This is a reboot. It stands on its own. To compare it to the original adventure is a farce. All these franchises cater to you people's nostalgia and when they try to step out from that mold y'all complain. You complain if they don't innovate and then u complain if they innovate too much? This show should be judge on its own merits and for that I rate it a 9, I'll admit it's not perfect. The pacing, the art and themes that are explored are all on point. This is a great entry for new viewers and contains homages to the original. Stop giving it a low review cus u want more of the 90s nostalgia, u ppl are clowns.
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The reviews/ratings are inflated
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is literally my first review, only now have I ever felt so compelled to write one. RT has joined the dark side considering its audience review score has been fixed to 86% despite an influx of 7,000 new ratings. Lol.

I want to lead with 2 apologies, one for those of you who actually spent money on this and the second one is because this may come off as a rant/conplaint. That is not my intention, I actually do love Star Wars. Luckily, I had a gift card from last christmas which has been one of very few saving graces for this experience.

CGI: 9/10 SFX: 9/10 Score: 1/10 (Not Star Wars imo) Writing: 2/10 Acting: 7/10 Originality: 2/10

TLDR: Jumps from scene to scene. Plot is contrived. Retcons parts of TLJ. MASSIVE amount of exposition. Recycled plot points. Action throughout, decent saber battles. Plethora of force used but then not used when the plot asked for it(Fly to the top of Death Star or scale it by hand?) The dialogue is cheesy, whenever Lando spoke, my stomach churned. Deus Ex Machina in everyother scene (idk how many times somebody can get saved by a ship, just in time) The music did not fit at all. I'm not sure why this movie is the way it is, it gives me Game Of Thrones Season 8 vibes, so maybe it was rushed? I think a trilogy needs to be written from beginning to end with a full idea in mind and to me this movie seems half-baked at best. The actors involved tried but it simply fell flat for me.

Review: From the opening crawl my buddy and I rolled our eyes, there is hardly any substance to it but at least out the gate they ripped the Palpatine bandaid right off. Next we get Kylo Ren killing some red coats to retrieve an item that has the cordinates to Palpatine's planet. Why this is happening, i couldnt tell ya. Apparently, Kylo wants to kill Palpatine but then does his bidding? Why there wasnt anything in the previous 2 movies to allude to this scenario is beyond me. Personally, I think Snoke was meant for this role or Palpatine's puppetry should have been fleshed out more, the whole Emperor randomly being alive bit seems very contrived but whatever let's suspend disbelief. He tells Kylo to kill Rey. Oh and Palpatine has 10,000 Star Destroyers, obviously. Next we jump to wherever Rey and Leia are now. The movie jumps from scene to scene very quickly. I've seen other reviewers point out that it seems "formulaic" and they are "just checking boxes" which I do not disagree with. There's something about the structure that just seems.. off? Anyways, Leia is Rey's new master (apparently she was a Jedi or something but put down the saber idk) Rey is training to be the best like nobody ever was but kylo interupts that by using the force. Next we jump to Poe and Finn flying around to find an informant and then we find out there's a traitor in the 3rd Reich and now the resistance knows Palpatine is alive! Now, we are on a fetch quest for the coordinates for his planet, obviously it aint on the map. Que desert map, the nazis show up, good guys run, bad guys are on conventional speeders? Like with tank treads for wheels.. instead of floating.. idk if that was supposed to be an upgrade but it doesnt work out for them but the bad guys did manage to get the good guys trapped in a quicksand pit, which.. surprise! Its right where the next clue is! Isnt that convienent? Had they not gotten stuck in this quicksand they never would have known. So I guess we should thank the bad guys for this one. The next clue is a knife with Sith stuff on it, C3PO refuses to translate but Poe he knows a guy who knows a guy! Next, we see Poe, Rey, Finn, Chewy, 3PO and BB8 trying to flee desert planet on some abandon vessel left by the last guy who looked for the knife but first Rey stares off into the horizon, i think she has a feeling! So she just walks away and says "im right behind u" which is clearly not the case as she wanders off. Poe tells Chewy to tell Rey its time to go but poor Chewy is kidnapped by the storm troopers who were literally hiding underneath the rock their "new" ship was on. How nobody "sensed" they were there or idk maybe, saw them is beyond me. Chewy is in posession of the important knife btw. So here comes Kylo, flys his ship at Rey, she jumps over it and cuts its wing off; ship blows up, he walks out the flames unscathed. Meanwhile, we have what appears to be Chewy's prisoner transport flying away until Rey suddenly starts to Magneto that ish but then Kylo shows his prowess by also tapping into HIS inner Magneto! Almost, like an homage to the time they used the force to fight over an object last episode! Rey aint havin that, so she Force Lightnings that sucker in half and sacrifices Chewy for the realm, cus if she cant have Chewy, nobody can. Unfortunatly, it's immediately revealed she was unsuccessful in Chewy's assassination atempt and now the 3rd Reich gets Chewy all to themselves. Rey says bye to Kylo and they all head off to Canto i mean, some other side quest planet. There, they have the Sith stuff decoded and C3P0's memory wiped. Kylo comes to the planet but as he shows up the good guys leave and board his ship to save Chewy! Rey finds the knife, poe and finn get the Chewy, Kylo finds out there on his ship, he comes back confronts her, asks for help with double crossing the Emperor, she's like no. Poe and co. Rescue her with Millenium Falcon. Hux was the traitor, he dead. They crash on the next planet that has the next clue and some stormtroopers who also bailed like Finn, this resonates with him. We are told they bailed cus they all "had a feeling" ya kno? So everybody has the force now. Oh and they have horses. Anyways, there just so happens to be a crashed Death Star with a rocky outcrop that lines up with the knife which points to the Death Star. I thought this knife was ancient, so the how and why here are completely lost on me. Rey goes into the Death Star for what is to be the 2nd saving grace of this "film" which is in the form of a Rey vs Sith Rey lightsaber battle, hallucination, in a mirror room; that lasted all but 30 seconds. Points for cool saber design, minus points for contrived.. why was this room even on the Death Star? Why is the coordinate triangle thingy on here as well? She gets the coordinate, kylo shows up and he destroys the coordinate. They have a duel, they use the heart of the cards to do massive flying jumps and to block saber slashes, until Leia interrupts with force voice akin to Lukes projection last time, she says "Ben" and then she immediately dies. Kylo gets stabbed while distracted but Rey can now heal wounds! She heals him, gives him back his lightsaber and then steals his ship lol. Poe and Co. Go home, everybody sad Leia dead, Poe is new General! Kylo Ren has a vision of Harrison Ford for some reason, who convinces him to throw his lightsaber away. Rey goes back to Ahch-To(excuse me) burns Kylo's ship, goes to throw Annakin's lightsaber in the fire but force ghost Luke is literally like "what are you doing?" He tells her to stop being a baby and then uses ghost force to pull an x-wing out of the water for her to go to Palpatine's crib but first we get a little flashback of Leia's jedi training and force ghost Luke gives Rey Leia's old saber. (Obviously Kylo is gunna a need a new one and oh look Rey has 2! But will she share?) She sends beacon to the resistance, they follow her out there but to their dismay Sno- i mean Palp- whatever has 10,000 Star Destroyers! (Side note: Star Destroyers can destroy planets now btw, this is glossed over and the planet they destroy is irrelevant at this point like everything else.) The resistance gets messed up pretty badly considering they brought horses to a gun fight. They literally have horses deployed on a star destroyer..(and idk where the resistance got like 50 new ships btw cus by the end of TLJ their fleet was gone but wait! There's more) Rey confronts Palpatine and surprise! Hes her granddaddy! And now he wants her to kill him so he can take over her body and this was all the whole plan from the beginning, of course!(wut?) Kylo shows up, idk how he got a ship but he sure did! He gets attacked by guards but Rey uses the force to teleport him a lightsaber, cus why not! Palpatine isnt pleased. He saps Ben and Reys essence and it heals him, then he throws Ben down a hole for his treachery or cus he's Skywalker . Now, final form Palpatine uses Saving Grace #3 crazy force lightning, which goes up into the sky and takes out the entire resistance fleet! (Oh yeah, some more resistance fighters showed up cus Lando Calrissian knows a guy whos knows a guy but nobody knew these guys who knew guys during the last episode cus that would have been inconvient to the 3 hour Mad Max chase sequence "plot")(Oh yeah, they defrosted Lando for this one, i almost forgot to mention) Rey taps into the Jedi of yesteryear, snoke directs his lightning at her instead but she blocks it with her lightsaber, then she force grabs the 2nd saber from the k-hole Ben is in, now shes has double the blocking capabilities! Then, she reflects the lighting back at the bad guy and it disintegrates like everything but then it kills her but Ben comes out of his hole and brings her back to life and then dies and basically instantly his body disappears. Idk y Reys didnt do that but w.e! When he revives her, he puts his hand on her belly and it zooms in, so u know he knocked her up but we'll save that for another trilogy. Reys alive, Bens dead. Resistance wins. Rey goes to Tattoine, burys Luke and Leias lightsabers with force digging and then randomly turns her new saber on to make sure the audience knows its now yellow!!! That part was very cheesy but the design of the hilt was interesting. A passerby is like, who are you? N shes like Rey! N passerby is like, Rey who? Rey sees some ghosts n was like, Rey Skywalker! I almost fell out of my seat! Roll credits!

Honestly, and this hurts to say but this movie made TLJ look like an oscar winner..
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