
9 Reviews
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Makes No Sense
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing about this show made sense. You have an older couple in Duane and Lena who, to me, obviously don't want to leave. Their place is very personal and dear to them.

Then you have the couples. None have ever lived in Alaska or spent any time so isolated and dependent on just each other. None of them, in my view, has any idea what life would be like that isolated from the world: It's just a fantasy in their minds. Most of them aren't even 100% sure this is what they want. And they are all from Europe?

Honestly, this show comes off as some producer's idea that made zero sense in reality. The couples are mostly adorable and down-to-earth, but have minimal skills in the backcountry. Most have no idea how to handle or shoot a gun, which is necessary for living in the backcountry of Alaska. And I don't think many of them have any idea of how they would make money or a living there, nevermind improving the place as Duane hopes.

I feel like this was pretty exploitative of Duane and Lena, although I hope it also gave them some extra income to make the necessary arrangements for Duane after Lena passed.

The show was also incredibly awkward. And in the end, as the trivia here on IMDB explains, the winners gave the homestead back to Duane.

Was it interesting to watch? I guess. But these were obviously the wrong people for this place. Truth is, Duane and Lena are one in several million. Very few people would have the stamina and ability to be so isolated for so long. And that made the show doomed from the start.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
Truly Original Unique Awesome
31 January 2024
There are so many dark and depressing movies and series out there. Yet as dark and depressing as Happy! Is (and whoa is it ever a grind of nasty proportions), Happy! Is one of the most funny and wickedly entertaining series I've ever seen!

The biggest tragedy is that it wasn't extended more seasons. This will go down, I suspect, in the cult classics equivalent to Firefly. Watch it and tell me I'm wrong.

There are absolutely no limitations with the script and writing and the mix of characters - human, imaginary, not human, and totally unknown - create a canvas of insanity and hilarity the likes of which you've never seen! Nothing is held back or sacred. And somehow, even though Meloni is a huge POS, you totally end up loving the man - a feat rarely accomplished in modern anti-hero stories.

Additionally: The soundtrack is insanely good and matches the mood expertly. The acting is off the charts - each character seems not so much written but pulled from the primordial ooze of Calliope's tortured insides and splattered across the screen. And the story itself through 3 seasons is nothing if not endorphin-firing brain candy.

I rarely give anything a 10 and this absolutely deserves it and much more attention - and another 10 seasons.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Great acting, poor writing.
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The actors are all fantastic. But, and it's a big BUT, the holes in the plot and the situational stupidity go far beyond belief. There are many points in the story where the Vicar could have undone the dreadful situation with the most basic thought and actions, but like a horror movie, the characters lose all sense of the absolute obviousness of solutions the writers refuse to give them - because then the story would be over and everyone, minus someone stuck in the basement, would be OK.

For the nature of this review I won't give away anything, but I think anyone with common sense can watch this and groan with frustration at the actions of the characters - who are supposed to be some level of intelligent and experienced human beings. Some extremely so.

David Tennant is brilliant as is Stanley Tucci and Dolly Wells in their roles. But I'd stick to Broadchurch if you want a great Tennant drama/thriller series and Dracula is Dolly Wells' most brilliant piece to date as Sister Agatha Van Helsing. Lydia West was taken from Dracula as well and her role is much more interesting. Tucci - take your pick, but not in Inside Man where his role is quite literally locked down. There are moments of levity and some silliness, but it doesn't work. The tone of Inside Man is so confusing.

Thus, Inside Man is full of the kind of unintended situational cringe that leaves you confused and wishing there was a more thoughtful and intelligent script. A waste of a 10/10 cast and your time. But if you do like the cast it might be worth a watch while you do the dishes or clean the house.
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Klaus (2019)
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The stars are all for the artwork and animation, which were really excellent. The story and the characters are all tropes and every part of the writing is either plagiarized or insulting to the average person. Why you ask? Spoilers below:

1. The story is centered around Jesper - A rich spoiled skinny blonde adult with no work ethic who can't stop talking about silk sheets. He purposely fails training as a postman - his father is filthy rich and runs the entire organization - and to teach his son a lesson, sends him to the Scandinavian town of Smeerensburg to run the mail there. He is wealthy, cowardly, clumsy, and thus somehow endearing. He makes it to Smeerensburg where he comes up with a plan to mail 6,000 letters - which is the number his father said he had to reach to come home and be rich and comfortable again.

2. The town is basically the Hatfields and McCoys: Two large families attacking and killing each other - for no reason other than lazy writing. It adds depth and conflict to the movie - which could have been done a million different more creative ways.

3. Alva the "teacher" is a hot skinny blonde who wants out of the town and has given up on teaching to cut up and sell fish until she saves enough to leave. Instantly we know that Jesper and Alva are a love interest because of course the two skinny blonds eventually have severally skinny blonde kids together at the end. Of course she only finds her path thanks to the skinny blonde male who saves the day. She obviously wasn't smart or strong enough to do it herself and find her own way.

4. Jesper is so selfish he uses the kids and old man Klaus to fulfill his desire for letters - via letters to Klaus and toys - so he can get his 6000 letter quota and live his rich lifestyle.

5. Jesper's plan works too well and he falls in love with Alva in the process while bringing the town together thanks to the joy the kids experience and bring to their parents thanks to the letter-writing campaign and the actual skills of the toy-maker/woodsman/Santa (Klaus).

6. The bad elements of the town conspire and form an alliance so they can be horrible again (because why?). They figure out Jesper's goal of 6000 letters and put him over the top by sending a bunch. Then his father shows up and explains the whole plan then Alva and Klaus immediately without question hate Jesper - even though he's obviously changed and is doing this because he enjoys it - again, lazy writing.

7. Jesper leaves dejected with his father. But as the boat floats away and one child cries for him, there is Jesper on the dock. And he sees the town baddies going up the hill torches lit (ala Frankenstein) to take care of Klaus, the presents, and to make the town their own again.

8. Jesper (kind of) saves the day, but "proves" to Alva and Klaus that he really did care (duh). So he is accepted back. In the process two of the young adults from the baddies groups (from opposite sides) fall in love when one saves the other from falling to her death (ugh). And we find out how extremely proud Jesper's dad is of him.

9. In all of this, the person who the story is named after "Klaus" is the most interesting and the story isn't centered around him or his life at all - which would be WAY more interesting. Even worse, he dies or disappears in the end - which was emotional - but they could have cut out all the other tropes and it would have been a beautiful story.

10. Jesper and Alva live financially rich and happily every after. But rich in good feelings and holiday cheer too. The town also goes from gray to warm happy colors and glowing windows in the winter.

All-in-all a waste of good animation and what could have been a good story. I'm not sure why they called it Klaus. They should have named it after the town or Jesper since that was the main focus of the entire story. Klaus simply gave Jesper a motive and a chance to change just the tiniest of bits as a human being. If I could create a synopsis it would be:

Spoiled rich kid inadvertently saves forsaken warring isolated town from itself with his greed. Wins the heart of the hot girl and his dad - and the love of all the tows people in the process. Big guy with a beard helps.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
Suspend your Common Sense
3 June 2022
Just straight up horrible writing.

Korea's brightest students (and movie writers?) can't figure out how to close doors behind them (might prevent some zombies from sneaking in!), that headshots do kill (only one student seems to use them), and stay stuck in their systems of rankings or castes even when it is absolutely stupid to do so. Obviously on some level this is cultural, but death and survival tend to throw all that out the window.

There are some comedic moments that make it worth a watch and there are some interesting plays on the zombie genre. But it's confusing, disjointed, and hardly any of the characters are relatable or likeable for an extended period of time... because they are so stupid.

I would walk that opinion back a bit, but one kid even mentions zombie movies. And Korea makes great zombie films! Thus the kids have no excuse to be so stupid - it's just lazy writing. And that's a killer when it comes to shows and movies based in horror.
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Beauty Turned Frankenstein by Hollywood
18 May 2019
This is such a weird movie to watch. I think I've see the animated GITS perhaps 50 times. And I owned the manga as well, which I read multiple times.

In this movie I see pieces of the original, scenes done exactly like in the GITS anime. And they are nearly perfect, beautifully done. As many other reviewers have stated, the movie is a visual spectacle, but is, as is Hollywood, hollow. The original themes and story disintegrated into a hollow form that reeks of interference by those that never understood the original.

It's a bit of a mix visually of The Matrix, Blade Runner, Assassin's Creed (the game), and weirdly, Max Headroom. It's like those in charge of the movie had a lot of great influences, but couldn't be creative enough to develop their own and didn't want to stick to the original GITS imagery for reasons I can't guess.

The storyline is pure Hollywood and we've seen it a million times. It totally breaks away from the OG GITS and has a "bad guy" who, in his highly altered form is muscular, which is so weird and un-necessary. His voice glitches like Max Headroom, and he has to explain his whole "thing" to the audience, giving us a narrative instead of building a story that brings us to the internal struggle of The Major and the human condition or "ghost's" need to explore, evolve, become stronger in ways that seem dangerous or illogical to some. Evolution, indeed, is a critical piece of the story that is simply washed away.

Add onto that the standard stagnant seen and heard in any other action movie one-liners and the multitude of advertisements with little to no character development and, you get a ho-hum 4 star rated overproduced underwritten predictable story with a lot of paint (visual effects) to cover up that fact and hope the shiny object will keep you from noticing.

I'm personally tired of it. Of all the focus on gun fights, drugs, and fighting in general while dumbing down one of the most important stories told, a story with real-world, right-now consequences voiced by some of the most powerful in the world (Elon Musk) when it comes to AI, humans, and what kind of future to expect.

As an adaptation of the OG GITS anime, it gets a 1 or 2 for trying and succeeding in the visual through some scenes (just an homage to the original) that are nearly frame-for-frame exact. But the most important part, the story, is gone. Stick to the anime or manga. Watch and read it several times. And remember that it predated the Matrix and perhaps even inspired it. It's brilliant and should have been given a more serious live-action representation. The actors all did their job. As did the visual effects artists. The writers and producers failed miserably on this one. As a stand-alone movie, ignoring the original material, it's a solid 5. Worth a watch if you like sci-fi movies.
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Baki (2016–2020)
Poor artwork and lacking storyline
8 May 2019
Before I get into this story, to give some context, I've been watching Anime movies and series since the late 1980's. A series that I would rate 8 or higher (originality, artwork, storyline) would be Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Attack on Titan, and Parasyte. Ratings of 5 to 7 might include Naruto Shippuden, Samurai 7, and some of the Dragonball series.

I'm up to P2E21 on Netflix and I've come to a conclusion. I would not recommend this anime to anyone.

First: None of the characters are relatable. They have little or no redeeming personality traits, they have almost no character development with the exception of the main character, and perhaps one or two others...and that development still doesn't make you enjoy their progress or want to root for them in any way, whether they are "good" or "bad".

The storyline, then, is poorly composed. There is little incentive to watch one episode to the next other than to hope the action and story start picking up or making some attempt at evolving. So far as I can tell, Baki never succeeds at this through the episodes I've watched. Even if it does eventually, by the 22nd episode I should be thoroughly engulfed in the story, but I'm not.

The artwork: It's pedestrian. The body shape and faces of the characters change quite a bit from the first few episodes to where I'm at now. They are all over-muscled to the point of abstraction and dumb as a brick. The detail and FPS are very the old G.I. Joe and Transformers cartoons. And they had much better stories.

Finally, there is simply nothing original about this series. A bunch of strong characters fighting each-other. Violence. The old traditional looking bald Japanese "master" and manipulator. The growth of Baki through "love" is hilariously underwhelming.

I'm unsure as to why Baki gets such high ratings. Anime should inspire emotion. Baki tries too hard and only inspires boredom.
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The Mist (2007)
True Horror
9 February 2009
I'll start out by saying that I'm a Stephen King fan and thus I may have some bias. I've watched many Steven King movies but have never given one a rating this high. Most of his horror movies are in the 4-6 range with classics such as The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, and The Green Mile ranking 8-10 (although two of those aren't technically horror movies). In most modern horror (like the Saw series) there is a greater emphasis on gore than the horror of the human condition and this movie, kudos to the actors, help weave a tale that disgusts you inside and out without the pure reliance on blood spatter (although granted there is a fair amount of that).

Thomas Jane (leading male and well known from The Punisher) has a brilliant and emotional portrayal of his character in a mind-blowing situation that we feel intimately associated with thanks to his acting and great directing. Laurie Holden (of X-Files and Silent Hill fame) has a more subdued performance but plays her role well and for any X-Files nut (such as myself) it's fun to see her in another movie. The cast is chock full of well known actors and some unknowns that really see and express the writer and directors vision. It pays off: They succeed in pulling you into a traumatic situation made worse with a mixture of religious zealotry, military conspiracy, and small-town ignorance that explodes in your face wondering if your humanity is worse off facing The Mist or the human condition.

There is no spoiler here but I will say this about the ending: It's what makes the movie and makes it so much better than most of the crap put out there in horror land. Yes, yes, getting cut in half and having limbs ripped-off is horrible. However it is the decisions we have to make that concern those we love and respect that can really drive one mad. The ending makes you look at yourself and wonder, if given the same situation, what you would have to do with the information you have available. It makes you think hard about your humanity and your soul and about what is right or wrong in any given situation involving our mortality.

I would suggest this movie to anyone that likes horror or science fiction and wants something a little more intense than, say, Army of Darkness (one of my personal favorites for totally different reasons). This movie deals with serious issues we hear about daily. The mist is just a piece of Science Fiction thrown in to bring out the best...and worst in us.

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The Rift (1990)
Aliens Rip-Off
19 June 2006
An awful B movie at best with video quality similar to Dead Alive. I challenge anyone who is a "Aliens (James Cameron 1986)" Movie fan to count how many times either lines or almost entire sequences were ripped off from the first two Alien movies to make this classic piece of garbage.

Cast members such as R. Lee Ermey and Ray Wise were the only two actors with any talent and the lead "Jack Scalia" was really absolutely horrible. I think they cast him for his massive cleft chin. I was also annoyed with the stereotyping of the only black male on the set John Toles-Bey who must look at this movie and just wonder. Look him up sometime as he has done a lot of interesting movies.

But on this movie: The script as I said earlier was a rip-off of Aliens tweaked and turned into a submarine "thriller". It included such lines as "I got a bad feeling about this" and "Kill me" as one crew member is infected by one of the mutants and his belly starts doing the "alien hop" just before it pops out of his stomach. There is also a rip-off of the classic "get some!" via Bill Paxton. We also have a bunch of navy grunts running through caves with creepy crawlies popping out of walls. Even the explosions of the mutated creatures is very similar to the popping of aliens as they charge marines in the movie "Aliens". And the kicker is that some of the mutants spit acid (as opposed to having acid for blood). There are many more major examples. So if you want to see this script done well watch the first two classics Alien and Aliens (With Sigourney Weaver). You'll have a more enjoyable time.

The plot could have been interesting and done better if not for confusing sequences in the start of the movie and generally poor editing. Camera shots were pretty dull and honestly it wasn't very hard to stop watching it and walk around the room to get a snack or check email. Many of the interactions between characters made little or no sense and went nowhere more often than not. The whole command structure between crew and Capt. was poorly done. I'm not even sure if there are Captains in the military that have full control over nuclear subs. In general this just shows that there was little research done for background information to make the movie seem at least a little respectable and there are many other similar examples (like dive depth etc..).

If you like horrible movies or are a big fan of Alien and Aliens and want something to just laugh and shake your head at then this movie may be for you. As for me this one is going back on the shelf...permanently.
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