17 Reviews
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You have no voice
24 January 2024
You see how she was treated by the police department? I have to add that this is how I've been treated my whole life! With no one that'll listen to me. At least she has family, a boyfriend and a few lawyers. Either, it be the police, doctors, at the stores, anywhere I go, in my lifetime I've been treated like I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm wrong, I'm a criminal and trash! Just like Denise. I cannot believe it. I know exactly how she feels!!! Everyone is guilty according to the cops. You have to prove your innocence. You have to go blind for the doctors to finally believe you and finally make an effort to really take a look at you. At least in my case. America is pathetic anymore. At least for everyone that isn't rich!
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I tried..
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nonsense! I really tried to watch this show. I got hyped up and excited for it. The show includes Cindy, whom I started to like when she would pop in and guest star on another show I like. But with having Dave and him being a not so great actor, you can just tell the show is fake. As you try to get into the show and ignore that, you would see all the edits and add ins. It's not real. And IF something really did happen you see how excited they would get. And every show they get alot of information all leading up to this big, bad dark force. Let me guess... On the big finale, they find out who that is or something really big happens with the dark force leader. Smh.. if people are really having problems in this town. It's the weirdest looking empty town I've ever seen.
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The Demented (2013)
Craving some zombie so I guess...
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are a few suspenseful moments when the infected are chasing the folks.. really fast. But the whiny chick got on my last nerve and I was happy she got caught. She deserved it after shutting the door on her friend. Then after boyfriend dies and following the other screaming chick, which is not a good idea. She just puts you in all the wrong places. Like why leave the one roof..
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Fright Club (2021– )
Cool show!
4 August 2022
I love this show! A few cool, funny and smart guys that chill and watch the paranormal, it doesn't get better than that. I like it how they bring on some of the best stuff I've never seen before and also the people who took the videos, along with some experts. Marcus is hilarious 🤣 Dalen is a thinker on another level, Juwan where'd you find those videos, and Jack keeps it all together. I really like this show. I hope they keep it going for a long time. In Jack's parents basement.

** Suggestion** - Please when you're showing the clips, could you slow them down and maybe show us?

Some of your clips aren't shown to us exactly. Maybe circle what we're supposed to be seeing also. Example S2E8, The Holy water clip.

Thank you.

  • Also your show is the only one out there right now. When you're talking with the experts and the person that made the clip, keep the conversation going a little longer. There's quite a few people out here wanting to learn more in my opinion.

And everyone that has written a negative review for this show, has written a negative review for every show or movie they have written a review about. Not one positive review ever. Check it.
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The Osbournes: Night of Terror (2020 TV Special)
Are you serious?!
27 June 2022
Jack! & Jason! You guys are great together! I loved this show. Two friends heading off into the unknown. Searching for mythical beings, in one of the most beautiful forests the US has to offer. Mewes keeps it hilarious. The both of them together, it doesn't matter what they're looking for, makes watching this fun, exciting and totally worth it. We need more of this. Make more shows together please.
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Virus-32 (2022)
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
About time. I love the fast, aggressive and violent type zombies. There hasn't been a good one like this for a while. Except the Korean zombie movies, no one is better. Besides reading the subtitles, they didn't spend too long on the backstory. I like that. Start it right off with the infection/virus and let's go. I liked how the infected were intelligent enough to go chasing Iris around the building. The female giving birth and holding her baby was a good scene. The end was vicious. If you're a softy then this isn't for you and if you can't separate real life with make believe then this isn't for you either. You'll see bad parenting and the end is pretty much domestic abuse zombie style. And the cat gets body slammed quite a few times. If you're into good old horror you'll love it. Would have loved to see like thousands of zombies running nuts and outside too but I'll take what I can get.
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You have to watch this! 😂
17 June 2022
Great people great times! All the fantastic performers I grew up with. Funny as hell!! From Deray to Day Day and Katt Williams. I couldn't quit laughing. I was sending clips to my kid in Florida. I'm watching it again. Don't miss this special. Really wonderful people. Thanks for the great hour!

** And.. what are these bad reviews about.. 'people with sticks up their bums'?.. It's a fkn around special, don't be so serious. Y'all can't say you didn't laugh and you shut your tv off! If 'Derays circle of cock clappin' didn't have you rollin there's something wrong with you!
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Nothing spectacular same old
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing new here is the kids. I mean "experts" and "researchers". The same monsters have been shared along with the same newspaper clippings and news clips in every paranormal show in existence. The young adults who talk on this show were still in kindergarten when these things happened. They added some new drawings and computer cgi stuff in the mix. But no don't waste your time. There's nothing new and exciting and it's disappointed.
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Alien Endgame (2022)
What a load of crap!
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes UFOs exist but no they are not scary and terrifying and are not coming to get us. What a bunch of bologna. This is extremely laughable. The military guy that starts off in this documentary is seriously trying to make us believe he is crying and so distraught by what he has seen, but he can't shed any tears. Then they show him being hypnotized in his past so he can remember everything from his military days, but he's wearing the same boots, he's the same weight etc.. If the "others" that operate the UFOs wanted to eliminate the people on earth, they would've already and they wouldn't have knocked that meteorite in half those years ago that would've blew up Russia... Are you really going to believe this nonsense? I couldn't keep watching this after the first guy "crying".
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To the Lake (I) (2019–2022)
Love this Russian show!
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Second time watching this hidden gem because come on now, it's been 3 years since we've had another season and we need good shows to watch, like this one.

Language is Russian but it is dubbed in English. It's watchable. It has sort of zombie like people, so I like it for that first off. It's pretty chilling to see. It keeps you in suspense. Some characters are annoying but what would you do in that situation.. What's happening today in the real world and watching this, is pretty scary to imagine. This show is a good one to see and people shouldn't miss it. If you're into thrillers, killing, horror, pandemics and that sort of stuff.
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Room 203 (2022)
Needs more lighting
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I would have liked this movie a whole lot better if I could see it. It was entirely too dark! Yes I understand that they wanted to 'set the mood' for it but at least turn on a lamp in a scene so we can see what's going on. Other than that, it's an average horror film I thought. Better than alot out there. Some parts were a little too quirky for me though.
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Alice (2022)
Wow! Could you imagine..
25 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Superb! I loved it. What a life they have gone through! Strong people. I could never imagine going through something like that. The way the movie ended seemed like Alice was playing the lady from the movie "Coffy" they went and seen lol. Badass.
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Wife Swap Australia (2012– )
18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just started watching 2012 Australia Wife Swap and I cannot fathom how some people are living. The tipping point was the King & Zantey family episode. The father who sits on the couch all day long and does nothing and actually leaves the responsibility to feed his 2 year old little boy, up to his 9 year old little girl. That is crazy! This alone would have children services at their door here in the U. S. A. Also the Mansell's and the Clark families. Just the fact alone that they don't make their children do homework, I've never heard of that. If kids don't do their homework here in the states then the parents are held liable and could do jail time. Australia must be very lenient about that. Also you can be the nicest person in the world and live in a pigsty. That is not at all healthy clean your home. Although cleaning your home excessively to an ocd spectrum, this is the time when you might want to get some help for yourself.

Addition: Just watched the Duncan & Walker families and oh my!! How in the world can what the Walker family do even be legal?!?! To deny your children of an education is mortifying and selfish! Those 8 children living on that dirty bus like life is one big vacation and playing with rocks and trees all day doing absolutely nothing. I feel so bad for them. That's not parenting. Those kids need a proper home and a proper education. How will any of them survive in this world? What jobs are out there for them if they can't read and write. This isn't the medieval times. If the parents want to travel on a bus, that's fine wait until their children are grown, after you have done your job as parents. Or don't become parents. Them kids didn't ask to be born.
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Love Off the Grid (2022– )
Good show... although...
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Love off grid lifestyle. I would do it if I could but it's alot of work. Some of the cast members seem to have their whole heart dedicated towards it, their partners however are complaint after complaint. In my opinion Lindsey needs to rent a spot in the middle of town. Spence is determined, is more mature and his soulmate is likely just around the corner. Charlie should build an addition and separate the toilet. This way her kids can come up. Alabama couple seems to be doing fine. Lastly the lady in the desert with "Jason Momoa's younger brother" was a complete mess. He obviously thought it would be a cool experience, definitely not in it for the long run and that wasn't what the lady had in mind.

I would like to keep up with this show and see how they turn out.
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Deadlocked (I) (2020)
Great find.. Worth the watch
26 January 2021
Nice! This was a good movie! I love my zombie flicks and this one was a good find. Kept me watching without pressing pause.. good acting.. a well made film. Very underrated. I watch alot of movies and most are all the same but I liked this one enough to even write about it. Deserved and definitely worth the watch.
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
Everything you'd expect and more!
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Beautiful! Enchanting! Finally found something I could sit back and feel like I am being taken back to the 17th century. I love it. It's a rarity where you watch the first season back to back without moving. You got every fantasy creature here in one show, with the castles and the costumes and spells. It's a breath of fresh air. It's really a dream to watch.
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Revenge (II) (2017)
5 Stars!
12 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is badass. A tad too much blood in the final scene though. But I thought that when Jen ate the peyote and heated that beer can to heal her wound the eagle and the words came out just the way they should have, magical. It along with her star earrings she kept on gave her the will to keep on getting back what was hers. Great movie.
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