
17 Reviews
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Christmas Next Door (2017 TV Movie)
A nice film
17 September 2024
Whilst reading through all the reviews of this film I noticed that most people liked it. As did I.

However. A couple of revies had me confused.

First there was the one that was done by a couple who settled down to watch but also had other things to do so in the end neither of them watched even half the film between them. You cannot get the gist of a film from popping in and out of it. In the end what WAS the point of revieing it?

Then there was the other reviewer who said that the male character was changed by looking after his two NEPHEWS when in fact it was a Niece and a Nephew. Makes you wonder if they even watched the film.

I myself have voted it one of my favourites.
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Good special effects
31 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the first programme of this series "Shadow Factory" and one of the stories on it was pg an abandoned amusement park where a little girl was accidently killed by being on a swing that was backed into by a van. There was a little actress playing the little girl and a lot of film of ghostly figures (hence the good special effects title),

There was an interview with one of the owners of the park who "claimed" that she had several pictures of the actual ghostly apparition of the little girl. Did we get to see these pictures which would have given credence to the whole story. Nope bo sign of these pictures. Like all supernatural programmes. Take with a pinch of salt.
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Christmas Connection (2017 TV Movie)
Not bad but not good.
19 November 2023
The story within this movie or should that be two stories are a good idea.

The first about how the flight attendant and the single dad meet and of course eventually fall for each other

Then there's the other story and I think the best of the two about the effort of the two leads researching where and how the lead actresses parents met and fell in love as well.

Now for my criticism. I thought that the first half of the movie was a bit too manic. Trying to cram too much into it at the start.

The male leads family were all a delight with the parents own story of how they met mentioned.

The best praise goes to the little actress who played Leah who kept the film going along nicely without being too sickly sweet or too obnoxious as some in other movies.
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A Christmas Princess (2019 TV Movie)
Don't watch if hungry
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This type of film has been done before and way better than this. "A Crown For Christmas" is my favourite example which has much more fun stuff and all the characters are much more likeable. Prince or king meets a girl from Brooklin, a commoner and everyone is up in arms when they start to get involved. The music in this is way too distracting. Tinkling away during all of the conversations making it hard to concentrate on what is being said. As for my title to this review "Don't watch if hungry", most of the beginning of the film is taken up with scenes of food preparation so you may end up making something to ear instead of watching the film.
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Family for Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
A chance to change the past by changing the future
16 October 2022
Read a few reviews about the fact that women are expected to be housewives/mums. In this film when Hanna gets a chance to see her alternative life and then ten years later change this alternate in the way she wants. Ten tears later it seems her "new" husband will move to be with her so now she CAN have a career and a family. Similarly if she just "happens" to have the same two daughters (debatable). Then she can mould them OUT of their bratty ways.

I have ONE criticism. Hanna was always being asked to help out with the pageant and I was expecting to see some of said pageant. We did see the children in their dresses but then, nothing.
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A Star for Christmas (2012 TV Movie)
WAY too much snogging, even for a Christmas movie.
21 September 2022
You watch a Christmas movie and expect to see a kiss or two but not until near enough the end. This one nearly had me reaching for a sick bag as soon as the two main characters meet and virtually start snogging straight away.. It was however a fun and light, film to watch though with lots of comic moments. The idea of the main actor making a Christmas movie within a Christmas movie made for a fine distraction. The five stars I gave it was for the three actresses, Briana Evigan as you have never seen before, and a soundtrack filled with lots of great Christmas songs and a couple of non Christmas ones.
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La casa muda (2010)
Waste of my time
21 August 2022
On the DVD cover it stated "One of the most frightening, intense and horrific films in modern horror". This statement is what made me watch it. Felt totally cheated by this. Been more frightened by a Scooby Doo cartoon.
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3 stars just for Scottish scenery
3 June 2022
I normally do not watch this kind of stuff Bur as it set in Scotland I tune in for the scenery. As for the programme itself the "paranormal activity" has been seen before in ANY paranormal movie.
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Furious 6 (2013)
Far fetched long winded car carnage
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had some time to spare so I thought I'd give this film a try. Okay so it had plenty of action sequences of cars racing through city streets, etc. But, if you analysed these scenes you'd find loads of things wrong with them. One example A heavy tank being pulled over a flyover by a flimsy flattened car. I watched Tokyo Drift years ago so was disappointed to see where this franchise has went since then. Another film in the franchise I did watch was Hobbs and Shaw only because it was on as I visited a cousin just after Christmas and only because some of it was set in Glasgow also and I wanted to see if I could spot places I had been to.
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A Summer Christmas?
31 December 2021
Only watched this movie because Cynthia Rothrock was in it. Who would have thought that a star of martial arts could look so good. Producers wanted to extend the film so they plonked in half an hours footage of a croquet match. Waste of time and so boring.
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Christmas in Conway (2013 TV Movie)
Sweet Film
23 December 2021
I have just found another favourite Christmas film. Of course it DOES deal with terminal illness. But it does not really go down the maudlin road TOO much. It has plenty of fun parts which keeps us entertained. Even the ending gave us a little hope that, maybe, just maybe it wasn't the end we all knew was coming.
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Shame I could not give it Naught stars
9 October 2021
This whole movie should be put in the "goof" section. It was total hokum from get go. Just how many bullets do those guns ACTUALLY hold? I started counting each time but lost count every time. One good thing about it was that I did not see the twist coming.
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Mean Girls (2004)
Well watchable
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great fun, witty film with a cute cast. For a lot of the actors this was there first film although you might not have known from the performances. I have ONE major criticism that happens in quite a lot of American films. I refer to the scene where the character Regina is standing in the middle of the road arguing with the character Cady. She is there for a number of minutes which would have given any vehicles plenty of time to see her and stop. Yet she was still hit by a school bus.
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One Terminator too far
21 May 2021
Two stars. One for Arnie and one for Emelia Clarke. Arnie should never have said "I'll be back" for this which is one Terminator too many.
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You're Next (2011)
Six stars (five of those for the music)
19 April 2021
What a load of obnoxious characters. Only watched the entire film to see how each one met their fate. The only characters I liked were the heroine Erin and Aimee the only daughter of the family. Unfortunately Aimee met her fate early on. No doubt she wanted out of it quick. Loved the music, shades of John Carpenter.
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Unlikeable Tanner
5 January 2021
Not quite 10 out 0of 10 for one reason. The character Tanner made my skin crawl for some reason. He was all over the character of Nicky within the first meetings. Not the sort of idea that teenagers or anyone need to see.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
Use of children within this programme
1 March 2017
I have only watched this programme from about the beginning of season 4 (it is now nearing the end of season 6). I enjoy MOST episodes of the programme. When I say most I mean I cannot get over the fact that VIRTUALLY every episode that I have seen has at least ONE boy somewhere during it. If he is not part of the story line, he is a character in the background or, in a picture. I find this a bit weird as if someone who is connected with this programme has an obsessive perversion to little boys. I would have thought a programme that deals with so much violence would keep the roles of children to the very minimal with only the odd episode having an appearance.
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