
18 Reviews
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Braindead (1992)
You have no idea how much I love this movie
14 August 2021
It's master peace, Its literally everthing you want in horror film all in one. "Comedy, scary stuff, and last but not least G-O-R-E. GORE. This movie is just so awesome and pretty underrated. Not only is the best zombie movie ever made. But I think this might actually be the best movie ever made.
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Underrated and a must watch
2 April 2021
This movie is very entertaining and really gets you hyped. I recommend this to any horror fan or any one looking for something to watch.
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The Crawlers (1990)
Poor, but entertaining
2 April 2021
I enjoyed and had fun watching it but I believe this movie is really sloppy and has poor acting. The idea is good just not done right. I would recommend this to horror and so bad its good fans. If you get the chance I would recommend checking it out. Personally I believe it gets a lot more hate than it needs. Watch if you dare, and check your trees for teeth.
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Grim (1996)
Bad plot but still enjoyable
18 March 2021
This movie would have been really great if it had a better plot, I like the idea of the troll beast and how it walks in walls. The acting is meh and the effects range from ok to bad. I would recommend this to people who like so bad it's good stuff. The man problem is just the plot.
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Ghost Nation (2019– )
Why does this get so much hate?
9 September 2020
It's a pretty decent show idk why people are hating it. Jason and his team know what they are doing and they do a great job! If you like Ghost Hunter or GHI or ghost show in general you will love this show!
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Pretty good
11 August 2020
It has it's flaws but it is extremely enjoyable. I love this film and would recommend. If you like zombies and horror you will like this film.
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There is nothing wrong with this
7 August 2020
People just want something to complain about! This movie is great that's all I have to say!! Overall I'll give a 9.8 out of 10 and a 4.9 out of five.
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Creepshow (1982)
Good but has its flaws
20 July 2020
Each story inside this film is really good but there is a huge flaw. I would have given it an 8 or a 9 or even a 10 but this movie is unnecessaryly long. Each story is great but they have all have slow Beginnings. Normally that would not be a problem but if your watching a 2 hours movie with many different stories inside it! It really gets boring very quick.
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Maniac Cop (1988)
Pretty good
28 June 2020
This film was great at the beginning! But got a bit boring at the middle. But at the end of the middle it got better again. Then rest of the movie was great.
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Battleship (2012)
Not bad
22 June 2020
This movie is really good, it is super under rated if you like the board game you should watch this! It is super fun to watch and is super entertaining.
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Clue (1985)
Extremely enjoyable
22 June 2020
If you are a fan of the game you should watch this movie! I'm not going to spoil the ending but it was extremely unexpecting.
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Rampage (2018)
15 June 2020
It is amazing! It was action packed and had great special effects! I would highly recommend this film
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An epic slaher conflict
3 May 2020
It is awesome to see the two most iconic horror villains ever fight in an ultimate battle to the death. I highly recommend this movie! No matter if your a Jason fan or a Freddy fan you will not be disappointed!
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Not bad at all
7 April 2020
This fan film is excellent, The acting is fair but the special effects are great. It is very enjoyable and was a bloody awesome fan short.
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Not really that bad actually
27 March 2020
I enjoyed it very much. Yet it is a little messy but not to bad
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14 March 2020
Not bad it's pretty well done I guess But it is low budget. I don't have much else to say.
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Lord of the Dead (2000 Video)
14 March 2020
I don't have much to say about this film. It is pretty low budget but the film it's self is pretty good.
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Unsealed: Alien Files (2012–2015)
5 February 2020
Actually very enjoyable! It has good topics for episodes and really good music.
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