
9 Reviews
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Didn't like it at first
11 May 2022
At first, I didn't really fall for this show as Breaking Bad is the reason that I started to watch it, and I expect Jimmy to turn to Saul Goodman by season 2 but he didn't. So I ran out of my patience and felt it dragged too much.

However, when I've started to watch it as another show, not a show that is rushed to get connected with Breaking Bad, it becomes literally fantastic. Complicated characters, great performance and a solid plot. The writer is great at building the inner struggles of a character since Breaking Bad, and this time he also shows his talent for building those super annoying types of people that we might encounter in our daily life. Sometimes I even felt that I was super bothered by those characters because they are really close to reality. Then I realized how much work the writer has put into character buildings and really appreciated it.

I got the chance to watch this show for the second time when I was waiting for the finale, and I've seen a lot of great details that I missed the first time I watched it, and absolutely enjoyed them. And I think a good show like this deserves to land perfectly. Please don't do face down, please don't join Kill Eve. Finger crossed.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Couldn't connect with the characters at all
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Have heard of it for quite a long time and feel pretty disappointed after finally watching it.

It's a little funny at the beginning but goes downhill quickly. Honestly, I couldn't see the chemistry between the two characters, and I don't either understand or connect with the relationship between them. It looks like the girl is always using the affection that the guy has towards her, and the guy loves her blindly only because she is the star in his dream, even after experiencing a lot of her betrayals. Probably that somehow shows us why so many hollywood celebrities end up with divorces.

The only good thing is the line "I am just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her". But without a convincing background, it feels like a waste of this film.
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Free Guy (2021)
Beyond expectatio!
7 March 2022
This movie is way beyond my expectation. I was looking for something fun to watch and get relaxed, but I didn't expect it to be so fun and so well-made at the same time. It has a great story and great performance. The hilarious but down to the earth conversations are especially delightful. There are also a lot of delightful surprises. As a sci-fi, it doesn't have too much complicated conceptions, but it makes sense.

I will recommend it and would like to watch it again.
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Inception (2010)
Overwhelming background music
6 March 2022
When I watched Tenet, the heavy load of music at the beginning literally stopped me from watching the entire movie three times no matter how hard I tried. And I thought it was something new for Christopher Nolan's movies until I rewatched Inception.

I didn't time it, but in my memory, the heavy background music pretty much went through their entire task to the end of the movie. In the scenes of chasing, fighting, talking or falling, the loud and heavy background music is everywhere. I understand the use of background music in the movies, but it's like salt in the food, a right amount can add so much great flavours into dishes, but the overuse completely ruins the appetite. They pretty much steal the show from other great elements like well-designed environment sounds, stunning shots, conversations, and even the performance of the actors. The scenes become dull and dry. The manipulative beats can hardly allow the audience to enjoy other details other than trying to give a heart attack to the audience.

I know the use of a heavy load of background music is super common in many movies, as they can improve movies a lot especially when their plots, shots or performance are not so good. But for Nolan, who got a brilliant idea, great story and best actors, I do expect him to do much better than just cooking with a heavy load of salt.
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Disenchantment (2018–2023)
Too many new mysteries and characters
1 March 2022
Have been a fan of Disenchantment for a few years, and appreciated how well the laughters and the plot work out together. Each member in Bean's gang has their own charm. I had a lot of laugh-out-loud moments, and also been curious about what would happen next.

The bummer is that, mysteries and new characters come up every season, but apparently the creators of this show has no rush to give any of those mysteries a closure. Instead, they have been really busy with adding new characters and new mysteries into what's already many to overwhelm this show. They probably have forgotten that less is more. With a lot of these, more than audience could keep in mind, the taste of this show can go really bad.

Now they even invented a bad twin sister for Bean in season 4, another new mystery and character. I don't know where this will go, but it feels quite manipulative to the plot. I don't know how many seasons they are planning to have, but my interest to this show has declined every since.

Too bad because they actually had a pretty good opening.
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The Rooftop (2013)
One Man Job
2 February 2022
This movie is a decent piece from Jay Chou, who writes the script, directs the movie as well as composes all the dances and songs in it. This movie shows more than sufficient evidences that he is a rare artist who is good at many things. But even the greatest artist needs help to make a logical and convincing movie as making an ambitious movie can hardly be a one man job.

By displaying all his talents, Jay is also showing a lot of his limitations here, from unconfident acting to inconsistent improvements of characters and naive storyline. Even though Jay is definitely pleasant to watch on the big screen, a lot of improvements are needed for his acting, and other characters could have great potentials to move the plot forward more naturally, other than just showing up here and tells the audience that Jay is so cool and popular. The ending is sort of romantic yet off and not convincing at all. It's contrived that a girl leaves before even figuring out whether the man who chooses to die for her is alive or dead.

In general it's still a fun movie for Jay's fans as it reflects a lot of Jay's belief, personalities and bias.
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Honsla Rakh (2021)
Overrated dumb movie
10 January 2022
Watched it for 15 mins on Amazon after I see it's rated 8 here at IMDb, and I turned it off with a lot of regrets. It's those kind of trash commercial film with nice cars, fancy houses, beautiful faces and clothes, but stupid and meaningless plot, unlaughable dialogues, and terrible acting. I was wondering how could such a movie rated as high as 8, and then I was told a lot of trashy indian movies find a way to hire people to rate them with high scores to attract audience. Too bad audience are not idiots. They actually have their own judgements of good and bad.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Distortion of feminism
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The main character doesn't have to be a good guy, by contrast she or he could be a bad one, but at least the good bad one with charm and more or less have people symposize for her/him, but this is not the case of this film.

I can see the feminism concept behind this character, but the way the movie represents it is terrible. Does feminism mean that the main character has to be a bitch who has to be a lesbian, lier and proformer? Or phony, bitchy and annoying? Does make the opposite gender weak and stupid reflect good on women? The writing is just as shallow as it could be. Well probably the writer does not only hate men, he/she hates women as well.

If the main character is meant to win, then at least have it make sense for us. It's not like as long as she wears a wig and walks like a killer, the world will be automatically under her control---- as soon as she walks into the building, the boss will come down right away to take the car, and the bodyguards will automatically reduce to one to make her killing easier.

Good idea, good opening, but very bad writing. The movie is going worse every minute. Not worth the time, really. And don't hope for a good mood after watching it.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Bad acting
18 January 2021
I am not convinced of the girl's acting at all. Especially the scene in which her junkie boyfriend insults her while seeing her apply for a job in the navy. Apparently she didn't know how to perform the upset feelings, and that makes this scene a total disaster.

The same goes other scenes. The story itself is old, cheesy and predictable, but if you only watch this type once a year, probably won't feel that bad. The worst part of this film is that audience could hardly connect with the characters because of her bad performance.
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