
16 Reviews
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Violent, non-sensical and pretty much fit for purpose
1 October 2023
I went in expecting this to be bloody, make no sense at all, and to cost me about 6 IQ points in 2 hours. It pretty much delivered.

There were some surprises - first, I totally underestimated how non-sensical they could make a film. This is utterly contrived and makes no sense, at all. Second, I did expect them to at least attempt to explain who the Mortal Kombat characters were - but they just kinda appeared in a blaze of glory, in glaring fan service that completely neglected anyone who isn't a big fan of the games. I know it as that really violent game from when I was a kid - I know there's sub-zero and a guy with 4 arms, but that's about it. And I didn't have a clue why any of these people were exciting.

I also didn't expect the character of Kano to be quite so entertaining. He's a foul-mouthed quick witted Aussie who has some hilariously blunt dialogue, and I laughed out loud with him multiple times. Aaaaaand then they ruined him. Best part of the movie trashed with many minutes left.

The violence is violence. Nothing special and much of it completely daft. I actually expected/feared there would be more - I'm glad I didn't go to bed with my brain addled by it.

So in summary, my cat gave up, my dog fell asleep, but I'm ok with the 2hrs of my life it stole. Watch it in your pants with some Doritos while scratching your bum, and it'll all make sense.
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Wonderful and touching
28 August 2023
To be blunt, the first reboot was an insult. I always felt it was a poor attempt, but after seeing this and the way it really gave tribute to Harold Ramis' creation, I feel aggrieved towards everyone involved in that nasty piece of work.

This is the sweet, fun and in-keeping reboot that always should have been. It doesn't stray into identity politics - it just does Ghostbusters well. It does follow the requirement for a modern film to always be about kids (I could have handled grown adults as the stars honestly), but it does make sense in the story.

There are so many moments that pay tribute to the original, and the soundtrack is so in-keeping and evocative. But by far the most impactful moments are those bringing Harold Ramis back to join his companions in a very touching reflection of reality, and I felt genuine emotion from each of them when acting out those scenes.

Really, really enjoyed this film.

Oh and the mini marshmallow men were a hit.
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Junior Bake Off (2011– )
Please find Liam something else to do
18 February 2023
This is such a fun concept, but it's pitched all wrong.

AThe kids are the absolute stars here, and I'm going to buck the trend of other reviewers and say Harry Hill's often really good in the role, mainly when he's playing the straight adult communicating with kids and giving knowing looks to the adults watching.

The worst part of the show is Liam Charles. He's appalling. He's qualified to host by being a failed but well liked former contestant, and that's it. But he tries to be cool and childish at the same time, and it doesn't work. Anyone who works with kids knows that kids like adults, not adults who try to be cool and act like kids. There are many other former contestants who would do a better job, but I guess he provides vital diversity (though the choice of kids does that already). He doesn't provide any actual expertise, and should be hosting something like Blue Peter or CBeebies. Rav, on the other hand, is very good.

Also the show producers need to realise that most people watching this are adults, not kids - and it would be just as popular with kids without the silly cutaways. That said, it's far more mature than the regular bake-off, which has just become moronic in recent years.

All that said, watch it for the kids, Rav and Harry Hill's finer moments.
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Oof this isn't good
1 January 2023
Do not watch the original before watching this!

I watched the original (for the 30th time like most of us) then watched this remake the day after. It was a dire mistake.

This thing is overdone, over-cast (guilty of the 'let's throw all the well known British actors at it' trick), the songs are too complex and not catchy or memorable at all, and the children are irritating in a way the originals aren't.

The plot of the original is Mary Poppins. And that's it. This one of course has to do something more complex than that, and Ms Poppins basically has no function.

Many will say that Emily Blunt is no Julie Andrews, but I think it's not really fair to compare them, because nobody will ever be Julie Andrews' Mary Poppins again - literally any actor would fall short. She was simply too iconic and powerful in the role. The film just shouldn't have been made - but Disney yet again needed to re-stamp their claim on the Intellectual Property of the original, so it had to be made, like every other poor remake.
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The horror of war without sensationalism
14 November 2022
There are a lot of films that capture the visceral terror of war, but this one does so in a brutal but sensitive way.

Unlike films like Hacksaw Ridge and Fury, the violence isn't over the top or intended to entertain teenage boys who want to see humans blown apart. It's very very real, and as much emphasis is put into scrabbles in the mud with a knife or a stick, as it is to tank shells and flamethrowers. There's more mud than blood. This sounds specific, but I find films that glorify "war porn" to be in very poor taste. This does justice to the men who died. It's not there to please you, entertain you or make you want to watch it again.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Starts off very interesting, then degrades in quality significantly
28 July 2022
This series gets off to a really interesting, albeit slow paced start. It's intelligent and different. Then around episode 4, it begins to turn into just another horror flick type series, and the dialogue particularly begins to plunge in quality. What was once interesting turns into a load of anger and f-words - the writer appears to not know how to write serious or forceful dialogue without littering every sentence with the f-word. It gets too much and feels childish, and the female characters particularly feel as though nobody would take them seriously if they didn't swear. It's poor. Teenagers might like it but for grown ups, we want something more intelligent.
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Heavily biased and over-dramatised with a clear agenda
14 May 2022
Whoever produced this documentary clearly doesn't like nuclear power. Nearly every single interview & pundit gives an anti-nuclear biased account. The primary pundit (and only employee of TMI) is a disgruntled former employee who fell in love with an anti-nuclear campaigner in the middle of this thing, and greatly over-dramatises his account. A lot of focus is also put on near-clueless residents of the nearby town, who are quite irritating with their over-acted "minute of fame" accounts, and blame every rash on their butt on the incident. They certainly deserve to be heard, but shouldn't be used as replacements for educated voices. And there are barely any educated voices in this documentary. No international opinions, no voices from the current nuclear industry, no industrial safety experts, zero defence or applause of the actions taken by highly skilled people which probably saved many lives, zero mention of the fact the design of the facility worked exactly as it should and prevented a release, and no mention of the vastly improved safety record of the industry. The whole thing is accompanied by cheesy dramatic music to build tension and doom. It's a step down from Netflix's usual standard for documentaries - like something from 15 years ago - and certainly doesn't touch Chernobyl for viewing intrigue. In fact, Chernobyl probably does a better job documenting the incident, and it's not even a documentary.
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Stay Close (2021)
A bunch of dislikeable people lying for 8 hours
6 January 2022
Title is pretty much it really. Not a single one of the protagonists is likeable in any way. Everyone lies constantly, like telling the police would be a stupid thing to do. Nobody has any logic and the main character is just infuriating. My favourite bit is where she tells her teenage daughter that life as a stripper is pretty much all positive, and the only bad stuff is happening to her anyway as part of a solid family life.

Eddie Izzard rescues this show 4 stars.
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Loosely tied together mayhem, which is what it's meant to be
4 April 2021
I mean, it's kinda like Pacific rim - makes just as much sense, is pretty cool to watch, and the humans just get in the way. Let's face that the story is an excuse to put monsters on screen smashing the hell out each other - an interesting story or characters would have detracted from that I guess. On the hell-smashing front, it definitely delivers to 10-star quality.

I've taken 3 points away for the fact we have to sit through tons of human nonsense to bulk it out to the studio-prescribed 110 minutes. You just can't fill that with monster destruction without one of them dying, so it was necessary I guess.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Starts brilliantly and slowly turns naff
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the first episode, I thought this was going to be an absolute belter, the kind you can plan your lockdown evening around. 2nd episode good, 3rd episode good. Then a bit eh, then maybe, then the last episode... God save me.

It went from intelligent and well crafted to really unintelligent. To the point where we had 2 police officers arguing with a man in a suicide vest about being 'lied to' and getting him all upset when seriously, the man's wearing a bomb and we can talk about this later. I'm not a realism nerd because I have no idea what realism is in this arena, but I know you don't moan and grizzle at an apparent suicide bomber when the bomb squad are minutes away. Then towards the end, we had previously nuanced characters revealing their evil ways in monologues that only lacked the phrase "muahahahaha".

And just to add - this features just about the least likeable protagonist since Harry Potter. Yes he has PTSD, but is also irritating and nowhere near as intimidating as he's made out to be. He's an angsty little twerp, and we all breathed a sigh of relief when he appeared to die mid-way through. Alas, 'twas a ruse. He lived, and we died a little inside.

Still pretty good for the first half though!
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I want my 2 hours back.
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I want the 1hr 30 spent in space with the most unconvincing, stereotypical group of astronauts ever to string out really boring dialogue.

The bit on earth was really good! George Clooney was captivating, and his relationship with the little girl Iris (who may or may not be in his imagination as a distant memory of his daughter) was fascinating. Honestly I could have spent 2 hours watching them and found it calming, touching and sad.

But crap the stuff in the space ship was dull. Felicity Jones puts in just about the least inspiring 90 minutes in film history, and it was so long and boring. I love backstory, I love extended dialogue and plot. I fell asleep during half of this. It's like the film was written for a 1hr slot, but Netflix decided it needed to be stretched to 2. Honestly the irrelevant, slow rambling was painful.

On top of that were the excruciatingly predictable "we're on a space voyage" tropes. Everything going well? Have an asteroid field, kablam. Calculating damage:*critical*! Comms are down! We'd better take a space walk to fix it - that always goes well. Let's take the newbie too, what could go wrong? Something! Oh no! She dead. Sad.

Except nobody cared. See, I just wrote the whole damn plot in 30 seconds.

Another thing I need to add - the way the space walk scene was prolonged with music was excruciating. It's the kind of thing Q Tarantino does - you know, take a mundane scene, put quirky music in it with quirky actors and quirky dancing and it strangely captivates you for a few minutes. This made me want to eat my own head to escape the screaming need to cringe. It was so obviously an attempt at lengthening the movie by 3 minutes because they were running short.

Anyway, I liked the George Clooney bit.
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Soul (2020)
Another absolute gem for adults and kids
25 December 2020
Despite appearances, this is one of those Pixar films that's a lot more like Up and Wall-E, than Inside Out. By which I mean the purpose and message behind this film is far more captivating for adults than it is for kids.

There's plenty of silly action for the kids, just like Up and Wall-E - they'll be entertained throughout (though maybe some of the dialogue will go over their heads). But the adults will come away from this with a profound sense that they've watched a powerful reminder of what life is for, and why you shouldn't get obsessed with insignificant hang-ups.

The soundtrack is beautiful, and like all Pixar films the visuals are incredible. But like the aforementioned films, the story is incredibly touching. It's the kind of thing you'll enjoy as a kid, but watch it again as an adult and you'll see and hear a whole new meaning.

I've only dropped the 10th star because I'd appreciate a Pixar films without all the usual tropes to keep the kids attention - "nearly-there nearly-there" moments, last second failures and scrambling over inanimate objects, which just feel a little frustrating and I dare say boring when they happen in every single Pixar film. Maybe test the waters and see if you can keep kids on the edge of their seat without always using these things?
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Uncle Tom (2020)
Exactly what this world needs
3 July 2020
In today's world the only voices we hear are the screaming minority, people obsessed with finding racial prejudice whether it exists or not, and people demanding more and more - rights, privileges, even money. This excellent documentary finally, finally exposes the voice of the responsible masses and I'm thankful for its existence, and for Larry Elder's perserverence.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
3rd season takes a serious dive
3 June 2020
Season 1 was wonderful, and season 2 was nearly as good with a greatly enhanced budget and scope. But season 3 is crap.

The kids are no longer charming and fun - they're annoying angsty teenagers, obsessed with relationships and being teenagers (apart from Will, who gave by far the best performance of the series with his powerful outburst over the others turning their backs on childhood while all he wanted to do was stay a kid).

The main villain was too overpowered and difficult to believe. A big crawling invincible spider of goop and teeth that had no business losing a fight, making the fight scenes feel really far fetched. It could (and would) have shredded them all in minutes... If massive goop & teeth spiders were real...

And the violence and adult content was turned up way too much for my taste. This started as a show the family could enjoy, which was a big part of its charm; but this season is bloody gore from beginning to end. People are torn apart, blown to pieces, melted, stabbed and gunned down liberally, there are drug references, endless swearing including a few attemps and F bombs, and the whole thing generally feels too adult for charming old Stranger Things. The show has really lost itself to become part of the Netflix 15+ club (seriously, try finding a show on Netflix that isn't at least 15+), and completely lost its "naff" 80s charm.

I won't be back for S4.
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Starts good, gets great, ends poorly... And please shut up
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a few episodes to get into it, and then I REALLY got into it. Then it ran on for 2 episodes too many and fizzled into nothing.

And they just would not stop dramatically monologuing through it all. My favourite character was the father, because he was the only one who actually tried to explain things like a normal person, but was constantly interrupted by another character starting a 5-minute monologue in protest of some minor detail, and cut off the damn explanation.

Apart from the father, the junkie son and the childhood versions, every single character was dislikeable. A bunch of self obsessed drama queens. Maybe that was by designed to show what the house did to them as people, but who do I root for? Who do I want a good ending for? I wanted 3 of them dead.

Honestly, this should have ended 2 episodes earlier with a more obvious Hollywood ending of the house going nuts and destroying some of them along with itself in a spooky cataclysm.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Beautiful and frustrating
4 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar, you are great at creating visuals and touching emotions. Almost beyond compare, even. But please, please please please stop using the same predictable twists and turns over and over in every single film... Pleeeease!

In the last few days in isolation I've watched Coco, Finding Dory, The Incredibles 2, Dumbo and Wall-E. And it reached the point where I knew exactly what was going to happen in Coco 20 minutes before it happened - literally, every time. It's so frustrating because they are beautiful films, and the 1st half of each is so captivating, and I know the 2nd half of each is for children. But it's such a shame that I want to switch off as soon as the "action" starts. Because you know the ending by then, you know there are going to be 3 false endings "yay he found his dad!" - "oh no wait his dad's evil but yay his family found him!" - "oh no wait they need the picture he had 5 minutes ago" - "yay he's got the picture and the blessing but ahhhh no it got snatched away"... Come on, it's punishing. Please just end a film where it should end.
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