
2 Reviews
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Vital Signs (2009)
Original and a bit provocative
25 June 2011
Despite an occasional technical weakness (notably in continuity), LES SIGNES VITAUX is a rewarding watching experience thanks to the originality of the thematic, the convincing acting and overall off-beat treatment.

Yes, this little fiction with many documentary aspects proves to be refreshing and surprising in many ways.

On the other hand the very final scene was a bit disappointing, as if the authors didn't really know how to conclude. Also, what comes close to spoil the whole thing is the poor and irrelevant musical comment. Too bad the production could not afford to hire a better composer.
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Potentially good subject wasted
12 December 2010
The major problem with LE REPAS DES FAUVES is the constant hesitation between comedy and drama. Much of the witty dialog is relevant to boulevard theater, while the script deals with very serious matters. I didn't feel the people gathered in this comfortable dining room were really afraid to die. Most of them remain superficial and unconvincing, like the German soldiers who are supposed to threaten them. Their commandant officer speaks with such a ridiculous French accent that you can only smile. Same for the complaisant Francis Blanche talking to him in German.

Christian-Jaque was no longer a great director at the end of his career and he proves it once more with this wasted effort. I am not sure Billy Wilder could have done a better remake here. However, Bunuel or Hitchcock would have certainly delivered a masterpiece with the same subject, because they really knew how to maintain a good balance between suspense, black humor and absurd tragedy.
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