
12 Reviews
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yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me!
30 May 2007
When I first saw the film, I was confused by all the constant betrayals amongst the pirates, but then I remembered what Chow-Yun Fat's character said: The only way for a pirate to survive today is to betray other pirates. Everyone has their own agenda, yet they fight for a common purpose: To defeat Beckett and Davy Jones.

Make no mistake, they do so in a thrilling final battle that puts war movies to shame. Those who complain of the lack of Jack in the 2nd one will not be disappointed. In fact, they might find there's a little too much of him! Keira Knightley has brilliant moments, and looks even more beautiful than before. And as always, Barbosa and Jack make the perfect duo. The ending has great twists and are unlike a Disney film. They really do an excellent job of avoiding any clichés.

The visual effects are stunning, the acting is superb, and once more the final battle, as well as the score, is godly. Fans of the first two will not be disappointed for this truly is the finest of the trilogy. It is by far the fastest 3 hours you'll ever watch and at the end you'll only be wanting more!
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24 (2001–2010)
24 karat gold!
25 May 2007
When 24 first premiered, I was quite skeptical that it would last an entire season, let alone 6. I saw the first few episodes and didn't think much of it. I stopped watching it because Tuesday nights became bad for me, but later on in the season I saw the episode when Bauer and Palmer finally met. From then on I finished out the season and was amazed. I bought the first season DVD over the summer and watched it all. After I finished, I could hardly wait for the next season. The first half of the season was solid, but then the second half got predictable. Nonetheless, I was still on the edge of my seat and by the end of the year I was left wanting more. Even though the fourth season was the worst, I was and remain convinced that a bad season of 24 is still better than a good season of any other show. Originally I was simply amazed by the constant cliffhangers that are drawn up week after week by the amazing writing crew. I'm now hooked on the soundtrack by Sean Callery and the performances by the characters, most notably Kiefer Sutherland as the great Jack Bauer. I was particularly impressed with his acting this season. Season 6 was the most emotionally traumatic season for Jack Bauer and Kiefer's acting was more than top notch! I don't understand how this last finale only has a 5.8. This finale was pure 24. The action sequences as well as the intensity of the acting by Kiefer in the last 12 minutes left me on the edge of my seat, more than ever! This show is the best on television because the writing is impeccable as well as the acting and the music. The character's performances among these other elements make this seem like more than a TV show or a movie for that matter. I'm impatiently waiting for the next season because this show is truly one in a million. in 24 million!
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Shrek the Third: The third and hopefully final installment
25 May 2007
From the start I laughed, but I could sense that this film wasn't going to live up to the charm or the brilliance of the first two films. I liked the storyline and the references made back to the first 2 films. I also liked the pop soundtrack and the ending musical number that has become a tradition in the Shrek series, as well as the high school sequence. "Just say nay". Classic. Unfortunately there were a number of elements I disliked. The first and probably the sequence I hated the most was Harold's death scene. The first time he "croaked" was funny. The next two or three times just made it annoying and I was hoping he had croaked for real. The second were the other princesses. The satirical elements of their character was funny, but overall they just annoyed me. Third, Eric Idle. Usually I find him to be riotous, but in this film his jokes just weren't clever nor hilariously stupid. They were just dumb. Last, but most certainly not least, Charming's singing. He puts the failures on the American Idol auditions to shame. Overall this film is worth seeing, especially if you've seen the first two, but I wouldn't watch it twice. Also try to see it w/ someone special. Gives you less reason to leave, even though you want to while watching it.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
I Want Spiderman 4!!
4 May 2007
Just saw a sneak preview. This film is without a doubt the best film of the trilogy, as well as the best film of the year. Many fans will complain about the climax, and its deviation from the comics, but I enjoyed every minute of this movie and I could care less about any deviation from the comics. Raimi has fun with this film and treats it as his masterpiece of the three. That being said, I'm not sure they're going to do a fourth one. The great thing is, there are loose ends that are subtly left untied, unlike X3. There could very well be a fourth one, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lizard was one of the villains, since Dr. Connors has been in the last two films. There were two things that impressed me most about this film. One was that they could tie all the plot lines together cohesively, as well as have enough room for sufficient character development. The second was the acting. James Franco, as well as Topher Grace embrace their villainy. Thomas Hayden Church is great as the tragic Sandman. Kirsten Dunst is beautiful from the opening scene. Tobey Maguire proves he can act. He's absolutely off the wall. I enjoyed this so much that I wanna go again tomorrow night! This is w/o doubt a must-see and will leave you wanting more!
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Drive (2007)
A thrill ride that constantly accelerates and never brakes!
23 April 2007
When I first heard about this show I was very skeptical, but then I started warming up to it. I watched the premier and was completely blown away! The characters are introduced in the first 10 minutes and the show kicks off into overdrive! As the plot thickens we learn why other characters are racing. The clues are very intriguing as well as the character development. I normally don't re-watch premiers but I just couldn't help it with this one. This is the most suspenseful show to premier since 24, and the fact that it airs just before it makes Monday nights even sweeter! I seriously hope Fox holds onto this show like they have with 24. I cannot wait for the DVD. More so, I can't wait for the next episode!
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
One of the greatest cop films to parody other great cop films
23 April 2007
Hot Fuzz surpassed my expectations in so many ways. I never saw Shaun of the Dead, but after seeing this film I am exceptionally eager to see it. It is outrageously funny as well as suspenseful and action packed. I don't remember any comedies in recent years that had the total package like this one. I was also particularly excited to see Timothy Dalton in this film. The idea of 007 playing a creepy supermarket manager was just riotous. This film can be divided into thirds. The first third takes Nicholas away from London to the suburbs of Sanford. The incompetence of the police service is hilarious. The second third, the film seems to drag, and their incompetence begins to irritate me. The final third, Nicholas puts it all together and delivers justice to the perpetrators. The last third of this film takes such a dramatic turn and is completely worth it all! Trust me when I say this, you'll not find a comedy like this again for a long time!
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Grindhouse (2007)
2 B movies from 2 A directors
7 April 2007
The concept of Grindhouse is nothing short of spectacular. Combining 2 A filmmakers into one good old-fashioned B film double feature is sadly an art that has been out of practice in Hollywood.

As usual the casting is superb. Freddy Rodriguez was a great leading actor in Planet Terror and Kurt Russell was superb in Death Proof. Rosario Dawson is just as sexy as ever as the smokin hot butt kicker, but she also plays a really cute down to earth girl for most of the film.

The trailers in the film beat the hell out of the real ones. In fact I desperately want to see 2 of them. I don't know if it was intentional but they made fun of Rob Zombie's adaptation of Halloween w/ Thanksgiving directed by Rob Zombie as well as putting Nicolas Cage as a mock role in another trailer that came after watching the trailer for another crappy film of his.

My only complaints w/ the films: Planet Terror was just simply way too graphic, to the point where my gag reflex almost came out (which has only happened once). You kinda figure with all the limits being pushed they would've had more sexuality/nudity to make up for the obscene zombie material.

Death Proof lagged w/ all the boring conversation. During the film reels are missing, but at appropriate, or in my case inappropriate times since I wanted to see what would happen next. Unfortunately the actual film stopped playing for 10 minutes b/c the reel had to be changed. When it resumed, the film droned on into the typical Tarantino style of dialog as seen in Pulp Fiction, but this time it really drags out. I was also disappointed w/ how abruptly the film ended as well as the change of heart emitted from one of the characters.

Overall, it is definitely a must-see, but I think for me I'll only see it again if I'm really drunk.

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One of the greatest films I've ever seen...period.
28 March 2007
This movie is nothing short of phenomenal. It mercilessly swings your emotions from scene to scene and leaves your heart pulsating more so than any suspense film. Will Smith delivers an amazing performance that guarantees him an Oscar victory sometime in the near future. I would also like to see more of Jaden as I thought he was absolutely adorable. 2006 was a year full of garbage until the last 3 months of the year. This movie came out right in time for the holidays which couldn't possibly have been a better time. It's a great ultimately uplifting film with a strong positive message and provides a great opportunity for you to see it with the whole family. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!
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300 (2006)
300 is the film of the decade
10 March 2007
This movie is a monumental achievement in art. The cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is superb, the writing is remarkable, and the action makes Troy and Gladiator look like Disney films. Frank Miller has definitely established himself as the most epic storyteller of the 21st century and it's going to be interesting to see who (if anyone) can top him. Gerard Butler reminds me of a young Sean Connery and after seeing him in this film you can bet his career is going to skyrocket. I also liked the narration from David Wenham who played Faramir in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Nowadays you usually don't see films that can offer the total package, but this film is definitely a rare gem. If you go to the movies just once this year or even this decade, go see 300, because a movie like this only comes along once in a lifetime.
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Zodiac (2007)
An epic masterpiece, but too long and complex for it's own good
3 March 2007
I loved everything about this film. From the soundtrack to the cast to the classic vibe presented when the opening credits rolled. I also loved the Dirty Harry element incorporated into the film. David Fincher has done it again. Most of this film is centered on the obsessions of a cop and a cartoonist trying to identify Zodiac over a period of 2 decades. It really is a shame this came out after the Oscars, because Jake Gyllenhal as well as Mark Ruffalo deserve nominations for their portrayals. The film runs just under 3 hours and can drag when jumping from one suspect to the next, but fans of Fincher as well as those who lived through this nightmare will appreciate the depiction for what it's worth.
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Sammy the Snake strikes again!!
2 March 2007
Not every day do you see a film that can present mindless humor in a mindful thought-provoking masterpiece. Fortunately Black Snake Moan is definitely one of these movies. Samuel L. Jackson delivers another solid performance complete w/ gritty guitar-playing. Christina Ricci delivers a well-acted performance, although she can be a bit annoying at times. I'm gaining respect for Justin Timberlake since the SNL skit and after seeing his performance in this movie, things have never looked better for him. Some of the scenes w/o Sammy can drag, but the movie's themes balance it out and make for an enjoyable time for all. I don't know how Sammy stumbled on the snake theme, but it's definitely working for him. Maybe Hollywood will remake one of those crappy Anaconda films and cast him as the lead.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Pleasing to the eye, but does little for the mind
17 February 2007
So I saw Ghost Rider tonight b/c my friends were looking forward to it and i figured why not? I went in thinking it was going to be an average film and i was right. The only elements I enjoyed were the ones that pleased the eyes more than anything which were the special effects and Eva Mendes. I'm not gonna lie, her first appearance on screen is worth the price of admission if you thrive on nothing else from this film. Nicholas Cage I thought was a good choice for Ghost Rider. The film has some great comedic elements (intentional as well as inadvertent). The scenes with Sam Elliot definitely make up for the sour parts of the film (i.e. Blackheart). Casting Sam as the original Ghost Rider was the best decision the casting directors made. Overall, it's worth seeing if you're a big comic book fan and don't enjoy spy thrillers since the only other good film out right now is Breach. Whatever you do, if you're looking for comedy, see this film b/c you'll probably get more laughs from it then you would from epic failures such as epic movie as well as the vile and downright hateful Norbit.
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