
2 Reviews
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The best of the Ernest movies I've seen
17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ernest movies are in general pretty terrible, except for maybe 4 year olds. However, this one was surprisingly good. The horror portion was strangely frightening in places (well, not *really* frightening as compared to a *real* horror flick, but because it's an Ernest movie and the troll was pretty ugly and menacing, it was a bit of a shock -- so this movie is not for really young kids). The denouement where Ernest (of course) defeats the troll is also pure silly Ernest but also so sweet and perhaps gets right to the core of the Ernest character -- it could not have happened any other way.

All that said, I have not seen "Ernest Goes to Jail" so rate this comment accordingly.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Wait for Netflix DVD
2 August 2006
Poorly edited, mumblicious, ponderous movie with itk (in-the-know) acronym-dropping raised to an art form. Meandering, hard to follow and eminently unbelievable plot (maybe true to the original?). Leading lady Li is like a twitchy wooden doll - zero emotive/evocative power beyond the occasional tear-filled eye. Ferrel and Fox are clearly wasted in this vehicle.

Best and most believable performances were by supporting players: Henley, Ortiz and Tosar.

Best line (IMHO): uttered with medical precision by the Gina character when drawing a bead on a particularly annoying bad guy who threatens everyone, including himself, with explosive death.

Most Satisfying Scene: elimination of another really annoying baddie near a ship

Other complaints: early sex scene with Tubbs and Trudy character -- if trying to set up a relationship for testing/angst later, it was a complete failure. Sex alone does not a relationship make. Would have liked to see more with Gina.

My wife didn't scream once (she ALWAYS screams at suspense and action flix). In fact, she nodded off. Others in the theater kept asking "what did he/she say" (mumblicious). Or perhaps it was just a bad sound system.

Plus: scenery was stunning. Most of the martial arts scenes were crisp and convincing (hand to hand). At least one of the shootouts was reminiscent of "Saving Private Ryan" (the beachhead scene) in evoking a palpable sense of danger.
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