
10 Reviews
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Sinister 2 (2015)
Unpopular opinion!
11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not gonna lie, i have watched this multiple times and its one of my favorite scary flicks. Ok, im probably in the minority here, but i think this is a rare case of the sequel being better than the first flick. Hear me out! James Ransone is absolutely adorkable as the average guy trying his gosh-darndest to stop baguul. Hes not super strong, or super brave, but i love that because its a refreshing change from the ultra beefy lead heros with endless anmo and sassy quips who always knows just what to do. Not that those arent totally dope too, its just a nice change. Shannyn sossamon does a phenomenal job as the desperate mother trying to protect her boys from the abusive ex. The ghost kids acting is kind of terrible, but the young boys as her sons are great . The ending does kind of suck, with poor zack getting obliterated by baguul, and a set up for a possible sequel that probably wont ever get made. Which sucks, because i would love to see what happens with Courtney and deputy so and so! (Also, please give this poor man an actual name.) With the exception of the ghost kids (sorry, kids, but it isnt really your fault, i totally blame the director) the acting is solid and believable.

Someone PLEASE green light a third!! Maybe with dylan grown up and now a detective or deputy himself, hunting baguul, with Courtney and deputy happily married (im a romantic at heart) as supporting cast. A girl can dream!
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Terrible film with unsatisfying conclusion!
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Welp, i believe my title says it all. Icky torture film with inept cops and subtitles that merely refer to one of the victims as "black girl" ( although her name karen appears in credits.) Daniel baldwin is the over the top creep taunting police with pompous letters and an impressive victim count of 85 victims! How someone can abduct 85 women in one area and be home free leads me to believe the police force is seriously iq deficient and understaffed. At least we are spared the expected love subplot betwixt the leads.

The ending is so abrupt and stupid that it feels like they ran out of budget or shooting time and just said, screw it, we have enough footage, lets just cobble this junk together. It could have had a much better ending if the all the victims werent just pointlessly killed off after banding together to escape, and the good (not that bright) doctor getting kidnapped herself. (Although honestly, how could you not see that coming?) Hopefully there will not be a sequel despite the extremely loose conclusion. Although, if there is, i will definitely watch because crappy movies are kinda my thing.
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Red Summer (2017)
Why do i hurt myself like this?
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ooh boy. Where to even start with this mess. First off, its a film that has been done numerous times before, kidnapped people who get brutalized and eaten. Cliches abound! Silent Cannibal in scary mask that doesn't speak, check. Victims in crude cages, also check. Killer slooooowly meandering after running victim! Check! Villian being ironically polite, check. Icky sexual assault scenes, check. Virgin creepy villian getting gifted a victim for molestation, cheeeck! Infuriating ending, yep! The only thing missing is the expected nudity. Maybe they couldn't afford actresses willing to do that? (Frankly i really dont care, but its like almost mandatory in these flicks.) But by far!! The best (worst) thing, the thing that kept me watching is the hilarious, beyond awful english dubbing. Voice dubbing is often bad but this is just unbelievable. Especially the father, who sounds like a parody of a cheesy bad guy. Plus, the dialogue was also horrible, so this is just a winner all around.

Give this a go if bad movies are your thing. If not, absolutely skip this.
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Rows (2015)
Well! That was technically a movie...
18 May 2021
Ok, this might be totally my fault. I like to knit and stuff whilst watching anything so its entirely possible i just didnt pay enough attention. But, a cornfield is really a difficult thing to make interesting. I mean, its definitely been done before, but this time... This would be immensely improved with tighter editing and maybe more as a 45 minute episode of a tales from the crypt type deal. Its interesting enough that i stuck to the end waiting for answers, but the journey was pretty boring and the end still befuddled my stupid cracker mind. It was really difficult to have any sympathy for the 2 female leads as there was no development and no insight into anything they were doing. It did have a dream like kind of quality to me, like when you're dreaming and weird stuff is happening and you just roll with it, but other than that its pretty non memorable.

I tried, dang it!!!!
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Massé (2015)
17 May 2021
Ok, its not perfect. But it does feature johnny alonso naked which is a huge plus. Also naked lady for the fellows. Plot was pretty interesting, especially the twists n turns at the end. Acting was not so great except from Johnny and his best pal. I really liked the dialogue and camaraderie between them, they played well off each other. Also i really enjoyed the pool hustle and fight scenes. I would have liked a little better dialogue for the other players, which sounded kind of stilted at times. But, naked Johnny. So im gonna take a cold shower and recommend this as an entertaining 90 minutes. Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this!
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247°F (2011)
The worse thing about this film....
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is that out of the 4 main characters, the only likable and semi intelligent one dies. We're left with the drunken, horny buffoon who is totally responsible for the entire situation, one shrieking, whiny harpy and one girl with absolutely no charisma (likable guy announces to his idiot friend that he "really likes her". Why??? She has the personality of a wet dishrag.) Seriously, i only suffered through the entire thing hoping for a grisly demise to the 2 girls. Especially renee! Shes the worst and i wanted desperately for her to end up cooked like a sausage. Anyway, hated this flick. Could have been much better with more character development and less padding. I know the actors are merely acting and are probably all very nice people but i honestly wanted to punch them into next week.
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Atelophobia (2015)
When the high drama crowd is given free reign!
19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
An intriguing concept but very terribly executed. This is the kind of garbage a 16 year old emo with an eating disorder would make. Every color of awful in here, with atrocious acting, goth type poetry being recited, torture victims merely bound with bungee cords but still somehow completely helpless, and a "game" that changes its own rules after victim 2. No character development except for a childhood flashback that just seems crammed in there, and lots of over the top horrible divas. Could be so much more with proper acting and a more consistent script. The ending was super unsatisfying- wouldn't a better revenge be releasing the newly damaged girls to their lives thus making them experience the negativity meredith did? Just me, but maybe im just a ghoul. i will say the costumes are fantastic, especially the matching masks. And i like the syntho music in the credits. Therefore im giving this 3 stars, for costumes, idea, music, and because its not the worse film ive ever seen (but i have seen oodles!)
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Thriller (2018)
Not to be confused...
19 June 2020
With the excellent MJ album of the same name, or the definition of thriller which cannot be found in this film. Rating this flick as a 3. It isnt the most horrible movie ive ever seen and there were a few decent performances, mainly from the Concerned Principal and Hot Teacher trying to Make a Difference. I really liked the illustrations in the credits- they were actually pretty well done. Our story starts out with a gaggle of bratty 10 year olds playing a cruel trick on kind hearted Chauncy. After an accidental death, that could have easily been avoided had the little demon spawns merely not acted like gigantic jerks, the kids decide to blame Chauncy. Hes hauled off to juvie, after promising to get them all back. Four years later, the bratty 10 year olds have evolved into 26 year old high schoolers. Every horror cliche imaginable is featured here. We have the Good Girl going out with Mr. All Star. Bimbo McSluttyton, who has mental issues and plays with her hair a lot and stuffs her bra. Psycho Tough Girl, who seems hell-bent on ending up in federal prison. Love-lorn Loser and Guy With Glasses. Requisite Minority of the Bunch, here represented as a Latina. A douchy R. Kelly-esque sleazebag who has no problems sleeping with a maybe legal, maybe not groupie. Even a crabby Asian store keeper and Drunk Mama! Anyway, our merry band of stereotypes have lots of fun adventures and do lots of great things for their community. JK, LOL! No, they totally are only really focused on the big homecoming dance, and can you really blame them? After all, they're in their mid 20s, they've probably only had 7 or 8 of these things. They become mildly concerned when they find out Chauncy has been released from juvie. They become slightly more concerned when various members of the gang begin turning up dead. Dun-dun-DUN!!!! Who is doing it??? And, WHY?? Welp, you'll just have to see the explosive ending!!! Anyway, this is the kind of mindless tripe i enjoy watching, because it makes me feel better about my bad life choices. No matter my failures, ive never starred in a really wretched movie.
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Sure it sucks! But what else do you have to do?
19 June 2020
Pretty sure this is supposed to be campy campiness of camp. not so special special effects, a villian spitting chewed scenery all over the place, and what the hell is up with the hookers terrible wig? At 300 bucks an hour, surely she could afford some decent extensions. I was looking forward to some greico goodness but hes only in the first 5 minutes, never to be seen again :( I did enjoy the actual artwork in the film, some really interesting macabre art type of things. And the plot is interesting, i dont think ive seen this exact concept before. However.... definitely needs some real actors, more believable dialogue and a budget. But, the original kills are worth a star or 2. If youre a loser like me and want something mindless and kind of entertaining while knitting sweaters for your cat, its worth a watch.
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Death Factory (2014)
not bad!
11 June 2020
Fun little flick! Sure, its cheesy and heavy handed but frankly, i like that in a horror film. Nothing earth shattering in the realm of horror- as far as plot, pretty standard "summoning dark forces" fare- but an interesting twist via the use of serial killers. All your favorite real life skeezwads are here, including gein, dahmer, and a creepy new take on jack the ripper (honestly impressed with that one.) Annoying sterotypes youll enjoy see getting killed-seriously, try not to cheer when the goth couple gets their comeuppance- including the gratuitous bimbos providing the requisite T&A the genre demands, and a few actually likable people to root for. Auntie May proves that she is, indeed, not one to f*** with and my favorite character. I want a spin off starring her, wherein she takes down demons with one monstrous flick of her wig. And how often are the main villians African American? Semi Anthony is quite luscious and plays a good meanie. Some good fight scenes towards the end, including an impressive spin kick. All in all, the kind of fun horror i enjoy, not too serious and just a good time. :)
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