20 Reviews
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Disgraceful Rubbish
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was going to be seeing a documentary but this is pure fiction & very poor fiction at that. This lady was the victim of a vicious murder & domestic abuse. They make her look like someone who was unhinged & not to be taken seriously by the police. They even show the officers telling her off for feeling threatened. It must be extremely hurtful for her family to see rubbish like this trashing who she was.

According this movie she slept with a handyman serial killer & was romantically involved with Ron Goldman. Again, attacking her character as someone who was easy & somehow contributing to her own murder. At the end there is some historical footage used to somehow try & give legitimacy to this made up storyline. It doesn't.

This rubbish is a waste of time & not worth watching.
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Falling (I) (2020)
Not Pleasant
18 November 2023
After the first half hour I started flicking through channels but nothing else was on. I couldn't stand all the unnecessary yelling & abuse. Tried a few more times with same result so was stuck with it. After 45 minutes it got more watchable. There was far too much abuse & aggression form the paternal character. He dominated every scene & was alwayd loud. I have nursed many dementia patients over a decade & never had one that was always abusive. It's very OTT. You know early he was a horrible father so there was no need for it to go on right up to the end. As adults it wasn't plausible his chidren would still be in his life. It is even less plausible he would be around his gradnchildren with his hateful behavior. If you can get past the first half it settles down & becomes more warchable. It shows more of the other characters & doesn't have quite as much yelling.
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Total rubbish
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely the worst movie I have ever seen. I can't understand why they even filmed it. For most of the time the only character in the film is the female lead. I suspect it was made for the teenage boy audience & was the reason for the stupidity of it. The giant bats were pretty good cgi but how did they get in the plane in the first place? How were they jumping around on the wings etc of a moving plane? Same with the scene where the woman was out on the wing with barely ruffled hair & the basket she desperately wanted had no real movement. At the end where the woman beatup the creature it was OTT ridiculous & looked like every hero movie cliche' since the beginning of film. Don't waste any money on this atrocious piece of rubbish. Even if it came on TV for free I would never watch it again.
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Boring & stupid.
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if this was chopped up for TV but the garbage I saw did not deserve the rating it has here. After an hour I gave up & changed the channel. The start was interesteing enough but there were a whole serious of odd disconnected scenes. Unidentified characters popped in & out beating & shooting innocent people with no explanation. The boardroom scene made no sense, the office murder scene made no sense, the guy beating up the wife & lover of the sacked director made no sense. It was all a random jumble that went nowhere, Don't waste 2 hours of your life on this nonsense. It will bore you into changing channels long before it's over.
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Raw & Real
3 April 2023
I really enjoyed this movie. Slavery is the most evil thing imaginable. The cruelty that came with it is beyond comprehension. Even a benevolent master can change when it suits him & there is nothing you can do about. The movie was based on a true story but I have never heard of it before. Nate Parker is a very talented man & he did a geat job with this film. The photography was one of the few things he didn't do himself & it was also very good. It's not your foul mouthed shoot em up but a thoughtful piece on how life was for all the powerless souls who "belonged" to others. Every minute of every day anything can happen. You push people too hard & one day they push hard back at you.
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Chopped up mess.
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if the movie I watched last night was screened the same way it was at the movies or if they edited it. If I hadn't come here first (as I always do) I wouldn't have known what was going on with main character. The volume was very erratic & at times needed full volume to hear what Phoenix was saying. Some scenes were a bit sickening with thick blood in several scenes. The one with the girl eating the food with the man's blood in it was really off. I wish I hadn't bothered with this one. It was "artsy" but too chaotic with the flashbacks & hallucinations. Give it a miss on TV. Many seemed to like it in the theatre. Maybe DVD will be less of a mess & something that allows you to understand what is going on.
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Stalingrad (2013)
Boring, boring, boring.
9 November 2022
This movie is at least 30 minutes too long. They could have shaved that off by deleting the ridiculous slo mo-cgi. The plot is quite pathetic. It is the kind of thing you would show primary school students on a recruiting drive. You are supposed to believe a group of hard nose soldiers are fawning over one girl as if she was the virgin Mary.

There are much better & more probable war movies that are available. This is more like a spaghetti western with machine guns. Unimaginative, not entertaining & 2.5 hours of your life you will never get back. Do yourself a favour, save your money & give it a miss.
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Krew Boga (2018)
27 October 2022
The photography was quite interesting but everything else was boring, overdone rubbish. It is brutal & the pagans are treated like some type of sub human species. They are made to look ridiculous with covering their faces entirely in clay & shaking their heads like dogs. Then in other shots they are acting like they have deep emotional ties with each other & can be affectionate. It looks like the director or writer can't make their minds up about what type of humans they are. The priests also seem to be a bit confused with contradictory actions. I tried hard to watch it but fell asleep 3 times & found the ending was not worth waiting for. Don't bother wasting yourtime.
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Pathetic & Unwatchable
28 February 2022
I hung in for an hour but couldn't stand it anymore. The Sean Penn character is a pathetic excuse for a human being somewhere between demented Ozzie Osbourne & Michael Jackson. If you think this movie is going to be about the survival of someone in a concentration camp, don't waste your time because it isn't.
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Edie (2017)
making your own destiny
18 September 2021
What a lovely movie! We would all like to go out on our terms but not many have the fight & the energy to break away & achieve something awe inspiring. Sheila Hancock must have been very fit for her 84 years & did a fab job in some beautifully rugged countryside. I really liked the way the young people helped her when she needed it. No sex, nudity & very minimal bad language.
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Silly, boring & childish.
27 April 2021
Dont waste your time. The condescending way Tom Hanks speaks to others throughout the movie is very insulting to an adult audience. If you can find some other way to spend 2 hours, do it.
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Shame about the fake
20 April 2021
I was really enjoying this until they bought in a character called Lexie at the end of episode 3. The silly & unnecessary plot twist was even more confusing during episode 4. It ruined the whole thing & I couldnt be bothered wasting my time on it after that.
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A real surprise
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a must see for all women who have lived with domestic violence. If you don't understand the term "gas lighting" you will after this. So many women have found themselves in this situation.

This movie will help victims to understand how manipulative & twisted a partner can be. It may even help some women understand what has happened to them & give them a chance to move past all the pain.
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Life lesson
18 January 2021
This is a great movie based on a true story. It shows how hard life was for a single woman in the not so distant past. She was hard working & resilient but so were the children. You can watch this with the whole family & it will be a great way to show your kids how lucky they are. It also shows how much a bit of kindness can impact the lives of others. It doesn't matter to me if a movie is not technically perfect. We seem to have a lot of people who come here trying to show off their critical skills. This site is not an audition for a job. If you have a heart you will love this story.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
Read the book
4 January 2021
I gave up after 45 minutes. The flashbacks made it feel very disjointed & didn't do justice to what an amazing young woman Tami really was. The book Red Sky in Mourning held my attention & was hard to put down. As survival stories go this has to be one of the best due to the courage, knowledge & resourcefulness of Tami. Losing someone you love is always hard but in these circumstances it must have been unbearable.
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Sad story of an amazing man
2 January 2021
This movie will make you cry. The thoughtless way this poor man was treated by Englishmen destroyed his life. His mother did the same to his wife. Dev Patel is outstanding as the mathematical genius who persisted in spite of racism, poverty & separation from the woman he loved. Based on a true story of a remarkable person who died way too soon.
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Not for anyone who needs foul language, gratuitous sex & violence
2 January 2021
This is a really fun movie & its family friendly. It is a light hearted look at America in the early 60s & in one scene 3 houses in a row have the men digging bomb shelters. The soundtrack is great & if it doesn't make you smile, nothing will!
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28 December 2020
This is one of the most stupid movies I have ever seen. The $1 DVD from the op shop was a waste of money & it went in the bin after wasting my time trying to watch it.
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127 Hours (2010)
23 May 2020
The horrible music in the first 20 minutes made this movie too intolerable to go any further into it.
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18 May 2020
Dull, dreary & horrible. I have tried more than once to watch it but it isn't worth the time.
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