
5 Reviews
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
Wrong Direction
30 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I really, really, really wanted to love this film.

I'd heard some mixed previews but still held out that it could pull off what it was trying to do.

I love the whole cannibal family after teen's in trouble genre and when it's done well they can be a riot. This just fumbles the ball.


It has some good, the sequence in the cabin as the kid's hide out watching they're friends being slaughtered, Great! but it never reaches that height again.

I wanted the mountain men to have more personality I wanted them to have characters, instead we get a bunch of ugly guys UGGING at us.

There is a nice level of tension, but once all the victim's are dead you know the hero's will make it through.

It want's to be smarted then the film's it emulates but then fall's into all the same trap's.

It's not terrible it's just not great.

Just another missed opertunity.
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Lucky Lady (1975)
Still Lucky
9 December 2002
I saw this many moons ago as a kid on a late night show fell in love with it then and still love it now.

It is a strange mix with some great comedy and then some downright mean moments of violence, but that was one of the films nice little quirks.

Minelli's Fish Fart line has stuck with me for years, and recently the film made it to cable where I was able to get a copy.

With all the dross being rereleased onto DVD it's well overdue a release.

One of those guilty little pleasures we all have.
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Audition (1999)
30 July 2002
I've been putting off watching this film, thinking it was going to be a let down, I'd got jazzed for ring and ultimately I think all the build up for that ending left it falling short.

Caught Audition on Film Four the other night, and my god, this is something else.

It's very hard to pin it down, the opening is almost a light hearted comedy with the main character searching for a replacement to his deceased wife, then it slowly creeps under your skin, slowly becomes something else.. Just when you think your heading to traditional thriller territory things happen, there's the sack.. what the hell is in that sack.. The back story, the three fingers and tongue and ear.. this was just plain twisting in your guts unnerving freak out time..

By which point you struggle to separate fact from fiction, what's happening what's not.. and just when you hope things aren't happening for the main characters sake.. oh yes they are.

This didn't disappoint, not easy viewing, but a challenging modern horror film. With the balls to follow it's convictions.
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Dagon (2001)
Fishy goings on
24 July 2002
I purchased the DVD of this blind with an idea that this was worth a watch. Being a fan of both Re-animator and From beyond I had an idea this could be classic.

And it is, aside from a couple of cheesy moments, this is a genuine straight horror so lacking these day's. As other comments mention this captures HP lovecraft on film perfectly, the half glimpsed monstrous beings in the shadows and the feeling of doom hanging over the main character never lets up, you now this is probably going to end in tears.

Some great suspense moments, look out for the lock on the door, and wonderfull locations give this something.

I'd recommend this to fans of Lovecraft and anyone looking for something a little more intelligent then some of hollywoods recent attempts at horrors.
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Jason X (2001)
Sci-Fi Slasher fun
18 January 2002
While never a huge fan of the series, there have been occasional high points and plenty of low.

But enough of previous efforts what we have here is popcorn fun.

A unstoppable juggernaut of a serial killer hacking his way through space teens.. This does suffer as previous installments from fairly tame gore and minimal scares, but makes up with some great set pieces and a couple of great lines.

Worth the price of admission alone for killer robo babe and Jason's disposal of a couple of nymphs on the holodeck.

if you like these films your gonna love it, if not if probably isnt going to convert you.

If you leave the brain at the door and go in expecting exactly what it says on the box, you'll probably be pleasently surprised
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